02-08-67 Bible Study Q&A

Wednesday Night Bible Study - Questions and Answers

By Dr. Wesley A. Swift


QUESTION:---When Paul was sent unto the Gentiles, were they Israelites who had been scattered or real Gentiles, or were they scattered Israelites called Gentiles?

04-26-67 Bible Study Q&A

Wednesday Night Bible Study - Questions and Answers

By Dr. Wesley A. Swift


QUESTION:----I thought Jeremiah was supposed to be St. Patrick but I see in one periodical that Patrick claimed that pirates seized young men on the west coast of Ireland, and sold them as slaves, and that he was one of them, and he died in England at the little Wattle church?

08-09-67 Bible Study Q&A

Wednesday Night Bible Study - Questions and Answers

By Dr. Wesley A. Swift


QUESTION:--The children of Nut and Thapanies have broken the crown of your head?

ANSWER:--These are the pagans and they are attacking Israel and Egypt. The children of Israel who were backsliding are chastised and god allowed this because the children of Israel were not worshiping Him.

10-04-67 Bible Study Q&A

Wednesday Night Bible Study - Questions and Answers

By Dr. Wesley A. Swift


QUESTION:--(from the tape audience)--If Seth is the first pure seed child from Adam and Eve, after Eve was seduced by Lucifer, then where did the pure white woman come from for a wife for Seth?

11-15-67 Bible Study Q&A

Wednesday Night Bible Study - Questions and Answers

By Dr. Wesley A. Swift


QUESTION:--Are any white people going to be in Palestine when God comes against Israel? And who are the Jews now? For Ezekiel says Israel will be in Palestine when the Russians come.