Greatness Of Our Heritage, 12-8-63

by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 12-8-63

As we turn in our thinking to this subject, we have noticed a trend in much of organized religion which requires that you and I renounce it. Often I hear the words ‘why is it that so many of the churches go along with Communism, Socialism and its friends. Why are they against other religious activities? Why are they against the national Council of Churches? Why can't they deplore all other judgments?

Light That Did Not Fail, 1-20-63

by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 1-20-63

As we turn to the subject ‘The Light that did not Fail’, we would divide our subject into two parts because there is a full panorama of fulfilled prophecy of events which are challenging, and should be considered. And we would like to correlate these into your thinking before we go on with the area of our subject.

Man Of Sin, 5-20-63

By  Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 5-20-63

There have been so many facets added over the past decade, that have added a great range of experiences to what has been known and what has been anticipated in this range of truth. As we talk about this title --’The man of sin,’ this title was given to him by none other than the Apostle Paul.

On Earth As It Is In Heaven, 4-28-63

By Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 4-28-63


Our Father we come into thy presence to worship you in Spirit and in truth. We are happy that you have unveiled to us---thru the course of Thy Spirit, an awareness of who we are and from whence we came. Make us to know that we are thy household in the earth, that we are thy family, and Ye have established with us thy covenants.

Racial River Of God, 2-24-63

by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 2-24-63

In the midst of the course of events through which we are passing, and in which we are also participants, there is nothing more important in the seat of your consciousness and mine, than to know both our relationship to our Father and His plan for the Universe.