Adamic Race Becomes Nations, 7-31-61

By  Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 7-31-61

We have been discussing of evenings part of the age old passages of earth, of the ages of anthropology and the evidence of geology, of the ethnic tracing of men and of nations of the last eight thousand years. The traces of human existence back to 600,000 years and then on back to one million years, and not one and three-fourths periods of years times of human existence or man’s existence.

Brotherhood Of The Kingdom, 6-4-61

By  Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 6-4-61

This afternoon we are speaking on the subject of ‘The Brotherhood of the Kingdom’ a most important subject at this time. If ever there was a great movement across our nation to disrupt the Kingdom of God, and to black out for all time the civilization of God’s Kingdom, it is now. If there were also a time when the spiritual forces were awake and wondering, it is also in this hour.

Individual And National Predestination, 11-19-61

by DR. WESLEY A. SWIFT - 11-19-61

We turn to address you upon subjects which we feel are important for you to know and to understand. And these relate to the sovereignty of God to the Predestination of men and nations.

Kingdom And The Lake Of Fire, 4-61

By Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 4-1961

I would like to talk to you for a little while about this subject. The Kingdom and the Lake of Fire. Probably there is nothing more important for you to know than what the Everlasting Gospel consists of. To know that when we talk about the Everlasting Gospel that we can truly understand that it is Peace on Earth Good Will to men. And that within this Eternal Gospel the Angel could thus say:..I am bringing glad tidings of Great Joy which will be good news to all people.

Knowledge Of A New Age, 9-3-61


by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 9-3-61

Little Horn Of Daniel, 2-26-61

By DR. WESLEY A. SWIFT - 2-26-61

In the hour in which we live, we stand face to face with the great perimeter of the powers of darkness, now gathered with all their energies and strength for the conquest of God's Kingdom. If that be possible.

We do not look out over this situation with any fear concerning our destiny. We do not fear concerning the final outcome of God's Kingdom, because we have a sure word of His own cognisance.

My Redeemer Liveth

by  DR. WESLEY A. SWIFT----4-2-61

Upon this resurrection day, we think concerning the great events in the life of The Messiah--Jesus the Christ.  And also it is important that we keep alive in our thinking the great pageantry in that hour, as well as the mighty and Majestic events that transpired.

It is more than a discussion of theology.  It is a matter of History.  It is an understanding of events that had taken place.

Mystery Of The Kingdom, 6-2-61

By  DR. WESLEY A. SWIFT - 6-2-61

We were discussing with you last week, the subject from Mystery to Revelation, and we mentioned that there are several mysteries of God. This week we are talking about the mysteries of the Kingdom.

New Age For God's Kingdom, Israel, In The Earth, 4-9-61

By DR. WESLEY A. SWIFT - 4-9-61

We turn to the discussion of the Destiny of the nations. Especially as it relates to us in one of the great turbulent periods of our History.

Proclaiming Liberty Throughout The Land, 7-9-61

By DR. WESLEY A. SWIFT -  7-9-61

We recognize very well that we are in one of the great turning points in all human history. But behind it is the panorama of events which has its foundations in the eternities and reaches out into the endless tomorrows.

Races Of The Earth And Their Differences, 7-16-61

By  Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 7-16-61

We are again speaking on this subject which relates to races of men, and their relationship to the earth. We spoke last Sunday night on 'The Racial streams and their Biblical Destinies', and we would make this quick synopsis for those who were not there.

Scope Of God's Grace, 11-3-61

by DR. WESLEY A. SWIFT - 11-3-61

We are talking about a subject that is related to the whole philosophy and thinking of Christendom. We are talking about the Grace of God to His Kingdom. We will talk about the subject of Grace--one of the most unusual words in all the English language. The word Grace particularly related to the nature of our Father. There is no knowledge that you can know, more important, than to know and to understand the nature of our FATHER.

Seed Of The Dragon, 10-1-61

by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 10-1-61

The scripture has not left us in darkness as to the seed of the Dragon. It has not left us not knowing who they are. And this message tonight, is not designed to particularly please anyone at all. Especially are we not desiring to please our enemy. For the enemy in the earth today is the seed of the Satanic powers who are waging war against us.

Spirit Of The Everliving, 10-29-61

by DR. WESLEY SWIFT - 10-29-61

Dr. Greer speaking:---'Tidings out of the north and out of the east shall upset the bear and she shall come out against Israel. (Daniel 11:44)

Star Of Destiny, 12-24-61

by DR. WESLEY A. SWIFT 12-24-61

It is a most significant thing that out of all of the great events which are contained in Scriptures, that are the history of our race. Probably the most significant was the visitation of YAHWEH to His household, to His family.

Stream Of Life, 2-5-61

By DR. WESLEY A. SWIFT - 2-5-61

Turning to the subject of the STREAM OF LIFE, we realize there is a very vital sense of knowledge and understanding concerning the life which proceeds forth from God. Its purposes in earth, the vastness of Grace, and most important for us each one to perceive. Probably there has never been a time of more uncertainty or when it is more important for us to know our relationship to HIS STREAM OF LIFE, and to the vital purposes of God as now.