From Horizons Beyond, 7-3-60

by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 7-3-60

We are speaking tonight on the subject of ‘Horizons Beyond,’ realizing as we are discussing this subject that there is no scriptural or concrete evidence, as to the complete identification of whence it comes as to what we are beholding. We are living in one of the most unusual periods in the history of the earth, especially as to the things which are happening round about, in relationship to the earth and to the people upon it. Never have we had a period with more forces, their vibratory fields in direct opposition and at work in earth and among its societies and its races and peoples. The powers of the earth are divided into two equal spheres of resistance altho the great majority of people and their great land masses are behind the ‘Iron Curtain.’ And Communist countries may be greater in number than then White race, which is one-sixth of the worlds population. It is this race and this people that has the technological leadership, the spiritual vision and the creative abilities of earth.

Thus there are two civilizations. One destructive and negative, this combination of the powers of darkness are using their cutting ability and their stealth to try to steal the secrets of the Western World, and then harness them in a program of weapons and Western offensive, eventually anticipating a crushing offensive and an overall attack, against the nations of the Western world. There is nothing which transpires round about that is not viewed immediately by all government operations and departments, as surely it is related to this. On the other hand, America’s technology is advancing and we who are the source of virtually all the technological sciences we and our Western nations allies---have made advances in electronics and nuclear sciences. Together with German scientists who have joined with us especially in defense of Western Civilization, against the hoards of Communism, their technology has been added to ours. And out of this great White race development of technology, we have watched this great wave of development in rocketry and in various types of space plans and designs which has never been equaled in our time. The enemy has been watching, observing, and taking such secrets as they could steal, and adding to it his own design for achievement and technological advancement. The first Sputnik which was turned loose, was by Russia, but the scheme and design was that of the German and Anglo-Saxon minds. In fact, we could have placed the same design in orbit before that if it had not been for unseen hands and forces which were working in our government and were trying to obstruct and block the achievements which would have given great prestige to the Western World.

It is the type of individual with his liaison activities and his program of the Red Revolution which made the work of Senator McCarthy so outstanding because he was aware that there was an attempt not only to sabotage and destroy the defense system and observation, but to gain our technological secrets, to block them and turn them loose in the Russian field. In fact, the investigation he was conducting related to the Signal Corp. and to out defense of our ‘Do’ line across the Arctic North. So into this picture which has been going on for some eighteen years, and has had its greatest development since the war, there has been a lot of new and unusual events. For suddenly all over, and around our nation, starting early, but coming to a climax around the end of W.W. II, there were unusual things sighted in the air. There were great air battles between the nations of the Allies and the Axis. And after W.W. II was over, virtually all of the nations of the Western world were finding observations being made by technological observers by men in their air craft, and by men of experience---objects that seemed not to come from any air fields of the world, or of the U.S. and they were not the by-product of our own experimentations. Nor were they of any new air craft we were designing. When the first of these were reported, the intelligence branch of your Army, as well as that of your Air Force, became involved in research and espionage as far as we could carry it, with all types of observation, to see if the Russians had developed a new type of air craft and were some how using this new type of air craft in observation of the United States.

Now, we thought that we had pretty good instrumentation and could tell if they were flying over the Arctic, thus we had ways of determine if these crafts were coming from the Soviets. And not one single word of evidence came from the outposts of the Western world, that inside of the Soviet Union that any new style of aircraft, outside of Jets and rockets, were being worked on. And that no aircraft in early 1946 or 1947 were in the skies except those of the conventional types of both nations. And even to add weight to this, there was inside of the Russian Secret Service an immediate flurry of activity. There were reports made to the Chamber of Deputies, there were secret applications of new equipment to make sure that they could check the skies more completely than they had ever checked them before. So it was that the Soviet Union reported back and our own intelligence was able to crack the Soviet Intelligence report that she was busily engaged in trying to find out if America had some secret basis from which she was launching into the air, crafts of a different type and nature, and with a different type of propellant than was known by the Soviet Union.

So as soon as the listening posts of our Western world discovered that the Soviet Union was trying to find out whether these crafts were coming from us, they became virtually sure that none of these strange and unidentified objects which were traveling thru space, either came from Russia or any of her satellites, or from the U.S. Government. Every once in a while we find some individual who says that, ‘Yes, all of the space craft which are apparently flying around the world and are not satellites are actually something designed by America or by the Russians.’

In fact, the other day, I heard a clergyman say that anyone who believed there were flying saucers not made by the technological science of men of earth, were foolish and silly. Then recently another clergyman made the remark that there is no such thing as a ‘flying saucer.’ And therefore, there are no unidentified flying objects. Well, you can be crazy, but I don’t know how you can, before further than the general panorama of fact, than to make a statement like that. Some folks that do not know anything about a subject are those who talk about that subject the most. That is one of the problems we have in our society. And a preacher who spends a long time trying to say that it does not exist, is very foolish in this time in which we live. There are a lot of things which have happened and there is no sense in repetition of the sightings made of objects flying thru space.

We have been most interested in this phenomena because we have been interested in field astronomy, and much interested in the major planets of our solar system. And have been long, an enthusiastic one of observation. Altho not being close in order to well observe, but there is much phenomena which has taken place on the moon in the last few years. There have been great bursts of light and flashes have taken place in different parts of the moon’s surface. There has also been activity in a great number of its craters which are seen with those puffs and flashes and puffs of smoke or dust which could be seen in parts of it. One can bring the moon up very close with the great scope which we have at Palomar and it makes it possible to scan the ground as tho one were but a few miles away. But actually there has been assurance from every observation post of every major observatory of today that there has been something going on in the moon that is hard to explain unless somebody is utilizing it and are coming and going from it. They say it does not have any atmosphere. So nobody can live there. So whether they carry their atmosphere or whether they are contained in some kind of space suit like a deep sea diver with his own oxygen, there is somebody or some intelligent being laying out and using some portions of the moon. Looking at some of the smaller craters, it looks like there are tunnels into the side of the mountain. And out of it has been coming reflections of light form the inside. And there are reflections saying it could not have occurred any other way, since it was in the dark of the moon, and still it is visible by powerful scopes as coming out of the side of these craters. We have had many observations last year and the year before, with our own equipment in the High Sierras where the air is clear, where we had no distortions. And we noticed on several occasions the phenomena of light coming out of the tunnel like holes in the side of the moon which was dark.

More than that, we have had observations with witnesses who were also able to see and observe while we were observing the moon in one of the most easy points of observation, there suddenly flashed across the scope---altho this was close to the moon and a great distance from the scope---a formation of near triangular objects---somewhat long, but still triangular shaped. These could have been a cone-like object, but they were very long and they passed one after the other fleetingly, taking some little time to cross the surface of the lens. Had they been some object close to the earth, or had they been a jet going by, they would have been no more than a flash across the lenses, because of the speed by which a jet passes. But when something moves very slowly across the moon, then it is very close to the moon. Much closer to the moon than it is to you, or you do not get but a fleeting glimpse of it. But for over three-fourths of an hour, we watched one after the other in formation of objects flying quite low across the surface of the moon. At that time all of them were of triangular shape and could have passed as Jet-like ships. As one observed them, there was not one single shred of evidence that there was anything behind them and nothing before them. No signs of propellent, no sign of fire, no sign of smoke. Yet the movement of these objects was with great speed, in formation and in maneuver on the surface of the moon.

That is not the only time we have had the opportunity to see that with our own eyes. And we have talked with a great number of astronomers and observers who have been studying this situation for navigational factors and they have come upon the same thing. There has been a great number of objects flying thru space and a tremendous number of them have been flying around our own satellites and our moon. It is very possible that our moon has been used for a base for operations of some very intelligent individuals who have been observing the earth itself. Because these ships going around and across the surface of the moon, are something which cannot be passed up.

On the other hand, it would be very simple for ships like this to be based on the other side of the moon and you would never see them anyhow, for the moon does not turn over. It always presents to us the same side as it travels thru space. Someone said, ‘Dr. Swift, this is not possible for someone to live on the moon.’ What makes you think so? Has someone told you that the other side of the moon is hot and this side is so cold that you could not stand it? That is not necessarily so. Because the other side of the earth is not so hot, and the moon is not so much further from the sun. After all, 200,000 miles is not such a great distance. So when you think of this distance, the moon should not be any more hot on one side than the earth is, due to these circumstances.

You say scientists have given us an exact picture of the surface of the moon? I have in my library, a great many scientific treaties, and fourteen temperature estimates of what the temperature is on the moon. But as close to our earth as it is, I do not think that the temperature factor would be something to worry about. Except for the fact that without the filtering in of a dense atmosphere, it may tend to be colder. On the other hand, the heat pattern would not necessarily follow as did the cold pattern. There are not many factors involved in this and they would eliminate too much heat. But there is atmosphere upon the moon, because observations along its edge seem to show that there is atmospheric factors upon the moon. Not only is this color factor there, but seismographic factors are made by reflections as the suns rays come back off the moon, and demonstrates that there is a difference between reflected rays from the moon, and rays that come directly from the sun thru the same atmospheric patterns, of the same density as the patterns of the earths surface. And experts are well convinced that there is some atmosphere upon the moon, even tho it would be very thin.

Someone said, ‘What has this to do with us now?’ Well, it is very natural that you look to the closest object to you, when objects are flying around the earth that did not come from the earth to begin with. And very, very definitely there are a great many objects which did not come from the earth that are flying around out there. And by no stretch of the imagination, can the be imputed to be objects of earth. Our United States Government has been taking a very strange attitude toward these unidentified flying objects. I do not know if whether because of this frontal attitude of Socialism wherein they have to take a frontal attitude toward you in which they seem to insist that you are not able to take care of yourself, so they have to provide for you from the cradle to the grave, including not only the managing of your affairs and your businesses, disrupting the people by their design of mixing them all together, eventually hoping to control you to the last of your voting days, bu their expensive programs. They seem to think that you would not be able to take what the U.S. experts and government can take. They seem to think that if you knew there were flying objects all around that did not come from earth, that you would all panic. So the best way to protect you from that panic, is to tell you there is no such thing, so you don’t worry about it. Then they continue to spend millions of dollars investigating things which they told you did not exist. The U.S. Government is right now investigating things that do not exist from the declaration of their periodicals. In fact, one of the highest officials in the U.S. Army who engages in such investigation s had under pressure, released declarations mocking and scoffing at things which are already on record of supporting by observation.

It is a matter of significance that there had been in the last few months, a lot of activity reported. In fact, the last year has been one of increased activity. Of course, they have never gotten over the fact that a top W.W. II aid, Captain Mantell, was pursuing a saucer when his ship was torn apart, under the clear eye of earth bases which were watching him. And that was back near Fort Knox. In fact, the object he was pursuing in order to get a better sight of it,---he apparently came too close to it and the torque (pressure) around it tore his ship to shreds. And his ship came down a certified wreck under the watchful eye of officials of the U.S. Government. They have never been able to explain that, altho they said that he literally tore his ship apart in an effort to catch what might be the reflection of the planet Venus in the sky. But the funny thing is, that you do not pick up Venus on a radar screen. And they already had the other ship that Captain Mantell was chasing in their radar screen. And they had that ship as it moved and shifted in relation to Capt. Mantell’s and its location on the screen as it related to the field. So that is the only catastrophe we have had as far as our aircraft is concerned, with these objects that are flying around the earth. But there has been innumerable sightings and conditions that they have never been able to explain away. Long circular ships, these being somewhat tubular and more like the Zeppelins and the great dirigibles we had in the early thirties. This type of craft had been visible in space and visible as moving with great speed and an entirely different procedure of operation than anything we have ever placed in the sky, in what we might call the dirigible field. Ships of that shape have been observed and there are many reports supporting that. And from our great observatories these photographs have been turned over to government agencies. An order has gone out that whenever an unidentified object of found, on the plates, or observed anywhere in the sky, the government wants to immediately be notified and they want absolute secrecy about these things until they get a chance to screen these pictures and determine whether or not they will let anyone see them or let anyone know anything about them. So by some strange policy, they have moved in to try to silence these facts.

This idea that gave the name of saucer to these circular type crafts which move thru the sky is not the product of some ones imagination. Of course back in 1947 and 48 these were sighted all over the U.S. And many people saw them. And some saw whole squadrons flying around the earth. More than that, they were observed in South America, over the Andes Mountains. And they were observed in Britain and in Europe. And many of them were seen flying back and forth over the beaches of Britain.

During the Korean War, there were several situations in which the army had a full record of as well as the U.S. Government Department on Research in this field. One of them was the paralleling pursuit of one of our jet aircraft with a strange type of flying object on either side, which was about thirty feet thick and about two hundred feet long. One of these type of aircraft was observed by our aircraft while they were engaged in a reconnaissance flight in the Korean War. It had a large window in which our pilot was able to look at an unusual and strange looking creature which piloted that ship. Such fright came over him as that strange ship moved parallel with his, that when he came to earth, he was almost incoherent, and his hair very shortly after this, turned grey. He was interrogated and he made his descriptions. And on various check points, where they were watching the whole sky picture, it did support the fact that some huge object flew along side of the man. In fact, on either side of him was one of these objects and our pilot said that he had flown his ship right thru the heart of a strange group of aircraft, the likes of which he had never seen before. And in one of the ships in a huge window-like opening covered over with something like plastic, there was this unusual strange creature which drove great fear into him. The strange gaze fixed upon him had caused that great fear. But the officials chopped this up and they explained that the pilot had been under great strain and had been flying too many hours during the war.

But there is nothing like your air force, for them to have a continual pattern of sightings. For they are in the air so much and so high, with experimental ships. There has been a number of men testing out equipment for our air force. And in the last few months they have reported that they have been approached and have had along side of them and sometimes trailing them, a great number of objects. Many of them saucer like ships. But all of them had mechanical appearance and were not just a flash of light, and not just a sort of ray passing them, but actually looked to our men, as being made of metal and of plastic. This has not only been occurring at Edwards Air Base, where we have been testing some of the most advanced equipment, but this has been taking place also in fields located in the heart of the country. In fact, at Cape Canaveral we have reports that there were seen flashes of light measuring the speed at which our rockets go into the air, and watch them stage after stage and carry forward the responsibility of watching these new rockets going higher and higher as they reach the range of their projection. They have had the phenomena of watching some come in at 3000 miles per hours and then turn and parallel our rockets going into the sky, and tracking our object from either side as tho just escorting it into space. This has not only been observed by many observers, but the number of times that they have, on their radar screens, as well as in the tracking devices they have been using, the evidence that there has been along side of some of our Cape Canaveral rockets, those objects with them that have been observing them on their entire flight. This has also been true at several other rocket bases which we have. These objects have noticed as flying round and round our Naval Bases, where the latest type of interceptive type of rockets and other types of missiles and war type heads of different types are experimented with. Every once in a while, some strange thing happens and the public hears about it, and wonders what is going on. In the some of the bases they have a new type of rocket which will track down any type of rocket and hone in on any engine or any piece of equipment which is not normal to the use of our own aircraft in its field. One of them went haywire a while back and it knocked out the engine completely out of a big truck which was going up to Bishop. And this scared the truck driver half to death. But unfortunately there was no explosive in the war head. But it had honed in on the heat of his engine and just destroyed that engine. That is one of those rare mishaps. And very seldom does something like that happen, or the traffic running up and down our highways would not be very secure.

But today, it is a matter of fact that we have missiles that can knock missiles out of the sky. We have tracking missiles which can track and destroy most of the heavier missiles used by the Soviets and knock them out of the sky. But we need a lot of them. And they should be distributed where need be for our protection and when the button is pushed, your button when pushed can seek and destroy the enemy. But the thing which is amazing and is a matter of record, and I have a lot of documents and material and details on this, that all around in the last few months, again at the bases where we are engaged in rocketry, there are observation ships coming from somewhere which are faster than our rockets by many, many times. In fact, the ability of some of these ships to dive and to turn at from three to seven thousand miles an hour is one of the great mysteries. How it could be done with the human dimensions that you and I have, and with our adaptability, even so, we can’t stand the great ‘hydrostatic pressure that this situation sets up.

Modern physicists are aware that there is a type of ‘force field’ that can be involved in transportation when we use that magnetic field of ‘force’ in which every object in the ship as well as the ship itself, would be moved along with the same velocity and then they would not have these experiences of hydrostatic pressure which we discover occurs. The reason being, that every atom of the being would be projected at the same speed and turning at the same speed and thus no pressure internally or externally would take place with the pilot. We have not yet been able to accomplish this type of thing in our own technology. But it is being done for intelligent beings to direct these beings which we are seeing. And the scientists are talking about this even tho your government is not willing to admit it at this time. In fact, we know that one of the men who was most interested in this, and who was moving to see that this secrecy should be cracked was Senator Lyndon Johnson. He was not only interested in this, but other Senators were also interested in seeing that they crack open this secrecy around the flying saucers, these unidentified flying objects, and let the people know the truth in this matter.

Now, there happens to be a great number of people in these United States that are greatly interested in this phenomena. The reason for this is quite simple, for it not only carries within the range of their imagination, the greatest field for thinking and design, and the greatest horizon, for it lies out there in space. With almost all of the earths surface explored and known about, it does not look like there are any more areas to conquer. But the vastness of the solar system and the space around it, the perimeter and the vision and the hope and the expectation of the two fields are so complete and tremendous, a great many people have been carried away by its possibilities. These ships that today are passing over America and over the nations and are watching so carefully, are not coming from the earth, but are definitely coming from outer space.

Now, there is one thing which is quite obvious. We have a lot of curious minded people who tell us that the earth may face an invasion at any moment. In fact, this is one of the most unique things which I noticed that was supposed to be one of those strange visitors who came form Mars, on one of those crafts, and he was supposedly getting in touch with a ‘Medium’ who wanted to bring the message in for those of earth to observe. And they were warning that these people do not like the vibrations that come from our nuclear explosions. And that they do not like the possibility that the earth will soon be engaged in an nuclear war. And this will so upset the balance of the heavens that they have decided to intervene.

And then another masters of the sky tells us that they are also angry and that the only solution is for us and the Russians to all come together and be one happy family.

Then I listened to another space crafter who had another explanation of this situation. And this unusual and ‘brilliant’ mind said that all of the people of earth had a common source regardless of their race, their creator, or background. And all of them had been a byproduct of evolving consciousness. And they had been sent from other areas to earth for their chastisement or some lesson to be learned. Thus if they were a Negro, this time then there was a lesson they had to learn. And if a White person, then that was because they had turned out to be a little better than the one who turned out to be a Negro. And if they ended up down here in this same portion of the earth, then that was to teach them a lesson. And after they learn all of this, then they will learn what this is all about. And they will be sent somewhere else for their next lesson. But now men were fighting one another and some were eating people who came back as sheep and goats. And some were eating people who came back as steers and venison. But this makes the ‘main boss’ very unhappy and if they don’t stop this right now and turn vegetarian, then a terrible catastrophe is coming on the face of the earth.

You say, ‘People don’t believe that.’ But let me tell you how much some people believe something like this. Every once in a while, I receive a very secret letter about something like this. Maybe they have been to a special convention and some of the most unqualified and untrained people have taken advantage of peoples interest in this an have set up space airports and giant conventions and gathered people around. And if you knew the educational background and the capacities of these men, and how their panorama of theology and ideas change form day to day---one moment they pose as Christians and the next they are Yogis, and the next they are Asiatic in their philosophy in their theology, and the next moment, they are worshiping at the feet from some supposedly being from outer space. But the thing they are worshiping the most and apparently getting the biggest kick out of, is the tremendous support they can get from these enthusiast who want to believe that there is something happening down there or over here.

You say, ‘Dr. Swift, don’t you believe there is any space people?’ I think there are more space people than you know about. I think that Angels walk your streets unaware and wear coats like you do, act like you and are doing one of the most important pieces of heavenly operations on the face of the earth.

I think that God Almighty not only has tremendous fleets of space craft flying around, I think that any time they transport some substance from one part of the Universe to the other, that they move it there in one of the great flying chariots of the heavens. Call it a flying saucer, or a flying chariot of heaven, call it anything that you want. But they are a vehicle for moving goods. Not only that, but God, Himself, uses them for transportation. And there is nothing wrong with that. They have been used by Angels and Archangels, who fight and die using weapons and by mortals who never knew death. They have been used to transport material and objects as the behest of practically every known type of intelligence which God has operating in His Universe. And I can take you thru the scriptures and show you place after place, where these great ships of space moved thru space and where they landed on earth and where someone saw their occupants. The circular ships of Ezekiel were beyond question a part of the great space fleet of God. And when Daniel talks about a thousand times ten thousands of these ships with their streams of fire, going out from the presence of the Most High, it gives you a little idea of the size of the heavenly fleet. In fact, when we say ten thousand times thousands time ten thousands, then you have a hundred million times one thousand and automatically you jump up into the billions and thousands of billions and you are up into the trillions. So anytime anyone wants to match a little weight against the program of God, against His space fleet and against His hosts of heaven, just remember that there are trillions of ships in this Universe flying at the command of the Most High God, His Archangels and His Sons.

When we talk about suns, remember that there are over a thousand trillion suns in the Universe that are visible today from the electronic scopes we are using today at Harvard University. The electronic scope has ten times the range of the 200 inch scopes, with the ability to record and to measure. So do not think for a moment that we are an unbeliever. We are not scoffing at reality. Let me tell you that these Angels of God and these sons that are scattered throughout His Universe, all of them have their responsibility and all of them are going to be at harmony with the very word of God whom they serve and whose word you have.

Now when one man comes from Mars and he is supposed to be the savior of the earth, and he uses a ‘tetron ray’ and no one knows what a ‘tetron ray’ is, but it is something which is supposed to come out of the sky and you can catch it on a tape recorder for some reason.---But you have to be in tuned and a proper ‘Medium,’---and if your tape recorder is right--and is reflected into the sky, then your tape recorder can catch this. Someone said, ‘Do you believe that?’ No, I don’t believe that. But I listened to the tape and as I listened to this metallic voice it sounded like a modern advertiser trying to tell us who he is and where he came form and who stood at his side on either side. And then he warned us that if we did not make friends with Russia, that then we would have great judgements. And I knew right away that if that was anything but a fraud, then the devil was doing the talking. If he had said look out for Russia, the armies of God are standing by and the enemy is about to jump you, then you might have listened for a little bit. But when he said make up with the Russians, for there is nothing at all in this division between you two, but just an empty philosophy of opinion.

So I listened to this. And then I listened to another voice which came thru this ‘Medium’ and this voice was put on tape. And this voice said, ‘these saucers are just materializing out of space around you. They are living spiritual things which take on the will power of which we are able to project ourselves, and they are great satellite creatures in our midst. And then this voice warned us that earth was about to be invaded from forces of violence which were still in our solar system from Mars and Saturn. So America, and Russia, and Red China and England, all better get together, form one great and powerful government and get our weapons ready to protect ourselves from these strange creatures from outer space. And then the message said, ‘the time is very short, so get ready to fight that which shall come out of the sky.’

So what do I think about it? I think that this ‘familiar spirit’ is the devil. I think that the voice that those in the seance heard which was on the tape was a voice right out of the unseen dimensions of demons and of Lucifer. Why? Because, my friends, it tells me in my Bible that you are not going to join with the Soviet Union. But that the nations in the Christian world are going to have to fight the Soviet Union. It tells me that the hoards of world Communism are going to make war against your Christian civilization. It tells me that right in the midst of this, the largest group of space craft is going to come into human affairs. It says that there will be no question about who is in charge. If you think that you have beheld a majestic spectacle,---and there have been a lot of them in the past. In fact, the motion picture industry, in trying to duplicate them has come out with some of the most spectacular ones of all time. You see some of this in ‘The Robe’ and in such pictures like ‘Ben Hur.’ And these are trying to portray the reliving again of tremendous strength and confidence and majesty of ancient Rome of the foreign legions. And as man has made history, he has tried to make it live again on the screen. And in this panorama of records it has been tremendous in the symbols and records, and the bringing forth of the pictures of Great Babylon or Medo-Persia, or Alexander the Great, or the sweeping hoards of Genghis Khan, or any of these factors which were tremendous in history. All the powers in their military array have fought for the earth and the powers of darkness now gather, not the spectacle of yesterday, but they gather the hoards of Asia. And they drive them with all of the Satanic hatred, of lust, that they fan day by day, and Christian America is their number one target. For they say, ‘if we can knock this America out, then we can capture the world.’ So again, comes these strange voices saying that we must patch things up even if we have to join with them.

Let me tell you something. If messages start to appear that we are in danger from an invasion from the heavens, then we should look up. There is no doubt that the World Order is in danger. But not the Kingdom of God. I am going to tell you that the day that you are locked in battle with the Red hoards of China and the Red hoards of the Soviet Union, there is going to be such a mass appearance of strength and power in the heavens, that anyone who looks up will see it. So great and over the approach of it, as it comes, will be the spectacle, that mens eyes will turn toward it, and the Soviet high command and all of their satellites will quickly get into a military huddle. For the great Master Ship of all---the one which moves ahead of the Army---will carry the Banner of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords---the Almighty Creator of the Universe, who holds all things together. And there will be a name across that side of that ship that no man has ever uttered. But it will be the name to the ultimate Glory of HIS own person. And the great hosts of the Universe will come in with the mighty strength of the Master.

You say, ‘How do you know?’ The Scripture tells me so. In the book of Revelation, John gives us a preview of this thing as the mind of God planned it. Let me tell you something. Anything the mind of God plans happens. He throws the energies in that make it come to pass. He throws in the amount of energy which synthesizes the substance of tomorrow. Do you know what the enemy does when they see the hoards of heaven coming in? It tells me right here in the book of Revelation that when they see this coming to pass, the hoards of darkness, the ‘5th Column’ of the Anti-Christ, the fallen demons, the unassimilatable people who dwell in earth and don’t belong here, and every host of evil,--they join together and turn their weapons, their space artillery on the mighty space hosts of heaven. And they strive to make war with HE who is coming in the clouds.

You say, ‘But is that in your Bible?’ Yes, it is in my Bible and in your Bible. And you can read here in the book of Revelation, just what they will do. And it tells us that they turn against HE who is coming in the clouds and they try to make war with HIM. Of course, it is not a long battle. But when it is all over every pagan hoard in the world will surrender.

Oh, I know that some people do not like that kind of a space story. They want to see all of these ships come in loaded with little Angels who will jump out and throw their little arms around everybody and give them a flower to smell---and every Communist will walk away with a little flower in his buttonhole and everything is Peace after that. But it is not going to be that way. In the first place, because Almighty God has declared that they make war with HIM when HE comes out of the sky. And then HE destroys the power of evil. And the world would then know Peace like they have never known it before. But the greatest spectacle of all human history is going to be the Majesty of the GREAT FLEET, the Armies of heaven as they face your earth, acknowledging you as the sons and daughters of God. And the great nation of these United States and the other great nations of God’s Kingdom, as HIS Colonial outposts in the earth. Let me tell you that God says He is happy to honor His nations in that day.

Someone says, ‘But how long will that be?’ Who know? It could start next month---who knows? The measures are very close to the end of the age. By this month you are in the ‘Midnight Hour.’ You are in one of the most important times in all human history concerning prophetic measure.

Now, getting back to some of the things which recently happened. An airline pilot was flying from Detroit toward New York. This was a regular airline pilot with 200,000 hours to his credit, and almost one million hours behind him of previous military flying. This was a man with an unimpeachable record and able to make full observations. He turned to his co-pilot and said, ‘Do you see a strange object flying along out there? At first I though it was a light on a ship, but it seems to be a great long object coming close to us.’ As the other pilot looked, they saw a tremendous circular ship, which they decided was about thirty feet in diameter and over three hundred feet in circumference. And they estimated that it was several times the size of the air craft they were piloting. The Stewardess came in and said that some of the passengers were excited and some of them worried because they saw something out there that they were afraid of since they do not know what it is. So they brought the passengers who were observing this, one at a time, into the cabin and the Pilot told them, ‘Now this is a phenomena of some kind, there is a strange type of aircraft flying out there and we are getting in touch with the earth and we are calling the various ground stations to get some type of identification and to tell what they see on their radar screen. But there is no doubt that this is one of the strangest and the largest air craft that we have ever seen. It has already flown past us twice, once under us, and once over us. So apparently it does not mean us any harm, for it could have accomplished that harm at any time. We can’t run from it, but don’t worry for there is no record that we have that any passenger ship of any type has ever been attacked by any of these ships. And the passengers were all glued to their windows. Yet when the plane landed, after viewing this tremendous saucer, the U.S. Government immediately demanded an interview with the pilot. The press and radio were prepared to tell more of the story. And then the facts were reviewed and reviewed. And finally, a statement was made by the pilot. And this is what was recorded:--that this was the first time he guessed, that he had been able to see a Jet being refueled in the air. So it’s possible that must have ben what it had been.’

Now, when the pilot’s have observed and the passengers have looked at a circular ship as large as this, a different type of air craft than they have ever seen, surely these observers used to the air, could not have been confused by the refueling of a Jet. Why? Who knows.

A great Concord Naval ship was coming from Europe in the United States. It was still some hours out of the base where it would land in Maryland. The pilot of this air ship had been looking out at the sky above him and suddenly as he looks out to the water horizon, to the fading Orion, he noticed what looked like a whole city of lights down beneath him just a little way ahead. He said, ‘I must be off course, for there is no town down there. How could there be a city of lights down there close to where I think the surface of the ocean should be.?’ So he turned to his co-pilot and his navigator and they looked and they said, ‘Yes, it must be a town for there are lots of lights, but we don’t know where we are or how we could have gotten off course.’ In the back of this transport there were two Naval crews. All of them crews of Naval transport returning from Europe for a rest cycle. They were all awakened and all observed the town of lights just below them.

Suddenly the pilot noticed that one of the lights had a great ring around it and apparently the ring was getting bigger and bigger. The co-pilot said it is not a ring. It is an object that is coming up and it gets bigger as it gets closer. And that strange ring of light happens to be like a friction fire around the edge of it. They were thus above a whole fleet of these objects illuminated from the top, flying just about the ocean. And they now realized that this was a whole fleet of unidentified flying objects. And the great transport realized that there was no way to get out of the way of these objects which were maneuvering around them. And they estimated that these objects were approximately 300 feet in diameter and about forty feet thick. These Naval transport flyers, many who had been flying for many years, are trained to observe all types of craft. Not only were they in touch with the mainland, and told what they saw, but as they continued on their way, they were escorted above and below and on all sides by these gigantic crafts.

Thus a fleet of crafts hovering over your ocean just a little way above it, with so many of them and with so many lights that they looked like a whole town, then took off into the sky as your transport made its landing in Baltimore. Does someone say there are no existing conditions in our times? Strangely enough, another airliner, a 736 going east,---and this was in the day time,---and their pilot looking out, saw this great ship which was approaching. This time as the ship stopped, everyone on the airliner had seen the saucer. And the pilot had made his routine report. And they were picking it up as being along side of him in the air from the various radar points on the ground. When military planes came close to this sighting, the object sped away thru the sky at great speed. A flight of Naval Air craft were on maneuver about another maneuver going on at sea as well. Suddenly a large rocket type object many times the size of the air craft, almost as large as the largest vessel that was involved, came steaming in out of space. It was even mechanical. And there were even puffs of explosive impact, as it changed and leveled out its course. Then it flew round and round the Naval maneuver at speeds faster than any of the air craft in the exercise. Then suddenly, it turned and pointed its nose up toward space, and there was a burst of smoke from the tail of this strange rocket and then they turned off their rockets as it disappeared out of sight. This is in Naval records. And I have a copy of what was for a long time a secret file on this. The Naval observers and the fleet and any who were in this position at this time, saw this object. Nd they said it was a gigantic rocket of some type and apparently did not have to depend upon any earth supply. For it went away, disappearing into the vaulted blue without any possibility of any tracking of it but just the photographs which were acquired of it, as it left going into space.

Now, it is quite obvious that if aliens want to get in touch with you, all they have to do is just manifest themselves. It is quite obvious that if God Almighty had wanted some special message to reach you, He would send one of His own messengers to do it. He could send Michael or any one of the heavenly messengers. He has already given you a ‘true word of prophecy’ which has never missed. He has unveiled to His ministers by inspiration and by an awareness of what is coming to pass and an alertness to find the evidence of things which have not yet happened. His voice of prophecy has never failed. The guidance of that prophetic vision which passes upon those who seek to know their fate, have positive assurance concerning God’s plan. There is not change in the blueprint. As individuals mature and reach for an understanding of what God has to say in His Word, are going to realize that if someone comes over to you and says, ‘we have just had a visitation down here from a person from space,’--just be skeptical.

I am interest in this fact that there is a man and his wife down here now that say they are from Saturn. And they have been traveling all over Southern California, and they are telling the people of earth what to do and they are just doing this out of the goodness of their hearts, as they do, and they have also published a book of these instructions of how they lived on Saturn and how you are supposed to live on earth. Now, you may not like this, and you may have that book. But he is selling it for $3.50. And they are selling this book about this man from Saturn who is supposed to be a special friend of God who came down to warn you.

Well now, if there was a tremendous warning God has for the earth, and He sent some special man down from Saturn---Why don’t they print these books up there? The book tells us that the money is of no importance at all, but if they just gave you the book you wouldn’t read it at all. So they have to bring the book down here and sell it in order to get some teeth into it. Let me tell you something. Any time anyone from outer space prints for me, knowledge he has brought down from outer space and gives it to me, then I will keep it. But when they come down here and set it up on printers ink, I think this man who says he originated from Saturn is wrong. Every once in a while some Schmoo comes over here and gets a deep tan and winds a towel around his head and tells us that he is some man from India---an all wise Yogi. You have more ‘Yogis’ over here playing in Cabarets and giving you special readings from the gods that were born in Brooklyn than any where else.

You say, ‘But why is that?’ Well, we are just in the end of the age where many people are deceived. And you are in a time when there are many deceiving forces, and you are in a time when you find that many people are interested. So these guys are engaged in going out here and fooling people. ‘Oh,’ you say, ‘I have some intelligent friends, they go to the University and they came out here to see this man from Saturn.’ Well they go to see everything, don’t they? Remember this man who said that he was Jesus Christ and would be down here on the steps of the Presbyterian Church, and the police had to keep the people back who went down to see him. No one believed that he was Jesus the Christ. But they still went down to see him. Do you know that if we put an announcement in the paper that the devil was going to appear on this platform next Sunday night, if we positively guaranteed that he would appear here next Sunday night, then you wouldn’t be able to get in here next Sunday night. No necessarily that the devil would be here, but the people would come to see.

You don’t believe that? But there is an ad in the paper about a haunted friar. They have this ad in the paper and they have some Evangelists over there and he has the grotesque head supposedly of John the Baptist on a platter. And he carries this up and down the isle crying, ‘The road to destruction.’ And a lot of people are going over there because they saw it advertised in the newspaper.

Now, I do not know what type of sadistic mind would want to see the head of John the Baptist on a platter. I don’t know who would want to see any head on a platter. But talking about grotesque and evil probably carrying the head of John the Baptist on a platter is probably one of the top ones. I do not have to see the head of John the Baptist on a platter to know that the forces of evil have made war on Christians by the thousands. But if one of these valiant Knights comes back with Khrushchev’s head on a platter, I will suit up and go to see it. All of these things are related to this hour. You say, ‘Do I believe that these ships are flying around? And yet I do not believe that these guys are who they say they are who came from Saturn?’ No, I do not believe these men came off these ships. But I do believe there are men on these ships that have been sighted. I believe that the man from England saw one of these ships on the beach and a man got out of the ship and took some water from the beach and then got back in the ship and went away. I don’t know what he will use that sea water for, but this is just one of those things that is supported by observers. I also know that a ship came down up here along the Oregon border and a man with a mustache watched some men get out of the ship and get some water from the stream and then get back in their ship and go away. They never said a word, just went away. And since this was observed by three of four people on several occasions, I believe some very intelligent creatures wanted a drink of water and they got it. And it doesn’t matter where they came from, they just wanted a drink of water and they got it.

I was high up in the Piute Mountains one night at a log cabin a friend of mine owns, and we heard a throbbing noise like an old boat going along. We went outside to check and looking down in the valley, there was a great plane not too far from a place in the Piute Mountains where a gold camp existed over 100 years ago. At first it looked like a moon out there in the valley, but there was no moon in the sky to reflect it. And then we realized that this great illuminated object was where the noise was coming from. And as we watched, that object moved across that valley and soared above the trees and disappeared. How big was it? Well, it was wide enough to cover half of that valley field. We did not see anyone and nobody gave us any message. There is a strange tingling sensation which goes thru anyone’s spine when they see something like that happen in the remote hills of California.

But I am going to tell you that I am going to expect lots of things to happen. For there are signs in the heavens, and there are signs in the scriptures. And there are signs in the sun, moon, and the stars. And God Almighty has given us an Oracle. And He had given unto us an Administration, and He had given unto us His Spirit.

Now, there happen to be leaders here in America who love the Kingdom and they love your race. And they are not as few as you might think. For God has thousands of them scattered across America. You say, ‘But who are these people?’ I think they are people who are fighting the enemy. I think they are men like Gerald Smith, Jerald Harper, the Internal Security Committee. In fact, I know some of these men who are in Washington offices who are devout Christians, prophetically interested. I think that across this nation there are one thousand men who are doing everything they can to oppose evil in this nation, and they are devout. And if they were on the wrong track, in anything, they were doing they would be the first people willing to change that course.

No, God has all the records. He is absolutely Omniscience. He has Archangels in command and He has thousands and thousands of saucer leaders. He has space craft of every description in the technological field. He has roving messengers, for He sent one down to talk to Daniel. And if God Almighty wanted all of the patriotic Christian leaders to keep America at the forefront of the leadership of the Western world, He would send messengers to those alert men.

If someone comes and says, ‘Dr. Swift, you are all wrong, I got a direct revelation, God told me to come and tell you,’---Well, let me answer that. I would not pay much attention to that. For I happen to know if God had something He wanted me to know, He would tell me. For He tells me things all the time. So why would He send a stranger to me to tell me something that He wanted me to know? I am going to tell you that if God Almighty had a message for those at the forefront, He would sent it with His own messenger to the Gerald Smiths, and He would sent it to the forces of righteousness in your midst and see that they understood it also. If He saw that men like Bill Gale were on the wrong track, He would tell them. If they were on the wrong track down in Arkansas, He would tell them. So why? Because God raises up leadership with a vision. They don’t deny that there are saucers. And they do not deny that there are space ships. They do not deny things that are self-evident. But they are not accepting the voices of fraud, who are out to siphon money out of your pockets.

I had people covering every convention they ever had at the Big Rock Airport. So don’t come back and tell me what happened. I know that one of the men in charge of that thing was belittling Jesus Christ, belittling Christianity. And he was talking about ‘Yoga Asiatic incarnation, talking about the mighty gods of other races, talking about who he was before he came here. I happen to know that before he came here he forgot to pay the bills, just like he did here. People traveled from San Diego and they came from Los Angeles, and they said, ‘See it is right there.’ And I looked up in the sky and I didn’t see anything. But people said, ‘Yes, it is right there----there it goes.’

We were in a meeting a few weeks ago in San Diego and someone said, ‘Dr. Swift, there was a man here from Saturn and he believes everything that you believe. We saw him go out and look into the sky and when he turns his mind into the sky, the saucers come right down to him. And he can make them show up right now.’ So I said, ‘Well, let’s see them.’ And we went outside and he said, ‘Do you see that bright light out there? That is a saucer.’ And I said, ‘No that is the planet Saturn.’ And he said, ‘Oh, no, that is a saucer.’ And I pointed out Jupiter, ‘That star has been there all night.’ Then he sighted another one in the sky and I said, ‘This is the Dog star.’ And he says how do you know? So I said, ‘I have studied them since I was a little boy. These are not saucers, they are there every night.’ But he said, ‘These are moving faster.’ And I said, ‘No, that is a planet, for stars stay fixed in place.’ So he said, ‘You just do not have the vision.’

Let me tell you something. If God wants to talk to you, He does not have to use a tape recorder. And when some messenger starts to tell me that I have to make friends with the enemy of Jesus Christ, then I know who he is. And I know what his representatives look like. And when some of these so called ‘learned’ men tell you that Jesus Christ was just a small boy, that tells me from where they came. They better go back to work in the machinist shop of the ‘left.’

I got a flier form a little temple the other day. And it says that you ‘walk in one door and out the other and you are healed.’ And someone said, ‘I believe in that, I put some money in that one.’ Well, you are silly if you did, for you are never going to get healed walking in and out of that building. No amount of television aerials on the top of that building is going to bring down the vibrations that heal you when you walk in and out of that building. None of this will bring down any special vibration as you walk thru. The healing power which can heal your body is already on the inside just waiting for your Faith. It is the Christ in you that can reactivate your healing. That is all. You don’t have to worry about going thru anyone’s doorway.

Then there was the time when someone said, ‘Dr. Swift, have you heard about the water?’ And I said, ‘What water?’ ‘Oh, they said there is a guy over here and he has healing water and everyone who drinks it is healed.’ I went down to taste it, and we get better water than that right out of the tap. There is more cosmic energy coming out of the vibrations of the earth. There is more energy, my friends, than anyone can get thru a box thru a radio aerial. You say, ‘Why do men believe this?’ It is because they want to believe there is some kind of healing, but they do not want to believe the simple things which is to believe God and take life.

Then someone said, ‘Dr. Swift, they are selling lessons now, you can get out of your body and fly around the world.’ Well, don’t you pay any money for those lessons. And they say, ‘Don’t you believe in anything like this?’ In spiritual realms, there are a lot of things transpiring. But when God sent you down here in this body, He intended for you to stay in it unless He sent for you. If He sends for you, then it will not cost $100.00. If He decides that He will take you out and get the vision, then you will go out and then come back and get into the same body. But a lot of people like to fool around with these strange patterns and strange mysteries of the Kingdom. But a few got out of the body and then could not get back. Did you ever hear of spirits that walk in light places? Bodies that go in to a strange kind of teleportation trance and then are found distributing strange kinds of artifacts. These are going on all the time. There are lessons in New York and in Los Angeles. And one is under a black priesthood associated with ‘The Black Mask.’ And they are selling secrets of how to leave the body and then come back into it. These are phenomena. These are strange lying signs and wonders. Most of us want to stay in this body as long as you can.

You say, ‘But why do these messengers who come sweeping in from outer space, want to teach us all these things?’ Why had God been unable to unveil His great purposes thru these years? I believe He can do what He wants to do. I believe that the Holy Spirit can confirm what is in this Book. But if you cannot find these new things and confirm it out of inspiration, which is akin with God’s purposes, which He has vowed to perform, then I am going to tell you just how silly this idea of the ‘New’ Christian is. The time factor of when a new Christian takes place, is only an illusion. For strangely enough, John has already traveled thru these next few years and recorded it. He traveled on a great time track of time and his own consciousness was made to see it. And then he wrote the book of Revelation. And there is not anything that you and I will find in the great panorama of history that will not fit into the Book.

But these things will come to pass. There is no greater hope than that the mighty hosts of God will show up in the time of crisis. I have no hope of faith that Mr. Kennedy has the answer. I have no thought but that Mr. Stevenson would take away your freedom and put into a United Nation ‘State’ and give it to the ‘One World’ conspirators. I see no individual on the horizon that I can trust to make a stand for our land. But I see a whole host from the nations of God’s Kingdom when the enemy rattles his sword. I see a great hope, for God has millions of people who He is going to stir with His Spirit, millions of them which He has promised to raise up and the mighty hosts of heaven He has promised to sent in, with Michael the Prince who will fight for the children of God as he fought for them before.

Daniel the prophet was told concerning your nation ahead of time, and he was told that Michael would come in with his fleet. Do you know when Michael the Prince fought for you the last time? I can give you proof that you were with the Father in the heavens before the world was framed. Because Michael the Prince has not fought for you before on earth. Then this must have been while you were in the spirit. But when Lucifer took one third of the planets, and the peoples of the Milky Way and tried to make a tremendous army, using the technology of God which he had been using for years in the heavens, when Lucifer tried then to take over the throne of God, the whole dimensions of the creations of the Universe, then Michael the Prince of heaven, distributed his army and broke the power of Lucifer and most of his broken space craft landed in the earth. And this is where Lucifer has been ever since---right here. This is what upset the ancient civilization in South America. This is what upset the nation of Africa and turned it into darkness, for some of the warriors of Lucifer’s fleet were now in earth. This is what started Voodooism and the degeneration of the Negroes. It is what started the great battles of the Matavaras of history, with the ancient people of India and China. And in the panorama of those events, it effected whole continents and they sank beneath the waters of the Atlantic and the Pacific. The mighty battles in the sky are now a matter of history. And the Matavaras of India and the battle of the gods in the sky, and the dragon god of Asia, now come to earth, to try to stop His Kingdom. It is all there. And what has transpired in the ancient past is thus told.

But in that day, when Lucifer said, ‘I am going to destroy God’s Kingdom because I don’t like His children. I don’t like the fact that they are spirit of His Spirit. So I am going to fight and take over.’ That is the time when Michael fought for you. And do you hear what God said, ‘Michael the great Prince is going to fight for you as he did when he threw Lucifer out of the heavens. This time he is going to throw him out of the earth.’

Let me tell you this. Just remember who you are. And then just stand back and watch what God has on standby. What an experience it will be to see that great fleet streaming out of the heavens, brilliantly illuminated, shinning like the sun. Their great speed going thru the atmosphere gives a roar like a mighty rushing waterfall, like the mighty wind whining thru the trees. And Ezekiel lifted his eyes to that great panorama of objects. Oh, there is no doubt that there might have been signs of awe and some apprehension when he saw this. But he watched them turn and move and come on down. He said that they were circular objects and they came very, very close to earth. And he saw that there were eyes looking out at him. There were living creatures on the inside. There were great portholes around the ship and eyes looking out. And Ezekiel says that as they landed, they all came down together. And when they went up, they all went up together. But when they came down and settled in earth, then a door opened in one and from this door, there ran out a long gangplank like a loading ramp.

You say, ‘Why did they do that?’ They are just as smart in heaven as you are. They brought out a big throne and set it right there on the earth. And the illumination and the Glory of it all, filled the area and Ezekiel was rooted to where he stood. And this one who now sat on the throne, looked just like a man from His head to His feet. But the Glory which came from Him, the rainbow of color that went out from Him, the light from HIM that went out from HIM in this spectrum of color, was so bright that Ezekiel knew that he was in the presence of YAHWEH the Creator of the heavens and the earth. For out of Him came the Glory which broke all the color bands of the spectrum. The very elements which moved out from Him, were the very substance with which He created things. And Ezekiel beheld the very Glory of this ONE the Light Giver.

Ezekiel fell before this Light Giver, who then said, ‘Come here Ezekiel, for I have come to talk to you, for you are My prophet. And this is the message I have for My people.’ But Ezekiel did not come in with a strange new story about someone who just took over Mars. He did not come back and proclaim that some mysterious person just landed from Saturn. Ezekiel came to tell Israel about the Great God of the Universe, about YAHWEH, about His ships and about His message, which was for His people of His Kingdom and what He had ordained to do.

And Elijah left this earth after he had decapitated all the evil kikes who had come in to destroy God’s Kingdom, in the days of Elijah’s ministry. God said, ‘Here is a man after My own heart.’ And when Elijah was thru, He sent a ship down for Elijah and Elijah did not have to die. He just climbed on board and sailed away. Let me tell you this. As Christ left His disciples out there on the side of the mountain, after His last visit, He then stepped inside this shinning aura of light and they could see Him no more. But pretty soon, two men stepped out for a few moments. Then as they entered back inside the light, then the whole space of light and glory rose and disappeared.

The disciples stood there looking, not knowing what kind of a ship was in that cloud of Glory, no more than Moses knew when that ship was over the children of Israel in their march. And the Angelic hosts, representatives of Celestial realms said, ‘You men of Galilee, why do you stand there gazing into this disappearing cloud of light. This same Christ is going to return the same way you saw HIM leave.’ Someone said, ‘Do you believe that?’ Yes, I believe that and that ten thousands times ten thousands will be following HIM. Yes, I believe very much in unidentified flying objects. For my Bible tells that they are under the control of my Father which is in heaven. If Satan tries to substitute them and bring them out of the Netherworld thru some of the cavern entrances, then I believe this for my Bible tells me that they come out of the Netherworld like locusts. And some of these strange looking creatures like John saw in Revelation, may appear and they cause some fear as people look at them. For everything connected with Satan is a monstrosity.

But I want you to know that everything coming in from the distance and beyond, is coming in under the guidance and the knowledge and under the leadership of Michael the Archangel. There may be some phenomena that we cannot explain, such as the man out in the field pitching hay and in the next field were two men also pitching hay,---and they say that man standing there with his pitchfork and then suddenly up and up he went. But where did he go? Nobody knows. There are lots of strange things going on right now in the earth. But let me tell you something. If you want knowledge and you want wisdom, don’t turn to the ‘Wizard’ for it. Ask your FATHER and He will give it to you.

‘Oh, you say I have been too hard on some of these people. Then alright, if you want to buy a book that is published after these people say they came into earth, then go ahead and buy it and subsidize their work. For they may set up a booth and start importing things from Saturn. But we won’t be there to help them. I believe that there are beings on Saturn and beings on Venus and beings on Mars. But I am going to tell you that they do not have anything to do with what God has in store for you.

(End of message)