Mark Of Israel, 7-18-66

By Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 7-18-66

Before we go into out subject we want to call to your attention the False Prophet which we talked to you about the other day. We were talking about where the False Prophet would have the most effect...would be in the Church. It wouldn’t do him much good to prophecy anywhere else.

Removing The Staff Of Life, 7-6-66

By  Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 7-6-66

There is no doubt that the World Order has moved in and caused great problems in the nations of God’s Kingdom. The strategies that are involved in the Scriptures, were one of keeping the people strong and powerful and keeping the people Blessed of God, alert and free. In order to do this they had to dwell alone and stay with their own kind of people.

Shekinah Glory, 6-5-66

By  Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 6-5-66

Now the word ‘Shekinah’ is a Hebrew word, and it is talking about the Effulgent Majesty of the Glory that shines forth from the presence of the Most High God. Whenever the word appears it is of course in Hebrew and it is not in the translation, but it talks about the radiant light, and we call it by the name which was intended...The Shekinah Glory of the Most High Yahweh. It is an intense and very important area of development in the knowledge of the Scripture.