Ask In My Name, 8-28-66

By Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 8-28-66

Turn to the Gospel of John, chapter 14, verse 13.....After Yahshua had explained certain things to His disciples, He said to them...”What so ever, ye shall ask in my name, that will I do. If you ask anything in my name....that will I do.”

Bible Is True, 3-26-66

By Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 3-26-66

Probably there is no other subject inside the Scriptures that is more important to us at this moment than our subject for today....”Is the Bible True?”

Let us turn in the beginning to II Timothy 3:16. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction and in righteousness.”

Difference In People, 1-29-66

By Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 1-29-66

As we talk on the subject of the difference in people we realize that this is rather a difficult subject especially as it relates to the distinction between those who are Sons and Daughters. And especially is it a difficult subject as we find so many errors as to that identity of Sons and Daughters of God as....the processes by which the Church teaches that men become Sons and Daughters of God.

Elijah Ministry, 8-22-66

BY  DR. WESLEY A. SWIFT - 8-22-66

We turn tonight to the Book of Malachi and to the passage which says:.. Behold, I will send you Elijah the Prophet, before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. He shall turn the hearts of the Fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the Fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse. (Malachi 4:2-6)

Mark Of Israel, 7-18-66

By Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 7-18-66

Before we go into out subject we want to call to your attention the False Prophet which we talked to you about the other day. We were talking about where the False Prophet would have the most effect...would be in the Church. It wouldn’t do him much good to prophecy anywhere else.

Mark Of The Beast, 2-13-66

By Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 2-13-66

As we turn to this subject of the Mark of the Beast, it is with the continuing realizations that this great Nation under God was designed and developed out of the blueprint of Divine purpose, known before the foundation of the earth.

Plot To Destroy America, 8-26-66

by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 8-26-66

We talk tonight on the subject of ‘The Plot to Destroy America.’ We want you to know that the hoards of World Communism have never wavered in their plan to destroy America and then conquer the world. Neither do they run out of false Politicians under the Communist control who help their cause along, and who seem to think in their minds that all these things will be to no avail, and time will go on as it did in the days of yesterday.

Promised Before The World Began, 1-15-66

by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 1-15-66

(Current events ---About our getting out of the United Nations) (Adam Clayton Powell--put out of congress) (a trouble with the colleges in California, and Mr. Reagan’s stand for correction in the schools) (the rising of the right wing) Promised before the world began ---1-15-66------Dr. Swift.

We turn in the book of Titus today, and the Apostle Paul begins with a great declaration and moves into a great area of truth.

Removing The Staff Of Life, 7-6-66

By  Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 7-6-66

There is no doubt that the World Order has moved in and caused great problems in the nations of God’s Kingdom. The strategies that are involved in the Scriptures, were one of keeping the people strong and powerful and keeping the people Blessed of God, alert and free. In order to do this they had to dwell alone and stay with their own kind of people.

Shekinah Glory, 6-5-66

By  Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 6-5-66

Now the word ‘Shekinah’ is a Hebrew word, and it is talking about the Effulgent Majesty of the Glory that shines forth from the presence of the Most High God. Whenever the word appears it is of course in Hebrew and it is not in the translation, but it talks about the radiant light, and we call it by the name which was intended...The Shekinah Glory of the Most High Yahweh. It is an intense and very important area of development in the knowledge of the Scripture.