A Choice Before The People, 3-30-64
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 3-30-64
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by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 3-30-64
By Dr. Wesley Swift - 9-2-64
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 1-20-64
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 8-16-64
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 8-9-64
By Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 4-20-64
Around this subject we find one of the most important discoveries which you can make as you dwell here in the flesh. We are talking about the discoveries concerning the hour in which you live and the great things God is about ready to do with and thru you, and in you. There is a passage in the book of Romans which we have called attention to many times which says:-- ‘The law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.’
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 2-20-64
By Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 4-10-64
We realize that the church celebrates a day that is most important to each of the children of the Kingdom, and we speak of RESURRECTION DAY. Let us then go back for a moment over some of the pageantry that our minds have been thinking upon in these events in the life of THE CHRIST, to the beginning of this period and to His ministry. To the powers that opposed HIM, these events that had been prophesied were a warning and a disturbance to their minds.
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 5-2-64
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 5-20-64
Tonight we shall talk to you about the Blue Tunic Army. Although there is nothing said about the Blue Tunic Army in the Scriptures, nevertheless, it is rich in tradition, tradition that is shown in the records which the pastor Mark had, as he pastored the Christian church in Alexandria, Egypt. The Essene company also had records that describe the activities of the Blue Tunic Army, and the history of Joseph of Arimathea contains much concerning this army.
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 1-30-64
By Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 1-10-64
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 7-20-64
By Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 5-21-64
In our subject ‘Discipleship,’ we bring things contained in the scripture that are so vital to you and to your civilization. It is impossible for anyone to understand the history of this Bible or to understand his relationship to the earth if he does not know who he is, what God’s purpose is for the earth, and his responsibility to any area of God’s Kingdom, because he becomes a participant in all parts of it.
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 6-13-64
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 2-2-64
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 1-21-64
As we go into our subject tonight, as to how the ‘False Church Speaks Satan’s Lies,’ there are some strange situations which we see as having occurred in the course of history which have been well explained in the areas of prophecy and in the content of the WORD.
By Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 1-2-64
By Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 10-09-64
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 7-8-64
By Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 9-30-64
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 7-5-64
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 3-20-64
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 3-27-64
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 4-2-64
By Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 7-2-64
By Dr. Wesley A. SwifT - 3-28-64
Tonight we will discuss the most famous trial in history - and the verdict was, Not guilty!
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 4-18-64
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 9-27-64
By Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 4-24-64
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 5-24-64
By Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 2-12-64
In the areas of the scriptures in 2Peter, he tells us that quite a discovery is taking place upon the face of the earth. For knowing that there shall come in the latter days, scoffers, walking after their own lusts. And they shall also say, ‘where is the promise of HIS coming.’
By Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 11-21-64
As we go into our subject tonight, ‘Thou art Mine,’ it is a magnificent thing for a people who can recognize that the ‘Majesty’ of all the Universe and all the creation and the greatness of it, the immenseness of the great sidereal systems and the Galaxies and the island Universe---into this small solar system that you are in, makes up all things by the Eternal YAHWEH and that without HIM, was not anything made.
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 12-12-64
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 3-26-64
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 4-21-64
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 4-4-64
As we turn to our subject "We are not alone," we realize that there are many things which are not discussed in churches, especially today when so many Clergy have become the instruments of propaganda and brainwashing, who actually spend their time in instructing their congregations to follow the enemies of our faith and our culture, and our civilization.
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 2-24-64
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 3-29-64
As we talk to you about the day they tried God in earth, it opens up the facets of the trial of Jesus. It opens up the important areas of the animosity of certain of those who were against Christ, how they operate and think. Leopards do not change their spots. Children follow in the course of their fathers. It is very important then to know who the enemy is and who their father is.
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 8-8-64
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 12-20-64
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 6-10-64
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