Power Of Creation, 12-16-62

By DR. WESLEY SWIFT- 12-16-62

PRAYER....Almighty and Eternal Father. Again we come before you to worship you in Spirit and in Truth, recognizing thy abiding presence which is with us thru out all ages. Which is not only with us but the essence of thy Spirit is also in us. We are thankful for the witness of thy Spirit concerning who we are, and from whence we have come. For the testimony of the Apostle Paul with thy assurance said that we are the children of God. For thy assurance that we are thy household, for the realization that thy Kingdom is an Eternal Kingdom. That what you shall accomplish with it is what you have purposed and ordained from the beginning, and made known unto us. Grant us to possess in our Faith the continuing assurance of achievements, and victory, of righteousness over evil, for thy purposes which shall be established in the earth. We pray our Father that you shall lift up and sustain thy people, giving them that serenity of Peace which can come upon their consciousness in the midst of conflict, so that they can carry forward the opposition against the darkness with the assurity, and the essence of their being, and in the accomplishments of their purpose may we recognize that all the conditions of fulfilled prophecy, as the events transpires, some of which are in the areas of opposition have been known unto thee from the beginning, and that the end is also known unto thee. Because of these things we have an assurance of victory and we press on to its achievements. We pray our Father that as we meditate upon thy purposes and our relationship to it, that we shall see why it is our obligation within this hour to lift up thy standards, and make sure that thy people maintain a continuing identity with thy mind, and with thy presence. Thus we commit ourselves into thy hands, we pray that thy Will be done in earth. Praying for the awakening of thy people, for the declaration thru out the earth in all ages to come. Knowing that as we adjust ourselves and work to this end that it shall be accomplished because you have told us that every knee shall bow, and every tongue proclaim that thou are GOD. So we commit ourselves into thy hands saying:...'Thy Will be done'...and in thy Name we ask it. Amen.

As the minds of our people turn at this time of the year toward these great and intense developments which transpire all over the world, at the same time we cannot blot out that spirit of The Christ and of Christmas which dawns in the hearts of people every year. We want to point out that it is very important that we retain Christ in Christmas. It is very important that we retain and identify as it relates to our identity, and our society, with these great, great traditions of our household and our race. As we have cited to you....intense pressure is being placed on every area of our life to try to drive out the concept of the Christ and every thing which relates to HIM, to drive all that from our Society. We call your attention to the fact that the Supreme Court in February of 1892 decided that this is a Christian Nation, and with that declaration and the unprecedented amount of tradition and evidence to prove this, then came forth this statement and there has been nothing to change fact. We have been observing Christmas from Colonial days to our time, but the enemy is trying to take Christ out of Christmas, and to destroy all recognition of these facts.

We consider the attempt to take prayer out of our schools, and Christ from our minds of our youth as a very definite program against the solidarity of our society, our civilization and our culture, and that the foundation that The Christ was YAHWEH embodied...from our religion. If there is any important responsibility that we have it is ingrained in our youth, and it is our responsibility to see that it stays ingrained in our youth...this knowledge of The Christ and their responsibility toward HIM. The idea may be presented to you at this time that Christians are not the only balance, and that we are to recognize all types of interpretations of the separation of Church and State, and this is to divide us from an official recognition of this holiday. We want you to realize that a majority of people in our land, from Colonial times to now were Christians. This nation was founded by Christians. There was designs by pagans and sociologist's to try to tell us that it is not true. More than that we have had a national holiday that reached from the beginning of our society, that on Christmas we close government buildings and schools. We have closed everything civic in our land and most businesses so that everyone can celebrate Christmas, this great Christian feast day which we recognize and celebrate as the birth of Christ. The reason I am putting quite an emphasis on this is so that you may notice that the Jews are putting quite a bit of pressure on our schools to take Christ out of the schools. Here in Los Angeles they put so much pressure on the schools in their areas that the schools and teachers have canceled out the Christmas programs.

In part of the area of Antelope valley the Jews made the schools and churches remove the Manger scenes from their displays, and by threat, by fear, and by every means possible they are doing this. I hold in my hands a copy of the California Jewish press, this is calling all the Jews in the city of L.A. to try to stifle all religious services of this Christian Christmas festival. I am reading this, and it is intended for you to recognize who your enemy is. This holiday is a nationally recognized Christian holiday, and we nationally celebrate this as a Holiday commemorating the fact of the Birth of Jesus the Christ. Since this is our heritage, then those people who don't like it can find places to travel to where they will be most happy I am sure. I understand they aren't going to celebrate Christmas in Israeli, so maybe they would be happier there. I notice in the U.S. and World News another case with Father Daniel..I am not going to interpret Father Daniel, but it seems he considers himself to be of Jewish origin, and they are willing to accept that pattern, but he became a convert to the Catholic Church, and became a Monk, but when he wanted to enter Israeli under this right which all Jews are supposed to have...thy refused to let him come in. The reason they gave...If a Jew converts to Christianity he cannot come into Israeli. Now you can be a Zen Buddhist as was Ben Gurien, or a Pagan of any kind, but a Christian cannot enter except as a short staying tourist. This is most interesting and I think the day has come when we also should make regulations as to who we let into this country, to destroy our way of life. They would have a hard time attacking Christianity for those values, since those who would attack us, already have claimed the right of Anti-Christianity in their own society. I just wanted you to know we are holding another one of the 11 pieces of evidence in our hands as of now, that are of Jewish origin, where we told you that they are moving to strike out all recognition of Christmas from our schools and everything that relates to our nation.

We tell you that we can do without these who would strike at the heart of America, but you cannot do well without Christ in America, for unto you a child is born:...oh, how I like the words of the Prophet Isaiah:.... 'Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulders; His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace'. If there are those who would say that this cannot be said to us...then my friends they are not a part of our society. Because this is our portion, and our Supreme Court has found that Christ is LORD in America. In fact our Congress has ruled that this must be ingrained in every mind, and so we added to the pledge of allegiance to our flag....'This Nation under God!' Today the world is beset by a constant attack upon the structure of our Faith, and this process is a design to subordinate and soften our Faith, by an intense program to destroy. The processes of destruction are moving with great speed everywhere. The stepping up of the developments on the part of all nations to produce the most destructive force possible, and we are told that this is to deter war. Well, my friends it isn't so much a matter of deterring war, it is a matter of building up strength to deter the enemy when he moves. But there is no question in our minds that the enemy intends to move, even tho we have heard a lot of messages over T.V. and radio telling us that we have moved into the greatest area of peace...after all isn't Christ the Prince of Peace? Even Russia is talking Peace, and Tito of Yugoslavia is to sign a pact between two warring communist nations, so this must be the time of Peace. Mr. Tito said at that time that Mr. Khrushchev was the greatest figure on the international Peace scene, of all times. That makes me think of the traitorous position of what International business company did when Mr. Khrushchev came to America. The I.B.M. company in San Juan had a big sign which read:...'Welcome Khrushchev..Prince of Peace'. I want you to know that we are not taken in by this, for I well remember that Mr. Khrushchev said:..'We will never give up our conquest of the world for communism until the shrimp whistle's on the mountain tops'. Well, we haven't heard any whistling out of the shrimp and we are sure you haven't either. In fact this is the strategy of the enemy; to compromise, to socialize the world and drive Christ out of all true and proper Faith... from the lives of men. I want to point out something to you before we go on with the areas of our message, and one of them is that pagan communism will put up with every religion except Christianity. I want to point out to you that Jewry as it determines what can come into Palestine will put up with Buddhism, Hinduism, or the Witch doctors, and there has been a school for Witch doctors in Timbuktoo for years, but if you are a Christian they will not put up with you. The line of demarcation is clear, this is Christ and Anti-Christ struggling for the world.

Now; there is Peace on earth, but it is to be found only by those individuals who by their conscious realism have their minds tuned with the Great Truth's of God's purpose. With absolute assurance of his ability to carry out the projects and objectives of his purpose. We are talking this afternoon on the areas of the Powers of Creation, and it is most important that we understand that with every attempt of today to subordinate our society and move it into a second class place, or to seek to tell us that the day of the white man and his civilization is over, that Christian civilization must now step back because out of Asia and out of Africa shall rise the new forces who shall determine the destiny of the world...

I can assure you this afternoon that the destiny of the world was determined before the order of the world was framed. I can tell you that the destiny of the world was determined before the Solar system was consummated. I want you to know that althoughit may not be in the seat of your recollection...there is not an individual in this room this afternoon, who was not with the Father when He put out the great productive programs of creation, and when he created this Solar system. Oh, you say: what do you mean by that, for I wasn't born then? My friends you were not in physical bodies in earth, but you were with the Father when the world was framed, and this is a fact...God even assured Job of this as he talked with him. You were not only with the Father, but I can assure you that the Apostle Paul in the first Chapter of Ephesians told you that you were already blessed with all spiritual blessings before the world was framed. These are intense truths and they may not have been dwelled upon in most churches because they never considered the depth and the value of what is declared. If one goes back into the original texts in which these truths are framed, you will see that every attempt was to demonstrate that the people who make up the Christian society, the race of which you are a part, was intended to convey in the thinking of the people that this was a Divine Household, a Spiritual people who existed before they ever dwelt in earth.

I think it rather significant that as we consider the measures of this declaration that I happen to have in my hands a Scofield Bible. This does not mean that we approve of all of its interpretations and opinions, however here in the first chapter of Ephesians, it tells us in verse 3 that we have been blessed by the Eternal Father, the Great Spirit who is the creator of all the Universe. The Great Spirit who is the Father of his own Embodiment, the man Christ Jesus, and that he had already blessed us with all spiritual blessings..in Heavenly places, in our spiritual existence as his child, before this world was framed. Now; I read a footnote in this Scofield Bible..it says:..The believer is a heavenly man, and a stranger and pilgrim in the earth, and Scofield quotes Hebrews 3:1 and I Peter 2:11., which we have used from time to time. Thus we are heavenly people, and are strangers and pilgrims here in earth, thus we came in as strangers and pilgrims because we are a part of a heavenly order, which was higher and with greater capacities and greater abilities than the earth orders we were sent here to develop. I want you to know that the program which every Christian prays for every day is:... 'Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven'. It is with this realization that the laws of spiritual power which ordain the control of the Universe, are far superior to the activities, and the processes by which men live in earth. It is with this realization that we come to an understanding of God's purposes...of his sending of his Celestial household from heaven to earth, of his embodying them in physical bodies, of his projecting as a creation...not my friends as making out of nothing, or forming out of a substance of earth, but by progeny, he begat unto himself a household. That is why the ancient word...a Hebrew word... Bara..meant to begat, or to produce out of himself, and we find that Adam was a son of God. When I introduce this fact unto you, it is to give unto you a household and an origin, for Woman was taken out of Adam and this way this Divine Family was placed in earth. Placed where creations and civilizations had fallen under the catastrophe of the influence of a fallen Archangel. It is a rather significant situation that out of the superstition and all these patterns of darkness and evil, that God with all His Grace intended to transfer an administration of a Heavenly order from heaven to earth and the way to do that was to embody them. Even ancient prophecies which were included in the book of Horus from ancient Egypt demonstrated that they looked forward to the day when the Eternal YAHWEH of the Heavens...Putah would send his own household from heaven to earth. This is why when Enoch and Job were building the great city of ON that the Pharaoh's of Egypt came to the acceptance of the fact that these men were the children of Osiris, the very soul of Ra, and they recognized Ra as the symbol of the God of Light. When you go into the background of the impact of our race upon these people you will discover that at that time...Monotheism was again introduced into earth with the coming of the sons and daughters of the Eternal YAHWEH.

We think it rather significant that we understand that two of the great sources of these things of Revelation concerning the pre-existence of God's household were given to Enoch and to the Apostle Paul. Both of these men had unique experiences, different dimensions and planes. That these men described what they saw and heard. He translated the technological wisdom supplied to him...to a physical world. We always thrill to Enoch's description of what he saw and heard, of the ease with which this man.. in Faith..left his house to become the great revelator of the heavens. He tells us of the cloud that came down outside of his house. He didn't know at that time that this cloud which arrived outside of his house contained ...on the inside of the cloud a great chariot, but he stepped into the cloud, after two men had come out of the cloud and said:..'Enoch, the Eternal Father has bid us come to take you unto him, for he has things to tell you that you must pass on to thy brethren'. There was no fear in Enoch, for he just pulled down the shutters, locked up his house, and told his family that he was leaving on a little trip. He then walked into the cloud and then found therein a chariot, and he tells about his journey over the earth, and out over the ice pack and into space. He talks about how as he goes out that he sees the wanderers which you and I know as planets. This is first record in literature that tells us of Uranus and Pluto, because we thru our science did not establish them until in the 30's. We had to wait for our electronic telescopes to be able to find them, and knowing where to find them then of today we can find them quite easily, but Enoch in his travels out into space told us that they were there.

Strangely there are many things about the Book of Enoch, like those of The Book of Revelation, things that tell us about who these great Patriarchs of our Race were, and that shows the tremendous experiences which had been had, and those were accurate, and scientific details that were far beyond the ability of our day, and yet this was 5000 B.C., when Enoch was having his experiences. You must remember also that in the course of Enoch's development, as he saw the massive palaces of THE MOST HIGH AND THE GLORY OF SPACE, Enoch told of how he went out to this cluster of seven stars we call Pleiades which Job also confirms. Remember when talking to Job HE said:..'Canst thou bind the influence of the Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?' Today our scientists know that to this area of the Milky Way and perhaps further, that the Pleaides is the gravitational center around which all these forces move...in slow orbit. That the bands of Orion are responsible for the great ecliptic which form the great oval patterns of certain Solar systems, even effecting our Solar system. But Job was told these things to record, and he did that in ages that proceeded the scientific and technological development of our times. When we consider that we also can know the things that God said to Enoch...then we find that God told Enoch that HE would bring all things to his remembrance, and especially that Enoch went to work because he volunteered to go, all of the household volunteered. Here in the heavens Enoch saw the tremendous numbers of people from every part of the Universe. He saw them coming and going before the Throne of God. He discovered that many of them were his kinsmen, the offspring of God, his brethren, and some of them had not dwelt in earth, and some of them had done so.

And when he saw all these things Enoch was told:..you were sent into earth to build a New Order to establish once again the rule of righteousness, and that is why your race after volunteering went down and were embodied into physical bodies. Enoch was assured that if he did not then stand before the Father in his physical body, he would have remembered all these things without being told. Do you see the significance of this situation? The Apostle Paul tells us that he did not know as he was taken into the heavens, and into the presence of The Father whether he was in the physical body, or out of his physical body. We think this is very important for this household of the family of God because it relates...it proves that the Celestial plane and the Physical plane are so alike in form and activity that it was impossible for the Apostle Paul to tell whether he was in or out of the Physical body. He had every sensation of conscious existence, and the immortality of life was being born testimony of permanency by the experience of this great Apostle Paul. I think it is rather significant that in these writings of Enoch he talks about how God brought back to his remembrance how the Solar system was formed. He brought back to his remembrance things which related to conditions in the Universe, and we are sometimes challenged by the impact of the Universe. I talked to a clergyman the other day who had no ability to conceive that there never was a beginning, and when he talked about creation he thought it was some kind of a small little circle and God went around the circle. Well that is to be understood because of the limitations of this mind inside of some craniums, and sometimes that is all they can obtain. Sometimes because of this we find it hard to realize that the Father is the perimeter of the Sidereal systems, which now we can behold and photograph.

Thru our electronic telescopes we find that beyond even the range of anything we have produced, that there are still Sidereal systems after Sidereal systems on out there. But when you want to know something about our Father, remember this, He has always been in the business of creating and existing. More than that he was before all things that were created, and the Apostle Paul bears this testimony in the Book of Colossians. Today there is a realization that there is in the world, a force that is seeking to destroy every thing that is constructive, every thing that has emerged out of the developing civilization of God's Kingdom, and is seeking to materialize and to destroy. But the technological developments of our times are throwing more spot lights on the formation of the Universe, and greater evidence of the Creator is being demonstrated every day. I also point out to you that there is a quality of co-creative ability that exists inside of you. Everything God's Universe that you can see existed in idea and in form in the mind of God before he ever put it together. And he compressed with great circles of creative light, and placing in the heart of it..HIS mind...to balance its form. And under the compression of HIS Light and the electronic elements which were within the structure of such formation, and under the electrical compression, then formations were put together from one end of the Universe to the other. There isn't anything in the Universe which you can see or handle which isn't put together with electrons, or protons, or neutrons, and down in the heart of this is the mental..or mind quality of this..or as we would say the book keeping factor of the atom. Strange as this may seem all that you can see has to first exist in the intelligent conscious form of mental or mind of the Creator, and the Creator not only put together all the things of the Universe, but the quality of this capacity to know and to think, and to drive and direct such forces...also in YOU. This is why the Apostle Paul tells you some- thing in the Book of Philippians that YOU SHOULD NEVER FORGET:...He said: 'Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus' 2:5.

The original text said:...(vs. 6) He in this physical body was in the form of God, and he was consciously aware that he was equal with God because the Spirit within him, the Celestial form, was YAHWEH (God). He was thus saying as the Apostle Paul speaks:..you are also children of God, so let this mind be in you. For you are life of His Life, breath of His Breath, bone of His Bone, and you are going to start thinking on the level of God to accomplish God like results. That is the reason why the 82nd., Psalms says:..'Ye are Elohim and all of you are the children of YAHWEH'. The King James Version says:..'Ye are gods and all of you are the children of God'. But this is to much for some people to absorb in one statement like that, but if they would just study the patterns of truth they would know that they came from somewhere, for the Apostle Paul said:..'Ye are strangers and Pilgrims in the earth.' Now; when you come to church, you come to assemble with people of your faith, your race..but what really did you come for? Did you come to Church just to be coming to Church? You here in this congregation come for a little different reason did you not? You come with a little different understanding of the order than when the Israelites came to the mountain at Mount Sinai. You didn't come to the mountain burning with fire, for you were told over here in the Book of Hebrews, Paul will tell you what you have approached:..You have come to a gathering of the first born, who were begotten in the heavens. You have come to the church of the first born which was also formed in the heavens.

You have come to this church because you were also formed, begotten in the heavens. Thus you have come to the church of the first born which was formed in the heaven's and you have come to an in-numerable company of living spirits. You have come to the New Order of the Ages, to the Heavenly Jerusalem. That is what you approach as you come to the true church. So therefore the church is a very dynamic spiritually embodied organization and an organism, It is the great stimuli of a New World Order, it is the heart center of God's Kingdom, and you have come to a group of citizens who are of a Celestial Order, who are transplanted into earth to build His Kingdom. And this is a kingdom which shall never be destroyed. You are a part of the people begotten by the Spirit before event the creations of this earth were made. We point out to you however that in the process of this declaration that the Apostle Paul continually reports the things that he saw and heard. We point out to you that as this blueprint and his ability to see, and to catch the vision of things that have not been made or formed are revealed, they are just a part of the process you receive out of the Father until you can pick up tomorrows trends. Until you can pick up ideas that are in his mind, and things which are to develop in the earth. Things that he talked about, and which he gave to his Prophets as he talked to them, and as such you are thus co-creators with THE FATHER!

There are some individuals who do not like the word co-creator because they think some things are made out of nothing, but I want you to know that there isn't anything that is made out of nothing. Everything that you see is a part of something, and everything is made out of something, even electricity, for it is a part of electricity. Even a particle of light moves with velocity and has substance. The pattern of it is however the synthesis of the Universe, out of the fields of energy, and out of its wave lengths of energy, and its electronic particle, and is held together by the mind of God, from the finest vast Sidereal system, for a counter part of the fact is that this mind is also in you. And the continuing and making of things at your disposal is a part of your destiny. Everything that you create, and everything that you are co-creator with the Father is not always made out of substance. There are principals and ideas of course that are formed with milliamps of energy generating in the seat of your consciousness, and received there in that great receiving set of your intelligence, but they had to come in. The Father has been relaying wisdom and knowledge to you and has opened up the vein of receptivity of anything in His mind. 'Let this mind be also in you that was in Christ Jesus'.

We should stop to think a bit about this one who was born, whom we are told was the Eternal ONE:...'Unto us a child was born, unto us a son was given..Wonderful..the Mighty God the Everlasting Father'. THIS IS THE MYSTERY....THE EMBODIMENT OF THE EVERLASTING FATHER !!! In the Book of Colossians there is the declaration which is almost significant concerning the person of Christ. It tells us that by HIM were all things created, both in the heavens and in the earth..both visible and invisible. Wavelengths of energy, spheres and dimensions of power, whether they be thrones or dominions, principals or powers. All things were created by HIM. He the Eternal Embodied Christ was before all things, and by HIM all things consist. He is not only the head of the body which is the church, but He is the beginning, the first formed of all substance by Spirit, and you also are a part of that first formed because you are the children of that Spirit. You are the Celestial children of the Father, before the world was framed. Now; the Apostle Paul makes this declaration, that all things were made by HIM. Now there is only one race of people who were ever able to find out by the guidance of the spirit and their own initiative how far out this creation reaches, or how infinite and small it can be. You never heard, my friends, of Africa, or Asia grinding great lenses to probe the distances. The lenses of the great telescopes, even the 200 inch scope, who made them? What was the wave length that caused this reach for knowledge?

First you have to know that there is something out there, and then you have to want to find it before you develop the instrument to find it. Secondly you must have within you a pattern of inspiration which gives you a little concept of the bending of the light ray, and men of your race developed and use this until today the technology by which you have ground lenses has probably reached the highest point of efficiency which lens grinding can obtain. There may be future combinations, but probably no addition of pattern and power in this field, for we have explored all the conditions of the curving of the lenses, and the bending of them, as to the attaining of power. We have increased its size to gather more light until we now possess tremendous telescopes. We have been aware that there must be a way of translating into form, so that we can look at it in photograph and emblem, beyond our now ability of these lenses to resolve light. Now; what made you think there was anything beyond what you could resolve? It was a deep ingrained capacity within your race which did this. It was a deep ingrained technology which moves with metallurgy and lens grinding, and you started to produce something else. You started to discover that the wave lengths of energy which are not only patterns used in thought, but are also capable of bringing to you the reactions which prove that there are things out there, both visible and invisible according to planes or dimensions. And the people who developed the radar, and the people who developed the technological ability to harness the vibrations of energy now started to produce the electronic lenses. We were now able to take the impressions of invisible objects, invisible because they were so far away. Objects visible if they had been close enough, but far beyond the ability of our lenses to resolve or capture the light to show them, and then our race therefore designed a lens to capture the electronic beep of anything beyond the ability of our lenses to perceive. Then we started to get a new pattern translating these impulses into photographs and now we are able to photograph the Universe beyond the ability of any mechanical instrument, to see, other than our electronic eyes reaching out. We call this our electronic telescope and with it we multiplied our horizons ten times. 120 trillion suns which can be picked up by our Sidereal system is now multiplied into ten times 126 trillion suns. This my friends is the work of those who are co-creators with the Father. You look out of the Sidereal system and see the vastness of what your mind can behold, and then concede the fact that there is no way that you yourself can mathematically and by comparison, set up an understanding of numbers and have them show you what you are able to photograph, and by mechanical calculators that you have made be able to measure all of this My Father's mind has not only put together but has held together and directed.

And beyond all that has sent upon you who have sought...these words:... 'Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you'. There is nothing which has been retained in the Wisdom of God or in your ability to know from your race, which you have sought. You say:...well of course there isn't anything to racial superiority in our time because all races are the same, they are all equal, because they have just told us so in the United Nations. This may be the reason why that as they told you that all races are equal that they seem to have designs on your check book. They want you to get your check book out and write a lot of checks out of your tax money to pay for all these races that are equal. All this to help raise them up to your level. In fact they made a statement in the Council of Foreign Relations, which is sort of a traitorous organization, and they said they want to restrict any further development in the western nations until the rest of the world caught up. I think that is an admission that you are way out ahead. This statement by the C.F.R. in this October edition of their magazine on Foreign Affairs saying that they want to suppress you until they raise the rest of the world to your level before they permit you to go forward is quite a statement. I am going to tell you something:...there isn't anyone in the world who is going to say what we are going to do, or going to permit us to do. Some people may already believe and accept that if they have been whipped or brainwashed but the rest of us are not going to let them fall for this thing. There is only one blueprint, one program, and the Bible is filled with that one program which is...THY KINGDOM COME..It is that those which God has begotten and sent into earth shall be elevated to leadership, to carry out the great Blueprint of God. To bring righteousness and justice, Peace to earth with Divine Law and righteous Administration. We are well aware that we cannot accomplish this without Divine Assistance, that God himself is going to participate in this, and we wouldn't have it any other way. But we have no other idea except that it shall be accomplished. Nor are we going to become a party to any intermediate steps such as going into reverse from this objective.

We are watching this process and we are well aware that this brain washing process is largely stemming from the kind of advisors that the President selects. When out of 160 of these advisors, 80 are the enemies of Christianity, they are Jews and socialists, communists, and un-absorbable. The only thing we wonder about is what kind of a loop they threw around the President, or how they influenced him when they Harvardized him into selecting this kind of leadership for America. We point out to you that the day is going to come when either he is going to be eliminated from this mental bondage he is in, or he and they will be eliminated by the election of better men. Don't put aside an act of God, because God is mightily interested in the development of His household, and in its programs. As we look out over the earth itself, and the ability of our race to put things in form, we see that you have interpreted your desires, and the things which you wish to do with the functional pattern of architectural designs. You have created the image of the impact of the things around you in your environment in the areas of art. However around you in this area there is also a peculiar pattern of derangement, which is a sort of insanity, which they call modern art.

My friends the person who can interpret modern art is as insane as the painter. You can't say that there is anything in the Universe which goes along with it, however we are talking about that which has been art. We are talking about the ability of your race to pick up the temper and waves of the law of the octane, and translate it into the most beautiful of all combinations in the areas of sound. To catch little symphonies of the heavens and to pass its patterns on. The ability to probe into the microbism of it, as we have probed into the vastness of the Universe. The lenses we have ground have become very minute, and their component parts, and curvatures has made it possible for us to probe into those things which are so far beneath the ability of the eye, that we think nothing of three or four thousand power, and with oil emergence, but we discover that was not enough, for we could expand into the Universe with the electronic lenses, and now with electronic telescopes we can photograph viruses too tiny to be visible to the human eye. But we can blow up those photographs as big as we want them to be. Yet I didn't hear about anyone down in Africa doing that did you? I didn't hear of any witch doctors school developing that did you? I didn't hear about the ancient Peking man, or other fossils that we have found being accompanied by any instrument like that in ancient past of Asia, altho 14,000 years of the past are buried in Chicken bone Hill outside of Peking. Chicken Bone Hill and Dragon bone Hill are the names which science has given these hills out of which we have produced this knowledge. There is no question, as with the use of radio carbon confirmation that this is the antiquity of ancient China.

Now; we are not against Chinamen for they can't help being Chinamen. We are not against Negroes, nor are we trying to Put Chinamen and Negroes in the same category, for the Chinamen are as far ahead of the Negroes as you are above the Chinamen. But I am going to determine that this pattern of the quality of administration...superiority of God's Kingdom are related to spiritual waves of capacity, and this my friends is only bestowed upon a people who have been begotten by the essence of that Spirit and whose mind is of the same wave length of THE FATHER. It is true that your enemy challenges you today with technological developments and some equate this as signs that they are as able as you, but remember that almost all the secrets of the areas of their developments had to start with the areas...with the idea which was received in the mind of your race. They had to steal your nuclear secrets using Greenbergs and Goldbergs, and Greenglasses, and astonishingly all these people were not Christian. Now we didn't make this record, we just reported it. Of course if you report it twice you are anti-Semitic. But the fact remains that this is the way that the Soviets got the nuclear secrets. They went into space first, not because you could not get into space, but you were busy with other things. Then also they had German scientists who they captured at Pumonday, whose families were held as hostages, and their minds picked as they were forced to develop something which their pagan society was never able to develop for themselves.

Today out of Scandinavian, Anglo-Saxon, and Germanic people we have the scope of a society which emerged out of one man's family who have become today the great white nations of the western world, whose Christian civilization and culture and society has been Christ based, God inspired, and even God directed in these avenues in which men found that they had to apply themselves to search, because of their destiny. And within these areas there is nothing which when you have applied yourself to seek, which has not been found. Oh! your enemy took a shot at Venus but he missed. You can look at another technological pattern of achievement this past week, as your Mariner rocket raced in close to Venus with the technological instruments which God gave you along with the technological vision to develop, and design, until you were radioing back to earth messages significantly important to fill in more knowledge of our own Solar system, and the conditions of Venus. If there is anything that was rather significant, and informative it was the Mariner shot. They said:..This is not successful, but we have learned more about Venus than we have known for thousands of years. What do they mean? My friends what we have relearned about Venus is what the Spirit in the mind already knew, but men just don't remember it. What they have learned about Venus is what men of the Adamic household have retained. As far as the rest of the world is concerned, they didn't know whether it was black or white, they didn't know anything about science, and they had superstitions which had even moved in our race back in the dark ages. But the foundations of these factors reach back into the antiquities of yesterday, and you are the children of the Eternal, you are co-creators with HIM, so we can well say that we have probed the thresholds of new areas and of a new earth.

We were speaking to you the other day about the patterns of co-creation, and of passing from death unto life, and we have also talked to you about the powers of immortality, and the tremendous age which is developing upon you, and we talked about how this has been assured unto by the Apostle Paul and the Patriarchs of your Faith and race, that you are on the edge of a great age of immortality. Even now; they had a rather interesting article in the Medical journal and several publications picked it up, like the 'Times' and so forth. This article was concerning the fact that by stamping out diseases and sickness, by gradually rolling back the abilities of great epidemics that have swept the world, by improving areas of nutrition, by making available everything that is not supplied in the balance of the body, that life is thus extended, and not only extended, but far more alive, and in areas that do not have the capacity to take care of themselves will be protected and preserved. The resulting factor is that because of the technology which has emerged out of the White Christian society that life has been prolonged outside of this society, and even those who are projecting their energy against us are also being preserved. Today whether Asia or Africa are being considered, they are prolonging life, and now the experts are beginning to worry as tho in this preservation of life, we may over crowd the earth, and produce a catastrophe in the areas which are not able to support so much life. Also one of the objections raised by a Clergyman who was a little short on Light was that he would not like for immortality to be restored to earth because there would not be room for all the people. Well, who said anything about you having to stay right here? I want you to know that in each area where something is about to happen, and in each era where God is about to turn loose new areas of horizons, he starts to place his sons and daughters to react accordingly.

We are already preparing for the greatest development in the history of the human race. We are preparing also for not only just the probing and the areas of transportation, but before you have gone thru many decades, moving thru the Solar system will be as accepted as your Grandfather would have accepted these great gliders that move from New York City to L.A., and on across the Ocean. If you had told your great, great Grandfather that this was only a few generations away he would have said:..that can't happen, those ships are to big to fly, they won't stay up there. His doubts were, because he never applied himself to solve this problem, as his descendants did. I point out to you that today we take things as a matter of course which would have been as miracles to our great grandfathers. And I tell you also that as we are probing the thresholds of space, that there are no problems that we are not adapted to conquer. Nor my friends are we going to find the earth ever so populated that there will be no place to go, for the children of God's Kingdom will be traveling in and out of space and into the farthermost extremes of the Sidereal systems, and time will be the element problem, because you will discover that time is not the limitation, and today we do not have the time to discuss the Biblical solution of this, but time as you know it is to disappear with your horizons of the outside, expanding, and time shall be no longer due as to how long the world order has to be under this negation which opposes it. Do you know what it tells me over in the Book of Ephesians?...it tells me that you, because you are the children of THE MOST HIGH will do as the Apostle Paul who had it brought back to his memory:..He said, I just wish the mind which is in you would activate the whole seat of your knowledge until you would realize that the potential is in you, and realize what the potential is that you have. He said:...I want you to know that in the plan of the Father you are going to teach these living spirits called Angels, in the far outposts of the Universe. It tells you in the Scriptures that you are going to teach Angels. It tells you that the sons of God who have had experience in the earth are going to be educators, and administrators, and masters over the Universe before this is all finished.

You say:..How many people will there be of your race before we are all thru? I'll tell you how many people will be in the household of Abraham, in the descendants of the Adamic household. We are told that there will be as many of this seed as the Stars of the heavens and the sands of the seashore. You are also told by this directive that there will be from this race, the Administrators who will sit with the Father thru out all the Universe, and that he shall continue to increase HIS Kingdom and of that Kingdom there shall be no end! Today we are sometimes swallowed up by fears of what seems to be temporary environment victories upon the part of our enemies. Almost all of his victories depend upon the brain washing of some of your society, and civilization which requires that you give acquiescence to the falsity of all that he is seeking to apply. And many of these things inwardly you know are not true, and even the technicians know they are not but you are asked to accept the design which is to subordinate your society, to mongrelize it, integrate it, and take it over, on the part of those who are your enemies, by Faith, and their ancient destiny as it relates to who they are in their background. Because of this today all the problems you see, and all the things men fear is now the great oppressing take over of communism, or the fear that this thing will come to pass. In the first place this great nations of God's Kingdom is destined not to be taken over but instead the world is destined for a New Order. This New Order will be in Celestial Administration, and a New Order in the earth. The world order is going to change, and that is why..as co-creators you are helping to build this new order. Your civilization is the highest the world has ever known, and it is going to emerge with Spiritual guidance, and it is going to rule the world irrespective of the resistance the enemy will bring. It is not going to be settled by Peace conferences, but by the victory of God's Kingdom over the destroying forces of earth. And the world will then know Peace and also know success. We point out to you that it is the purpose and plan of God to accomplish this, and this is also the reason we are told from the beginning of the scriptures to the end of Revelations that this is the purpose and plan of God. The Book of Revelation is not a mystic Book which is not to be understood, it is to be understood by the children of God. And there is no question concerning this in God's planned design. Kingdoms are not so unreal that they just radiate substances of Light which are never visible. The Kingdom of God is not just an idea, but is emerging as a substance and form and eventually shall be complete, as an Administrative force in the heart of the earth. When we talk about these climactic factors as they relate to earth we want you to know that this new creation is talked about in the scriptures. Peter talks about it, and then it is referred to over here in the Book of Revelation as John says:..'I saw a New Heaven and a new earth. The first world order of administration had passed away, and I saw this Holy city the New Jerusalem descending out of the heavens, and I heard the voice saying, Beloved the Tabernacle of God is with men'. Now; some people as they think of this city only think of the walls of architecture, but actually a city is made up of people. And John saw it descending, this great Living City of the House of God, and it has been coming down since the days of Adam, and thru this Adamic race down thru the house of Seth, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and then on down thru their many sons. Thru their tribes, their cities, their states, thru their development as the great nations of the western world. You here today have watched this expanding, developing Kingdom come to pass. Some people have their eyes on the sky, and are watching to see a city lowered, but my friends, you may see the reinforcements come in, but the city has been gradually coming in as the people are born into this world out of Celestial realms. For you are a part of a New Order, and more than this..this new order is going to accomplish its destiny, and we are told that in the climax of these events, the very body of God will dwell with us in earth. The Scripture tells us that he will join himself with his people, and He will wipe all tears from their eyes. There shall be no more death, no more sorrow, no more pain, for these things will have passed away.

You say that is superstition..No my friends that is DESTINY. We would point out to you that the Book of Hebrews catches the significance of this coming of Christ..in the second chapter and the 9th., verse:..This YAHSHUA (Jesus) was made a little lower than the Angels, because Angels have immortality, they never die, but physical bodies do.' Thus The Christ took upon himself a body that could taste death when He was born a babe out of your race. That HE should be able by the very Grace of His Nature, to taste of death for every man, and to conquer its power that ultimately man would be released from the power of death. Verse 14; 'For as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood He also, himself took part of the same that thru death He would destroy all the power, and that which was involved around it which was laid against men.' He was to deliver men of the fear of death which all their lifetime has laid on them as a bondage. He did not take on himself the nature of Angels, but he took upon himself the nature of your race, and we are told that He was not ashamed to call you His kinsmen, His brethren, the Family of YAHWEH-God.

One of the Apostle Paul basic differences between the Apostles and you is, that he knew that this is not a mental gymnastic that suddenly develops because you believe this or that, but this relates to you and to your household, and this is something you will remember because the spirit of God will bring this back to your consciousness because he says:...I call my sheep by name, I lead them out, I give them Eternal Life, and they never perish. I point out to you that the greatest possession you have, and it may be that here in earth you are rather unaware of it, but this mind in you is also in Christ Jesus. I want you to know that this physical mind will reach out into the senses to find all the physical requirements and needs. It may also be deceived by the physical senses because we do not always see things with a perfect perspective. The soul consciousness of man where your innermost being resides...the real living mind where you dwell.. this my friends is as we have told you before..the sum total of thoughts and remembrance, and recollections, these concepts, these balances, these things to which you give accent. These areas where you recognize error, and you put it to one side in the filing cabinet of your consciousness, and say this is wrong. These ambitions unto which you aspire, and this great blueprint of God's Kingdom above and beyond to which you work to build, and in this inner consciousness this is the resident YOU. This is who you are..the sum total of these driving and formed energies. But not without form for you are the image of the Father, just as the body of the man Christ Jesus was the image of the invisible YAHWEH, so this body is the image of the consciousness of the soul. I tell you this:...that you are co-creators with the Father of this New Order of the Age, that the way you get into this New Age..this new order of the age is thru the Twelve Tribes of Israel.

You have descended out of this Adamic Race, to be a creative participant. That does not mean that you will lift the world and guide and assist the world to a place above you, but it does mean that you consist of this household of God in the world today, the children of the Eternal, and that is THE MOST HIGH GOD. That is why the Apostle Paul said:..His spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God..Elohim..thus co-creators with the Father! 'Ask me of things concerning my sons...command ye me'. Isaiah reports that, and HE also says:..With my sons I will do all these many things. It is therefore with you and thru your hands that these things have been developing. Just remember that all those who would wage war on your Faith and your race come face to face with this inevitable conclusion whether they like it or not, that there is a dynamic creative area, out of which these things come.

Today we must awaken people who constitute the great Christian society out of their apathy. Not apathy in the areas of technology, not apathy in all areas in which they apply themselves, but you must stimulate to them a great desire to know more about themselves. To know more about their Father and their relationship to HIM, and their reason for being here. I tell you that theology may be the most neglected science of all, and it is going to have to learn to keep peace with our technological ear, or we will be in trouble in all times. The Father has determined to show a great expansion that knowledge shall increase, that Spiritual Light shall pour out upon you, this is why you are now in the age of what the Bible calls the great outpouring. This is the latter rain, and outpouring of spiritual guidance, wisdom and knowledge, which will free you from superstition. It will give you a concept of Immortal Life...Immortality. It gives you a greater understanding of your Eternal Father and the Mighty God who rules the Universe, and it makes you know more and more than ever before, and realize that He does all things well, and of his creations...before His is thru, He is going to lose nothing. It makes you realize your responsibilities as instruments in His hand..as co-creators with the Father.

We want you to know that in this understanding comes the great spiritual serenity of Peace which can fill your hearts and mind. There comes the kind of strength that means life. Medical science has been studying these factors and are aware also that people who understand...people who have a feeling with them of the future in face of great obstacles want to survive. We have talked to you about the fact inside the mind was a sort of thermostat which starts the death processes according to the expectancy of life. This has also been found to follow thru relating to agility, vision, and to energies. They discovered this as the medical scientists connected with the largest military machine in the world made studies of those who went to the front lines. Some of them never expected to come back, and many of them didn't. They discovered that those who had plans that reached into tomorrow went into the thick of the most intensive types of destructive fighting and came out of it without a scratch. We have all kinds of evidence of this... we have David holding back three thousand of Philistines, and all he had was an armor bearer on each side. Then we have Samson bearing evidence of this as well as many of your friends, those whom you know who have met every crisis. We have this assurance:..Tho thousands fall at thy side and ten thousands at thy right hand yet no harm shall come to thee. But you have to synchronize this mind with Faith in the process.

Some people are ready to abandon the whole process because of fear they see, or the temporary success of the enemy. My Friends you have to look beyond this.. you have to see the point of victory, to note the great explosive resistance which can always over come the world, that is dwelling in you. We are going to tell you that there is no greater dynamic to carry you into tomorrow and to see consummated this age, and move into the next one than.. to plan for it, work for it. If you plan to leave you will leave, if you plan for your defeat you will get it. But I am going to tell you that the kingdoms of the world can never defeat the Kingdom of God. The only thing the Anti-Christ can take over is the World Order. The only mind that he can capture is a mind which he can synchronize with his own. He cannot capture any of us who believe in the program of God's Kingdom. And the World Order is DOOMED TO FALL. The only ones in this great country who can produce a majority are those who came out of the heart of Christians waking up and marching forward to their destiny. Always the enemy runs up against this seat of resistance in a Christian country, and thus comes his downfall.... YOU ARE DESTINED TO RISE....AWAKE AND MARCH FORWARD TO YOUR DESTINY.

End of This Message.