02-12-64 Bible Study Q&A

Wednesday Night Bible Study - Questions and Answers

By Dr. Wesley A. Swift


QUESTION:---In the Old Testament in some places it says:...strangers should be treated because you were once a stranger in Egypt. Other places wipe them out....are these harmonious?

04-08-64 Bible Study Q&A

Wednesday Night Bible Study - Questions and Answers

By Dr. Wesley A. Swift


Question:....I was listening to a tape of about two weeks ago where you were discussing the spiritual forces, other than Christianity. I would like a little of an understanding on this....on an over all view.

Answer:....Negative forces?

04-29-64 Bible Study Q&A

Wednesday Night Bible Study - Questions and Answers

By Dr. Wesley A. Swift


QUESTION: Spiritual power and blessing. why prayer isn't answered--- The Mantle of Elijah---- how can this power be obtained?

ANSWER: --- Lets take another question first, if we get into this first we will be here all night.

06-03-64 Bible Study Q&A

Wednesday Night Bible Study - Questions and Answers

By Dr. Wesley A. Swift


Question:--I would like for you to explain to me about the Old Testament and the New Testament--what changes were made. Because when you tangle with the Jehovah Witnesses they are always telling you that as the New Testament was made different facets were applied to it until it is not the same as the Old Testament.