ERM - Tape 148 - Chaco Canyon And History 1000 Years Ago






The question asked as people look over the ruins of Chaco Canyon is ;---who were these gifted Masons who obviously labored long and hard those many years ago to build those homes and this community which existed in this Canyon and the outlying areas of what is now New Mexico and stretches from northern New Mexico into southern Colorado.

Robert and Florence C. Lister did much exploring and excavating as well as studying this area and then they wrote their book which is called simply --"Chaco Canyon" telling of their work. They point out many facts which leads to our conclusion as to who these ancient builders really were. We will see if you would agree.

After close examination it was determined that once there had been a sizable river flowing thru the canyon, and that there had been garden spots on either bank. In fact at one time these prehistoric people had managed to convert a desert into an oasis without the aid of metal tools or animal power. Thus who were these ancient people? Who built this civilization in North Western New Mexico? Who were these people who were able to produce such Masonry that is still to be seen, a combination of science and art which shows a higher stage of Civilization than is to be discovered in the works of Mexicans and Pueblos of today?

The outer surface of these buildings had no sign of mortar, the space between the rocks were chinked with stones of the minutest thinness. The mortar shown no indication of lime. At the base the walls were about 3 feet wide, higher up it is less, and at every story retreated by jogs on the outside. They must have been at least 3 stories high, these dwellings, and the ground floor plan included a Court about 403 feet long. The ground floors showed 54 small rooms, the largest being 12 by 6. These small rooms connected with each other by small doors. At different points around the premises there were 3 circular apartments sunk into the ground, the walls there were also Masonry. Thus who were these people who built, and lived in this area a long time? Some have suggested the Toltec, and others the Aztecs out of Mexico. But we have a different idea, do you?

Later the discovery would come of the major ruins of Mesa Verde, an area of south west Colorado some 150 miles north of Chaco Canyon. The Pueblos or houses were here described as being in a 1/2 oval design with a courtyard in front and as many as 500 rooms along the walls of this 1/2 Oval. The rooms were 3 feet deep, out from the wall, and then 7 feet deep in the middle. Lots of pottery was found in the excavations here, and fragments of cloth, wooden arrows, pieces of buckskin, and Turquoise beads and pendants. In one place tall straight sided cylinder jars were fund all in one room. It was not decided what these were used for. Human bones were also found in different places.

Archaeologists continued to visit this site for years and each time more and more objects have been recovered. They were sure that this site was tied to the Chaco Canyon community, but as to the people who built this civilization they have no idea. In 1900 finally men were growing concerned about the growing practice of searching for and selling the relics found from this area as well as from Chaco canyon. Finally it was Theodore Roosevelt who named Chaco Canyon as one of the first National Monuments, and the National Park service was then created in 1916 which would help stop the loss of items which would help explain possible the past.

A natural tank on the cliff above Pueblo Bonito one of the cities of the community, was found and it is believed to have provided the domestic water supply of the community. Traces of dams, reservoirs, and ditches, have been found in those communities showing the agricultural work of these ancient people. Quarries for the stones for the buildings have been found a few miles from the communities.

The long graceful sweep of the stupendous curving outline of the buildings, the perfectly formed doors and windows of uniform size in each, tier or story of rooms, and the mosaic and lamented effect in the masonry are convincing proof that these builders were adept in the use of the trowel and stone hammer.

Men excavating in these ruins were also intrigued by the stone-cut stairways, which every Chaco Communal house was provided with. Even the roadways were paved with stones. And stone stairways came and went from every area which showed a necessity for such.

The Pueblo Bonito people were described as hewers of wood, builders of stone, tillers of the soil and not given to warfare. Their religious practices are said to have been symbolic, with the small floor openings to the ceremonial kivas, believed to be as a mythical entrance into the spirit world, with the use of 'ritual wands' and 'sacred fires'. Remember that we found in the ancient religion of Zoroaster, these 'sacred fires', and we remember that he reestablished this religion as it was from its beginning with Adam and Eve. So once again who do you think these people were who founded this great civilization if the south western part of these United States, so long ago.?

Randomly scattered thru out the village in close proximity to the houses were bins, or cisterns, for the storage of corn and other food stuffs. Simple in form, they were constructed in the same fashion as the dwellings, but on a smaller scale. No definite cemetery was found, but 14 burial sites were located around the area.

As to the time when the first people came to build and occupy this area, they have estimated from the different checks made that it must have been about the time of the birth of the Christ. We believe they will push this back a bit. And it was then occupied up until about 1250 A.D. but by different Indian tribes in the later years.

The people of Chaco canyon had a comprehensive plan for controlling surface water that was well thought out and executed as their network of roads also shows. Much engineering skill was shown. There were dams, reservoirs, canals, ditches and water diversion walls, all of which were constructed to channel runoff water to farming terraces, garden plots surrounded by grid borders and fields. Some reservoirs also may have provided temporary domestic water to nearby towns.

By the work done here it has shown that agriculture must have been productive in the area, and the storage units in certain places was larger than for just the one town of the area, therefore the surplus must have been stored for use by any of the towns of the area if there would have come a natural disaster. If you try to place this civilization in the time of the Navajo Indians, the facts do not fit their history.

The Chaco area seemed to have stretched all the way to the 'four corners' area which you find today. The domestication of Maize or Corn, squash had reached this South West area of the U.S. in the time period of 500 B.C. to 150 A.D. which brought what is termed the Anasazi culture into the U.S. It is said to have stretched from Durango, Colorado into the area or Chaco Canyon in Northern New Mexico. They have also determined that between 300 B.C. and 150 A.D. that the rainfall was less than present, and perhaps this caused the people to move around. The by 150 A.D. the moisture pattern changed and there are signs that better Agriculture developed and people did not migrate in times of a drought for they stored their food.

By 1020 to 1120 it seems that a degree of perhaps over crowding was reached as more people came into the area, and finally there was about 5 to 6,000 people living in the vicinity of Chaco Canyon, in 400 settlement. it was thought that perhaps the residents of the large apartment houses lived in a more complete structural society with a great opportunity to own some luxuries. Of the 16 principal towns at this later period, nine of them were in a 9 mile stretch of the lower Chaco Canyon. One was 15 miles away at the head of the Canyon. A Merchant group that organized and directed, and participated in the production and distribution of basic commodities were said to have been trading with people of the Toltec area of northern Mexico. All sorts of merchandise was traded for and bought north. There were artists, craftsmen and skilled workers and common laborers in this area of Chaco Canyon. Little new building and construction however took place after A.D. 1120, and the Chaco Glory days were soon gone. It is not known just what happened to this great community, altho the Navajo Indians are sometimes blamed as well as the Utes. But it was noticed that the entrances to the homes were now made smaller as tho fear of an enemy. Also a 60 year span of drought would have put pressure on the food supply. The continued irrigation system over centuries caused the land, without any enrichment, cause the land to become Alkali. Also as the forests receded so did the wild game.

When the Navajo came in about 1700 A.D. to remain they herded their flocks and built their hogans in a country dotted with the remains of their predecessors who they called the Anazazi, the Ancient ones. They also avoided them out of respect for the dead altho amazed at the abundance and magnitude of the Anasazi remains. It remained for the Spaniards and American travels and military parties to 'discover' the river of Chaco Canyon and for 3 generations of archaeologists to try to decipher their secrets. We --again asked--who were these people called the 'Anasazi' or ancient ones?

Now; we would remind you that we have told you before of how the Manasseh people came into Central America several hundred years before the birth of the Christ child in far off Bethlehem. Later because of the Asiatic Indians they would come north into the Toltec and Aztec territory, and finally on into the United States in that same south western area of the country. Thus we think that it was the Manasseh people who came into the U.S. and built this ancient civilization, where as today all that is left of that civilization is these ruins we have been discussing. We have some stories as to the moving to the east of some of these people, but not a clear picture, as to how long there

were any of them around as the Colonization of the U.S. started .


HISTORY OF THE RACE  - 1000 years ago

Some of this history is taken from the 'American Mercury" magazine. This is a listing of the civilizations of the world at that time and the ruling class of virtually country was at least partly Nordic or Aryan.

Germany in the year 977 was about four times as large as east Germany was in the days when the Communist held it. In 962 Otto I had founded the first Reich, or Holy Roman Empire of the German nation. This included Germany, Holland, eastern France, Switzerland, Austria, most of Italy, Bohemia, and part of Poland. The kings of Hungary and Poland paid tribute to the German Emperor and were his vassals. The Pope in Rome was also his puppet. Otto I had been Duke of Saxony, the northernmost , and most Nordic part of Germany. After subduing the other German dukes he conquered Italy, and defeated the Hungarians and the Poles. In 976, his son Otto II was the Emperor, and the only clue to his appearance is a painting which a few scholars think is of his son Otto III, but most think it is of Otto II, himself, and it shows him as having light red hair.

Italy:-----The Nobility of Italy were descended from the Otrogoths, Lombards and Franks, all of which were Aryans--Israelites from Sweden, and Northern Germany. 3/4 of Italy was part of the German Empire and ruled by red-headed Otto II.

France;-----Most of the nobility were Franks. And the Franks had originally come from Northern Germany. They crossed the Rhine near Frankfurt (the Ford of the Franks). They had conquered Gaul and made themselves the ruling class, also giving a new name to the country. In the tenth century the franks could be distinguished from the serfs by their blond hair. The king, Lothair, was descended from the golden-haired Frankish Emperor, Charlemagne (Karl der Grosse). Lothair's appearance is not known, altho he was probably blond. The Duchy of Anjou was ruled by a dynasty founded by Fulk the Red, who had died in 941. In 976 it was headed by Hugh the White. In 987 his son Hugh Capet was to found the 'Caoet Dynasty; of French kings. All southwestern France was part of the Duchy of Aqutaine. The ruling dynasty there was established in 951 by William Tow-head.

The Duchy of Lorraine was part of the German Empire. Conrad the Red had established a dynasty there under Otto I.

In 911 the French King had given Northwestern France to a group of Danish Vikings. Since the French king had been unable to stop the continuous Viking raids on their country, they had come to the conclusion that the only way to fight the Vikings was with more Vikings. Then the Vikings promised to defend France from the other Vikings, and to become Christians. They called their new land Northmania, or Normandy. Norr means North and Mann means man. In 977 Normandy was ruled by Richard the Lion Hearted. He had white hair, he was known as a defender of the poor, orphans and widows. His descendants conquered England in 1066.



Celtic Britain had been conquered by Angles, Saxons and Jutes from Denmark and northern Germany. By 976 half of England had been overrun by a new wave of invasions from Denmark. The half of England occupied by the Danes was called 'The Daniel. Yet all were Aryans. Vikings were raiding Scotland, Wales and Ireland at this time also. The Hebrides, Shetlands, Isle of Man and Northern Scotland were Viking raiding bases. Nearly every city in Ireland was founded by Vikings. In 976 Viking settlements included Waterford, Wexford, Limerick and Dublin. Dublin was the capital of an entire Viking kingdom, ruled by Thorgils and Frode, sons of King Harrold Fairhair of Norway. it encompassed about a third of Ireland. So there were flourishing colonies of Vikings in Iceland also in 977, and just three years earlier Eric the Red had led a group of Vikings to colonize Greenland. In 986 Biarne Herulfson led a scouting expedition to America. Landaverk claims he has irrefutable proof that Viking rune stones in Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Oklahoma, and Minnesota are authentic. In 1000 A.D. when Leif Ericsson discovered America he found a colony of Vikings in Hvitmannland (White man's land) right next to Vinland. All of this is interesting and then you go back--back in history and still you find that the white man had gone out in waved before this by many, many years.

In 862 a group of Swedish Vikings had conquered Russia, These Swedish Vikings were called 'Rus'. Some scholars say this word was derived from "Roalagen" an area on the east coast of Sweden. Others say that it comes from the Russian word --'rusy' or blond. At first the word applied to the Swedish ruling class, but several hundred years later the word came to be applied to the whole country. On the death of Sviatosloff in 971 then Vladimir became Grand prince. Russia then came into the throes of civil strife, so finding himself powerless to control the country he went to Sweden in search of aid from his kinsmen. Having collected a body of them, and after returning to Russia he regained his principality. In 980 he was proclaimed 'prince of all Russia', when he spoke Swedish he called himself Waldemar. During this period Olaf Trygvesson, deposed king of Norway was staying with relatives in Novgorod, the second city of Russia, and the Vikings called it Nygard. Wherever the Norsemen settled they made the people among whom they settled stronger and sturdier folks. The strength and vigor of their institutions may be said almost tho have revolutionized government in northern France, England, and Russia. Their influence on commerce was as great. they created a new economic world, and they established new methods of trade. There were also at this time independent Viking states in the Caucasus, Caspian areas and the Kama River area. Then going further back to find where these Vikings, Norsemen came from then you find that they were Israelites out of the Mid East, and before the were called Israelites they were Aryans, or Manu and so forth. There are many books available for tracing these people but they have been buried so to speak for the last 50 years so as to help in your forgetting your heritage.



The graves of Polish Nobles from this are virtually identical to those of the Scandinavian Vikings. They were called 'smardy'. The Viking Russians of Nobility called them 'smardy'. It is certain that there were many Rus in Cracow, the medieval Polish capital. There were Danish Viking colonies at the mouth of the Vistula. Even Polish scholars admit that at least a large portion of the Polish Nobility were Danish and Swedish Vikings. In view of the lack of any evidence that they weren't Vikings, and the fact that their graves, clothes, arms and runes were identical to those of Scandinavia, it seems highly probable that they all were Vikings. In any case, in 970 Otto I at the head of his feudal army appeared on the Vistula, and the timid Misczislav did homage to the Emperor, and paid yearly and followed the Imperial banner with his Polish cavalry. Thus was Poland made a vassal of the German Empire.



Swedes and Danes controlled parts of Finland, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania. Much later at the, or before the beginning of W.W. II as the Russian hoards came marching, now under Jewish Mongol control then the people of these tiny countries tried to escape to the north and west. The Finnish air force dropped leaflets on these tiny little Baltic countries saying:---'Is there any seed left'---meaning any seed of Israel --if so then come on out. Thus the Nobility of these people at least knew who they were at that time. The leader of Finland at that time said:--Men of Issachar stand an fight--thus they knew they were of the tribe of Issachar. And little Finland did fight to the best of her ability, and then paid back the U.S. for her war debt, and no other country did that.

Litrle Finland---Issachar --is a strong ass crouching down between two burdens. (Genesis 49:14) ---In other words Little Finland is crouching between the east and the west, and the corruption of the west, I am sorry to say, is today almost a bad as that of the east.




In 970 there was a major raid on the Byzantine Empire, led by Sviatoslav, Grand Prince of Russia, the Vikings laid waste to Thrace, Macedonia, and Bulgaria. Then they boldly attacked Constantinople itself. It was the third Rus attack on Constantinople in the tenth century. They were defeated after a close fight, but many Vikings had come all the way from Sweden and Denmark to participate in this daring raid. Ironically, while all of this was going on the Byzantine Emperor was entrusting his life to his Viking Palace guards. The Byzantine's called the Vikings --the Varangians, and the Palace guard was called the same. Their proverbial honesty and loyalty was an incredible contrast to the intrigues of the Byzantine court. following the Swedish conquest of Russia, the Byzantine Emperors soon discovered the fighting abilities of the Swedes and the Russian, and for nearly two hundred years the Imperial Varangian Guard was drawn from Swedes. Gibgon says that the Emperor slept and feasted under their trusty guard, and the keys of the palace, and the treasury and the capital were held by the firm and faithful hands of the Varangians, the Aryans of the North. In 992 Kolskegg Hamundsson of Iceland was made captain of the Varangian Guard, and he later returned to Iceland where sagas were composed about him. The Vikings called Constantinople --Miklagard. but also remember here that when Constantine ruled Rome that he originally came from Britain, and he divided this Empire into the east at Constantinople and the west branch at Rome.

From 969 -976 the Emperor of the Byzantine Empire (roughly modern Greece and Turkey) was the Armenian John Tzimisces. He had blue eyes, reddish-blond hair, a red beard and fair skin. From 976 to 1025 the Emperor was Basil II and he had fair skin and light blue eyes. At that time this signified the Aryan race, but today this race has undergone more mixing than it should have with the Sephardin Jew marrying back into Israel, and now there are even Jews with blue eyes and blond hair. Remember that the mother produces the body for the child and that has kept those Jews more nearly like the Israelites, so you have to look for other qualities to tell the difference.




The northern quarter of Spain was ruled by the Visigoths, also Israelites who originally had come out of the mid east and went to Sweden and then back south. The rest of Spain was ruled by the Moslem Umayyad Caliphs. This was the Moorish period of Spanish history. The Moors were the Berbers of North Africa, and many of them had blond or red hair. From 961-976 Spain was ruled by Al-Hakam II. At this time Cordova, under the great Caliphs of the tenth century was a most modern and splendid city of Western Europe. Cordova was more than the seat of a powerful and prosperous Empire. Al-Ham II was still more ardent of collecting manuscripts and attracting scholars to his court. His library was reported to contain 400,000 books and manuscripts, and that attracted many students to his court. Al-Hakam II had reddish blond hair and that marked him as from the northern ring of Israel. From 976-1009 Spain was ruled by Hisham II and he had blond hair, deep blue eyes, and a reddish beard. Much, much earlier that this the first Israelites started coming to Spain from the Mid-East and earlier than that other Adamites were there. When the dispersion of Israel came about 721 B.C. Then Spain was the land where the tribe of Simeon had settled.



Here in the mid east 1000 years ago the Fatimid Caliph Al-Azia ruled from 975-996. The Fatimid Caliph's name was cited in the weekly sermons from Mosul on the Tigris river to the Atlantic ocean, and from Aleppo to the Sudan. He ruled directly over Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Hejaz (Mecca and Medina-areas of Arabia) Palestine, Lebanon, and part of Syria. He was paid tribute by Iraq and other areas. He was tall and red-headed, broad shouldered and had large dark blue eyes.




In 976 Sabuktagin became the ruler of Ghazni, in the mountains of Afghanistan. Even today many people in this area still have red hair and blond hair, Sabuktagin's son Mahmud the Great was later to organize these highlanders and conquer an Empire which included Persia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and half of India. Northern India was to remain under Moslem rule until it was conquered by the British.




In 976 virtually all India-Pakistan was under the rule of the Rajputs, who were Aryans, and white Huns. Broadly speaking the Rajput clans represented the old Kshatriya order of the Indo-Aryan society with whom Brahmans had to some extent intermarried. But not all of the Rajput clans are of Indo-Aryan origin. A number of the most distinguished clan--castes of Rajputs are descended from the upper class of later invaders of India, such as the gurjaras, and white Huns, who it must be noted are of a tall, fair race, and unlike the inferior type who tried to conquer Europe. Since the original Aryan invasion of 1800 B.C. India had several later invasions of Nordics. 100-200 A.D. the Kushans, and the Sakas invaded from Kazakhstan which is now in the U.S.S. R. Then 450-500 A.D. White Huns invaded from the same place. Western Mongolia and Sinking, Kansu, Kazakhaston and Uzbekistan had once been occupied by Nordics, and these Nordics had great influence over India and even over China. This little known subject is dealt with in great detail in the book --"the early Empires of Central Asia". Other writers have said that there is no doubt that the ancient population of Sinking belonged to the Nordic race, like those of Europe. The Steppe Country of west Siberia up to the Yenissey, including the Ninusinky valley, and also Soviet Central Asia were up to the Christian era kind of like an extension of Eastern Europe. The people of these areas at that time spoke eastern dialects of the Indo-European language---Arian, Iranian, Tokharin, and from the anthropological point of view represented a variety of the Europoid race. Then most of these blonds poured into Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. Others invaded China. A large number of skeletons have been recovered from these graves, and from these skeletons it is obvious that the vas majority of the northern nomads were tall and long headed. They were from all resemblances Nordic in type, of course going further back to the time of Enoch and then up to Christ, in that area were many of the white race, who watched and waited for the coming of the Messiah, then they fled that area in the time of Genghis Kahn and the Mongol hoards.



All of the civilizations of southeast Asia were of Indian origin. Angkor Wat, for example was built by Indian Brahmins who read Sanskrit. (The ancient language of the Hindus who were also at that time Aryans. ) The Brahmins were of course course children of Abraham and Keturah. Between 100-200 A.D. the first civilization had appeared in southeast Asia, and was the Funan civilization. This colonization occurred right after the Kushan-Saca invasion of India. Between then and 976 there were fresher waves of immigration by Sakas, Brahmins, and white Huns. In 976 there was the Khmer civilization of Cambodia, the Champa civilization of Vietnam, and the Srivijaya civilization of Sumatra, and others in Burma, and in Malaya and Java. Cambodia was named after Kambudja, a white Hun tribe of Afghanistan. Khmer history in the tenth century is mainly a record of buildings, not of political events, a narrow Oligarchy with chief offices held by members of the Royal family, and the great Sacerdotal families. They intermarried and formed a class racially different from the rest of the population. The Khmer ruler was Jayavarman V in 968-1001. In 976 he was still a child and the country was ruled by Brahmins. His sister married a Brahmin of northern India.

I am telling you that as the white man moved out over the world he established a government for the primitive people, and even in the days of Jesus as Joseph of Arimathea moved over the known world of those days his ships with Jesus aboard, were in India, and even in China, and in those places Jesus found the white groups of people, and he spoke to them telling them that He was the Messiah and soon would come their deliverance, a and they called him Master.

Then by the year 1432 Angkor Wat was abandoned and Cambodia reverted to the savage state the French found it in when they conquered it. White immigration from India had dried up because most of India was then ruled by Moslems, and they disapproved of the immigration to a Hindu country. Indonesia, Burma, Malaya, and Vietnam also reverted to the primitive savagery for the same reason. When ever the white man is unable to maintain his position as ruler over the primitive people, then the Baal priests take their people back to savagery. This has been shown to be the truth time after time, and still we walked into the trap of the U.N. here in our day.




Chinese Civilization was formed and occasionally renewed by immigration of the white people of the north and west. The Chinese symbol for Emperor is a combination of white and King. And examination of Chinese art from this period reveals that the ruling class was whiter than most Chinese. And portraits of Confucius and Lao-tze reveal that they were white men, the greatest Nobles were called "Kung". This is the Swedish word for King. The early Turks of central Asia called their kings 'gang' and this later evolved into Hhan. Chinese civilization was founded by princes who came on horseback from the Pamir plateau in the north of Afghanistan. As late as the 17th., century A.D. the traveler Benedict Goes found blond hair common there. In Furfan, in western China, a few centuries before 976 Frescoes were being painted showing Nordics. Still more striking are representations of red haired, blue eyed men with faces like the European type. We connect these people with the Aryan language found in these parts in so many manuscripts. These people wore suspenders from their belts to keep up the long tops of their soft leather boots, an we have found this same situation on the stone figures, the grave mound of the Scythians of South Russia, and the Crimea, and all along the Celestial mountains right into the depth of Mongolia. The Celestial mountains are the Tien Shan mountains of your map today, and according to the Chinese classics, this is where the first demi-gods, and Emperors came from. This is also the area where the Adamic race developed as they came out of the Garden of Eden.




The Japanese also have a word 'kung' and it means ruler. Kunno means king, and Kunko means Lord, Master or ruler. So in German you have Konig king, in Swedish you have --Kung=king, and Norwegian you have Khng=king. The Gothic word Kuni means tribe, and so does the Japanese word Kuni.--The Japanese word riku means land, the Gothic word reiki means kingdom, and thee Swedish word Kungarike means kingdom, as does the Japanese word Kuniriku. Thus you see the close connection between Japanese and Indo-European. And many scholars say that the Japanese civilization was founded by militant pastoral tribes from north eastern Asia, who became the ruling class, and the ruling class of Japh has been called by some scholars--Europoid. Even today grey eyes and light brown hair are common in S.E. Siberia. The Mysterious Ainu of Northern Japan are of the Caucasian race and have white skin. (They were children of Ammon) A Hungarian scholar claimed that the Japanese Nobility has Semitic traits. An examination of medieval Japanese art will reveal that many of the Nobles looked very like the Europeans.




Al-Ariz red haired Caliph, who ruled North Africa from Morocco to Egypt is said to have gotten his red hair from his Berber mother, and the Berbers were a blond and red haired people who inhabited North Africa. All of the so called civilizations of West Africa were founded by them. The Arab historian El Bakri tells us that between 961 and 971 A.D. that Aoudaghost had as king a Sanhadja Berber named Tin yeroutan, son of Cuichenou, son of Nizar, more than 20 Negro kings recognized him as sovereign and paid him tribute. His Empire extended over an inhabited country two months journey in length and breadth. And he could mount 100,000 warriors on fine camels.

In Nigeria, the Yoruba state, like the Hausa states, were set up by groups of Berbers who came down an conquered the Negro people they found living there. The Yoruba language is a Negro language, the Hausa language is mainly a Berber Language, and perhaps this tells us hat the Berbers who came into Yoruba country were few, an those who came into Hausa land were many. The first Berbers came into Western Nigeria between 700-1000 A.D.

Of course we know that in Egypt the Adamic race moved there in the early part of their migrations, and they still held the Priesthood at On when Jesus was taken there for safe keeping by Mary and Joseph after his birth. The story of Egypt is a wondrous story of the white man, but is to long to tell here but of course we have told it before. You should remember the Berbers from the story by Berry Fell --"Saga of America".




In 976 blue eyed redheads were erecting those strange statues on Easter Island. This was such an incredible feat that some have speculated that only space men could have done it. they had a system of writing also which has never been deciphered. There are many books and much material that proves that there were white people all over North and south America long before Columbus came. In fact long before Jesus was born they wee coming into Central America and they taught the natives, and helped build their civilizations. In 977 the white God Quetzal who became known as Quetzalcoatal, was wandering about Mexico preaching against human sacrifices. Indian paintings of him show him as having a red beard. About this time his white followers were invading Guatemala. Mayan murals from about that time show invaders with white skin, and yellow hair, Going back before the time of Christ about 812 B.C. white people on ships of Dan came to Central America and they never went back so they spread out from there, and some became so called White Indian tribes of the South West United States. There are stones marking the Viking occupation of the North and East part of the U. S. long before Leif Erikson. Thus you see that the Aryan Race did spread out all over the earth, at an early age and people do not know this and don't seem to care to know it, but that is history and it will not be denied. Incidentally the word Aryan is an ancient word, it meant the children of Yah and this was the word along with Manu used to describe the Sethites as they came into Northern India.

This is just a bit of history of the race available if one is willing to search for it.


end of message.