Armor Of God, 9-8-68

By Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 9-8-68

This is an evil day----and we turn in the book of Ephesians. For here in the book of Ephesians, the Apostle Paul said, 'Put on the whole armor of God.' (Eph. 6:ll) 'That ye may be able to stand against the devil.’

Church And State, 2-18-68

by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 2-18-68

There are other things that we should be thinking about while our silly representative talks about building bridges to Soviet Russia. In fact I think that the only thing that the white western world should be thinking on is victory instead of building bridges to a country which has no desire to meet you even one/two way.

From Everlasting To Everlasting, 10-21-68

by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 10-21-68

(Current events----summarized)

Mr. Herbert Hoover had pushed for a U.S. Bank but the Jews would not consider that so they broke with him and brought on the depression and elected their man----Roosevelt.

Holy City, 2-25-68

by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 2-25-68

We want to talk to you about the Holy City, for there is not question of the fact that the Bible talks about a Holy City.

Kings Of The Earth And Their Armies, 10-11-68

by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 10-11-68

In this hour, the Kings and their armies are gathering to come against the Kingdom. We take this thought out of the book of Revelations. And it tells us that the armies of the Beast System are gathered against HE, who comes on a White horse. HE, who comes at the head of God’s Kingdom.

Manifestation Of The Sons Of God, 9-15-68

by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 9-15-68

We mentioned last Sunday about the fact that the Baptist Convention was far to the left, and then the Liberal theologians were way off to the left. For they are talking about the total integration of all people. They are not going to pay any attention to any of the old stuff, for everyone is a Christian now days.

Promise He Hath Promised Us, 11-9-68


As we turn into the Epistles of John...I John 2:25., we are reading concerning this area of Mystery and he says:..'The promise HE hath promised us, even Eternal Life. Therefore that ye might be able to abide that 'this' is what ye heard from the beginning. If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also shall continue in embodiment as a son, and in the Father'. And this is the promise which He hath promised us...yes...even Eternal Life.

Strategy For Victory, 10-27-68

by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 10-27-68

One of the most important things for you to know is to know the mind of God. And the only people who can know the mind of God are people who can think in the same wavelength as HE thinks. People who can understand the mind of God can understand HIS purposes and HIS revelations.

Thy Kingdom Come With Power, 10-20-68

By Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 10-20-68

There is no question about the fact that the Kingdom of God comes with great power. In Matthew chapters 5 and 6, Jesus taught HIS Disciples how to pray:--

“Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, in earth as it is in Heaven.-------For thine is the Kingdom, and the Power and the Glory, forever.”