VOL 3 NO 1 - Highlights: Racial & National Identity by WP Gale



Volume 3, No. 1

Published Quarterly by the Ministry of Christ Church

4955 Sierra Pines Dr.

Mariposa, CA 95338

Racial and National Identity

This booklet has been prepared for Christians with a view toward better understanding of the Holy Scripture. As Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom, we emphasize the fact that a Kingdom is a GOVERNMENT. In support of this position, we return to a prophecy of isaiah 9:6-7, 22:21 and the fact that the Constitution of the United States is a Christian document based upon the Holy Scripture. The government of the United States is a Christian government known as a Constitutional Republic.

Since Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom it seems necessary that we clarify the so-called “Gospel of Salvation”. The Apostle Paul is very learned on the subject of salvation and writes much concerning the matter. Where Paul writes about salvation, there are passages relating to the “Gospel”. Theologians have therefore “interpreted” that the gospel referred to by Paul is the Gospel of Salvation. Paul did preach Jesus Christ, therefore Paul must have preached the “Gospel of the KINGDOM” because that is the only “Gospel” that Jesus said to preach. (See matthew 4:23, 9:35; mark 1:14 and luke 4:43).

Clergymen of today and the past preach that Jesus Christ is the “SON” of God whereas the Bible teaches that Jesus Christ IS GOD, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, all ONE! The Bible is clear that “ADAM” is the son of God. (See luke 3:38). As Jesus Is the Father, He must have children or a family on the earth. He came to the earth by divine birth and took upon Himself a flesh-body as a “kinsman redeemer”. He came and accomplished His purpose. Israel (the Christians of today) have already been saved from sin and are now under “grace”. Sin is error or transgression of God’s Laws.

Jesus Christ saved us from sin so why should any Christian Clergyman preach a so-called Gospel of Salvation? Why do they not preach the Gospel that Jesus said to preach - the gospel of the KINGDOM? Jeremiah tells us of the Pastors who do not preach what Jesus said to preach. See jeremiah 23.

Understanding that Jesus Christ is the one we call “God” and that He has children on the earth, we should learn who those children are. We should also believe the Scripture when it tells us that there are people on the earth who are NOT the children of God. The Bible is clear that there was a “creation”. There were ages or cycles of time during the ages of the creation. In order to understand the “creation”, we must understand the Book of Genesis and that Genesis, it its first Chapter, is a synopsis to cover possibly millions of years in one little chapter. We read that there were people created during the ages or cycles of the creation and these people were all prior to the arrival of Adam and Eve on the earth. Note in genesis 2:4 that “these are the generations (races) of the heavens and of the earth WHEN THEY WERE CREATED, in the day (age) that the Lord God MADE the earth and the heavens. Notice in verse 5 of this same chapter that there was NOT A MAN to till the ground. The word “man” is translated from the word ADAM. Also notice here that Adam is brought into the Bible story AFTER God had rested the 7th day (age) of the CREATIONS and that Adam was NOT of the creation ages nor was he CREATED. In genesis 2:7 we read, “And the Lord God FORMED MAN (Adam) of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man (Adam) became a living soul.” The translators used the words “dust of the ground” when they should have used the words “in the terrestrial planes.” We use the word terra-firma or terrestrial to refer to the earth in many other usages. Why not here?

At this point we believe the Theologians have missed the boat. They have failed to search the Scripture. We see in genesis 2:23 that Adam is the issue or progeny (son) of God. There is a footnote in most Bibles indicating that Adam is the Hebrew “Ish” and Eve “Isha”. The word “Ish” means progeny or offspring and an English translation would be the word “SON”. Luke testifies to this fact in the genealogy of Jesus Christ which he traces back to Adam. (See luke 3:38 “. . .which was the son (Ish) of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the SON OF GOD”.)

Adam’s entry on earth dates back some 7,400 years, yet there is sound scientific evidence that people existed on the earth as far back as 1,750,000 years ago. There are carbon14 tests made upon bones of African blacks which have been found in the caves of Kilimanjaro and which date back approximately 73,000 years. There is also a history of the Asiatic Sumerian dynasties which dates back possibly 400,000 years or more. It is no wonder that many intelligent people who are aware of these archeological and scientific findings, become skeptical of the Bible. Some even reject it and become agnostics. Having been taught by irresponsible clergy that men of all races descend from Adam and Eve, they do not have the facts to reconcile the discrepancy which establishes the advent of Adam and Eve AFTER the Negro and Asiatic races.

Adam and Eve did arrive upon the earth about 7,400 years ago but there were other races of people here prior to their arrival; races that had been on the earth for over a million years. Adam, the father of the Adamic (white) race was the latest to arrive. Many archeologists agree that the white race appeared upon the earth suddenly and with a high state of civilization, a written language and superior in every way to the races preceding it. While there are histories and scientific records concerning the earlier races, there is no record of the white race prior to 5,500 BC and this is in agreement with Bible chronology for the arrival of Adam and Eve upon the earth. The Bible is not the history of ALL races. It is the history and guidebook of the WHITE RACE and begins with Adam. See genesis 5:1, “This is the book of the generation (race) of Adam”. Therefore, since Adam was the first White Man, to Asiatic and black races could not have come from him. One cannot be older than his father. It is sheer folly to claim that God would violate His own Law that kind begets like kind, and bring forth black and yellow people from white parents (Adam and Eve).

In genesis 1:27 we read of the creation of the early races as “male and female”. We read also that God rested after His work (creations) and it is not until after His rest that the Bible tells us in genesis 2:5 “. . and there was not a MAN to till the ground”. Correctly translated the word “man” should read Adam. (See Young’s Analytical Concordance). Properly used, the name “Adam” puts a completely different complexion upon the entire Bible story and supplies correct answers for questions that have previously caused confusion amongst Christians. As we unravel this error concerning Adam, we learn that the Bible is written specifically to and for the White Race. It is well recognized that the White Race is the agricultural race (genesis 2:5) while the other races have been only nomads and hunters. It has been the white men who has carried civilization and progress to every part of the globe since the days of Adam.

Where did the Adamic Race originate? According to Scripture it began in Eden. We read in genesis 2:10-14 “. . . . and a river went out of Eden to water the garden and from thence it was parted and became into four heads. The name of the first is Pi’son - that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah where there is bedillium and the onyx stone and the name of the second river is Gi’hon; the same it is that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia. And the name of the third river is Euphrates.” Because the Euphrates is mentioned, the people have assumed that Eden must have been located on the banks of the Euphrates river in Mesopotamia. The Euphrates and the Tigris merge into one river which does NOT correspond with the description given in Genesis; which says that one river went out of Eden and divided into FOUR heads. We are compelled to look elsewhere for a group of FOUR rivers originating from one source. On the Pamir Plateau in central Asia between the Chan mountains on the North and the Hindu Cush on the South we find such a source. Cush is the original word for Ethiopia and it is a world older than the division of the languages. From the lakes of this plateau issue FOUR great rivers, the Indus, the Iaxartes, the Araxes and the Tarim. The Iaxartes is the original Euphrates and the Tarim going toward the East is the Hiddekel.

Professor Renun tells us that the Plateau of Pamir, considered to be the original Eden by all the people of Asia, is the central part of the world. Thus everything invites us to place the Eden of the Semites or Aryans in the mountains of Beler-Tagh at the point where this chain unites with the Himalayas toward the Plateau of Pamir. We are conducted to the same point by the most ancient text of the Zendevestar. The Hindu traditions are also contained in the Mahaborata and the Puranos and relate to the same region. There, is the true Ararat of the Hindus, - the true Alborg of the Persians, the true river Avenda from which all rivers take their source according to Persian tradition. There, according to the opinion of almost all the populations of Asia, is the central point of the world. There, is the point of common attachment to the primitive geography, both of the Semitic or Aryans - the Europeans of the white race.

Only the Pamir Plateau in Asia answers to the geographical conditions described in genesis 2:10. “. . .a lake also sprang up in Eden to supply the garden with water. From there it divided and became FOUR rivers.”

All circumstances point to the Tarim Basin, lying just East of the Great Pamirs, as the homeland of the Adamites. Other evidence makes it clear that the cradle of the Adamic or Aryan race is located in these mysterious mountains of Central Asia. Language presents another source of evidence with the roots of the White Race languages tracing their parent stock to the Aryan. Chamber’s Encyclopedia, under Aryan Race and languages says: “The evidence on which a family relationship has been established among these nations, is that of language, between the Sanskrit, Zend and Greek; the Latin as the mother of the modern Romance languages such as Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Rumanian; the Celtic, now confined to Wales and parts of France, Ireland and Scotland; the Gothic which is Teutonic or Germanic and which includes English, Scandinavian and Slavonic”.

Researchers of Philology have written that the 19th Century establishes such affinity as can be accounted for only by the fact that the nations who originally spoke and wrote in the language with which Adam arrived upon the earth. Ancient Aramaic or otherwise known as Hebrew. This is not to be confused with the language spoken by Jews (Yiddish) and it should be understood that the Jews are NOT Hebrews. The Book to the Hebrews is in the NEW Testament. The languages mentioned above and the people who speak them can be traced back to the Aramaic or Hebrew origin and it is interesting to note that the word Brit-Ain is actually two Hebrew words. Brith-ain, meaning “Covenant-Land”. The word BritIsh is also two Hebrew words meaning Covenant Man. Here again is the word “ish” for “man” (Adam).

The history and destiny of the Adamic Race is far too extensive to be covered here and since it deals with the rise of the White Christian nations, it should be presented under what is called “National Identity” as distinct from “Racial Identity”. Many persons confuse race with nationality. In merely hitting the high spots, we will cover another area of great misunderstanding amongst Christians. It is the flood in the days of Noah. Orthodoxy has held the belief that the deluge of Genesis was universal, covering the entire globe. According to a careful analysis of Scripture, recorded facts of Egyptian and Chinese history, as well as facts presented by the physical sciences, such a universal deluge was an impossibility. Let us analyze the data. According to Usher’s Bible Chronology, the flood occurred in the year 2348 BC. This is correct to within 4 years as Mr. Davidson has found in his careful analysis of Chinese, Babylonian, Hebrew and Egyptian records. The correct for the flood is from November 1st 2345 BC. (genesis 7:11) to November 11th 2344 BC. (genesis 8:14). If this flood had been universal and only Noah’s family of 8 had survived over the entire globe, one is hard put to explain the flourishing country of ancient Chaldea with a large population only 350 years later (2,000 BC.) at the time of Abram’s birth. We read in genesis 12 that Abraham had been called into Canaan and went at once into Egypt to buy grain - and there too was an already established civilization and a dense population. This could not have been possible had Egypt been destroyed by a flood of Noah’s day.

The Great Pyramid of Egypt was built before the flood. If, as some believe, it were built after the flood by Shem or Melchizedek, how could the builders be supplied with hundreds of thousands of people for the labor? Is it reasonable to believe that Noah’s family of 8 persons, in some two or three centuries, peopled Egypt and all other areas of the earth with such large populations?

Noah is in the genealogy of the Adamic Race, descended from Adam. The Bible tells us that Noah was “pure in his generation”. The word “generation” translated from the Greek means “progeny” or “race”. As one become familiar with the importance of “Racial Identity” it will be seen that biblical references such as the above, serve as definite guideposts. This particular reference established that Noah had kept the race-line pure and that his entire surviving family were all of the Adamic race. (See genesis 6:9) Orthodoxy holds that since all men except Noah’s family were destroyed, all persons of all races had to proceed from these 8 family members. This is hardly in keeping with God’s Law “. . .whose seed was life in itself after his kind; and God saw that it was good”. We cannot intelligently accept that God would deliberately break His own Law and bring the entirely different races from the same white parents.

Professor Sayce found in an 18th Egyptian Dynasty tomb (dates about 1700 BC.) paintings of Negroes as they are today; pictures of white-skinned Aryans, brown-skinned Egyptians and typical Mongolians. Since these 4 types of races have remained the same since then, is it reasonable to suppose that they could have developed during the 6 preceding centuries - and from only 8 white-skinned survivors of a flood?

On the ceiling of the Temple of Dendera in Upper Egypt, was found one of the now-existing ancient representations of the constellations of the Zodiac. It was engraved in copper and on it the various star clusters, all grouped into constellations represented by human or animal figures - such as Virgo, Gemini, Cassiopeia, etc. All major groups represented by human figures portray the Caucasian or Aryan type, entirely different from the Egyptian.

All evidence shows that the Egyptians were a separate people who lived in the Valley of the Nile for over 50,000 years before Christ, as Professor Breasted has found. They lived in a primitive existence until the Pyramid age. At that time the Aryan race came amongst them and it has been learned from the ruins, this is when the Egyptian civilization suddenly burst forth.

The flood in Noah’s day took place in 2345 BC. This fell in the reign of Pepi II, between the 25th and 26th Sed Festivals. There had been an uninterrupted succession of Kings for 1247 years for the first 12 Egyptian Dynasties and an uninterrupted series of Sed Festivals from 3378 BC to 2057 BC. The Great Pyramid studies of Prof. Davidson establish this as authentic history. Egypt therefore, could have felt nothing of Noah’s flood and knew nothing about it until the story was brought to them years later by survivors.

When people argue that the flood was universal, they refer to genesis 7 which tells that all but Noah and those who were with him in the Ark “. . . . .every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth.” The Hebrew word for “earth” is “eh-rets” or “arratz”, meaning “that country” or “that land”. It did not mean the entire earth. This same word arratz is translated incorrectly in genesis 4:14 where Cain says, “Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth”. The Bible makes it clear that Cain was not driven from the face of the earth because genesis 4:16 tells that Cain went out from the presence of the Lord and dwelt in the land of Nod East of Eden.” The flood covered only that part of the land in which the Adamites (descendants of Adam) lived and had sinned against God by mongrelizing with the created races of the earth.

We have been told to search the Scripture and when we do, we find that the Bible is the history of the Adamic or White race. It is not only the means by which we establish our true racial and national IDENTITY but it also unfolds for us the vital knowledge of our enemy’s identity. Jesus identified them for us in His day and traced them back to the beginning of the Bible. He identified them as the offspring of Cain, who murdered Abel. Cain was the son of Eve’s seduction by Satan - Cain was the progeny of “that wicked one” (See 1st john 3:12). This makes Cain a son of Satan. It is from the Cain line that we have the so-called white Jew, Cain being the first of that type.

Satan had previously mixed his seed with the pro-Adamic races, thus producing Asiatic Jews and black Jews. The seduction of Eve was a transgression of Divine Law and for this, Adam and Eve were severely rebuked. Having been brought to the earth from the celestial planes, the instruction was to keep the family line pure. There was to be NO RACE MIXING! It was intended by God that His family, put on this earth in flesh bodies but born of the spirit, would, through purity of spirit and obedience to Divine Law, bring order and righteousness to a world laboring under the rule of Satan. The fall of Eve enabled Satan to place his children among us. In john 8, Jesus says to these people, “I am from above and ye are from beneath; I am from My Father and ye are of your father, and your father is the devil; he was a liar and a murderer from the beginning and your father’s works will ye do.” In matthew 23:33, Jesus says, “. . . .Ye serpents, ye generation (race) of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” When calling the Jews a “generation of vipers” Jesus is correctly saying, “Ye race of devils”. The proper translation for the word “generation” is “race”. Jesus was not speaking to His own people when He made these accusations - for Jesus is NOT a Jew!

He called them (the Jews) the children of Satan therefore if He were one of them, He would be an offspring of Satan by His own words, how then can He (Jesus) be your God? Is your God the progeny or offspring of Satan? We urge you to search the Scripture. You will find a true sense of direction and purpose. This purpose is to bring Christ’s Kingdom (GOVERNMENT) to this earth. We have had that government here in this NEW JERUSALEM - the U.S.A. - since the days of our Founding fathers. Are we keeping it? Are we OCCUPYING until He comes? Let us reinstate Jesus Christ at the head of this nation and its Christian government. Let us obey and implement His laws for His people.

Christians must KNOW that Jesus Christ is the Creator of the Universe. He is the one and only Living God. His ancient Name is YHVH pronounced Yah-veh. Translated by the Greek to Ya-Zeus and by English to Jesus. He said, “When ye have seen ME, ye have seen the Father; the Father and I are ONE”. He taught us to pray, “Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name; Thy KINGDOM come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”. This is why we must know our IDENTITY! We will then know the enemies of our god and the blindness will be taken from His people, the true Israel (progeny) of God. Christ’s-sons or Christians are the sons and daughters of the LIVING GOD, Jesus Christ. We are in the land where this fact would be revealed according to divine prophecy.

The history and destiny of the Adamic Race is far too extensive to be covered in its entirety. Since it deals with the rise of the White Christian nations, it is presented under what we will term “National Identity” as distinct from the term “Racial Identity”. Many persons confuse race with “ethnic” origin or “nationality”. In fact, some students use the word “ethnic” in the sense that it pertains to different blood or different races whereas the word truly pertains to “ethnos” or “nations” meaning the “nationality” of those of the white race only. It is our purpose to bring out the true “National Identity” of the tribes of Israel. Abraham’s seed was to become MANY nations. By definition, a nation is a family of people with a King. To be a family of people the members must be from the same father or from the same parents. The family of Abraham are the ones who were given the title “Ish-ra-Eli” which means issue or progeny ruling with God (Eli). These people are actually progeny of Adam and Eve (Adamic Race). Adam being the progeny (son) of God. (See luke 3:38). These people are the children of the family of God on this planet earth. They are NOT of the creation era but are of the SPIRIT or the SEED of God. They came AFTER the created people of other races on this planet earth.

From the day of Adam’s entry upon this earth, we turn to the days of Enoch and Job. Enoch was a patriarch of the Adamic (white) race and a descendent of Adam and Eve. During the days of Enoch and Job, the race was primarily located in the area of the Plateau of Pamir in the mountains of Beler-Tagh. They were under constant attack by the Mongol hordes of Asia led by the Asiatic specie of Satan’s children. (See john 8:39-47). These specie of Satan’s seed had been planted amongst the Asiatics as it had been planted amongst the black race. The black Jews are known as Falasha Jews. The first white Jew came when Eve was seduced by Satan and Cain was born the progeny of that “wicked one”.(matthew 23:34 and 1st john 3:12).

Enoch, as a High Priest and patriarch of his people, led 144,000 savants of his race from the area known as Eden taking them to the land we now know as Egypt. There they built the great city of On, which the Greeks later renamed Heliopolis. They built great libraries and Universities of higher learning. In those days these people were known as Hyksos Shepherd Kings and Ar-Ya (Aryan). The word Ar-Ya means Sons of Yah. They built the Great Pyramid of Egypt known as Gizeh.

During the days of Enoch and Job a High Priesthood was established in Egypt. It was known as the “Order of the Masonos”. Their symbols are the square and the compass and they wee known as the “builder Race”. In later years they are known as Druids and Culdees and the Astronomer Priests of Britain. Their megalithic monuments can be traced through Western Europe from the area of the Middle East to Northern Europe. They built the great circle at Stonehenge in England for the purpose of measuring the heavens. They also built the same circle of stones at Carnac in Brittany and the Do-Rings of Persia. During the days of Jesus Christ, they were known as the Essene Company. It is interesting to note here that Pontius Pilate had been educated at the Druid University in Spain and Britain. He knew some of the background and recognized the Master when he spoke with Jesus. No person other than one of the Adamic race and the offspring of Yah could possibly become a member of this Order. All others who claim any rights under the Order are clandestine. The standards and symbols of this Order have been stolen by thieves and robbers just as Jesus made clear when he said to them, “Ye have stolen the Father’s house and have made it a den of thieves.” Satan’s children have done this to many organizations for the purpose of destroying them from within. To divide and conquer!

We move from the period of this great Priesthood to the days of Nimrod, Prime Minister of Ur of the Chaldees. God’s family in that area were violating His laws for their government, allowing the heathen to rule and permitting racial mongrelization. As a result, God told Abram to leave that country as he was chosen to be a father of MANY nations. Abram obeyed God and received His blessing and His promise that Abram’s seed would be those to bring God’s KINGDOM (Government) to the planet earth and take this world order away from Satan and his children here.

Abraham had Isaac who had Jacob and Esau. Esau lost the inheritance because he took Canaanite wives, mongrelizing the Holy Seed in violation of God’s Law to His people. Jacob did not mongrelize but took a wife from the same Adamic (white) race as Abraham. He was given the inheritance (the earth) and had twelve sons who became known by the title Israel (NOT JEWS)! The title Ish-ra-Eli had been used by the race in the days of Enoch but had lost it because of their violations of God’s Law for maintaining racial purity and for permitting the heathen to participate in their government. God’s first commandment to Adam and Eve was for them NOT TO MONGRELIZE THE HOLY SEED of God’s family here on earth. Symbolic meaning of His declaration not to partake of the fruit of the tree of KNOWLEDGE of good and evil meant just that. The only tree with KNOWLEDGE is the family or racial tree. The clergyman who says that Eve’s fall was because she ate an apple from a tree is silly and not of sufficient truth to be approved of god to rightly divide the truth.

Jacob (Israel) ended up with his sons and their growing families back in Egypt where their ancestors had been during the days of Enoch and Job. There, Joseph became a great leader of the government. His other brothers and their families came to this land and were under the economic bondage of the children of Satan just as we are today in this great Nation of God’s Kingdom - and as our ancestors have been in Europe during the past many centuries. The motion pictures such as the Ten Commandments have given a completely FALSE concept of the bondage of Israel in Egypt. This is no doubt due to the lack of knowledge of those who produced the film, even though they might have been sincere in their efforts to produce a great historical film. The story of Moses is known to such an extent that it need not be repeated here except that it must be understood that neither Moses nor his people were Jews. We will show clearly in the following sequence of events that these Israelites are the ancestors of the Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian, Celtic, Lombard, Germanic peoples of today. Moses married one of the daughters of an ancient Hyksos Shepherd King described in the Sohar as tall, blue-eyed and fair (white skinned). Also the wife of Joseph in Egypt was a daughter of the High Priest of On described as tall, blue-eyed, auburn-haired and fair complexioned. It was because of this fact that Jacob crossed his hands and blessed the two sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh and said, “On these two lads shall my name Israel be called.” This divided the house of Joseph into two tribes, thereby making thirteen tribes instead of the original twelve.

Moses led these thirteen tribes out of the land of Egypt. He put the tribe of Levi in the center, three tribes on the North, three on the South, three on the East and three on the West. Each tribe had its standard before its tents. The twelve standards of the tribes of Israel are the twelve signs of the Zodiac. When we study Scandinavian history, we find the twelve signs of the Zodiac (the standards of the tribes of Israel) behind the banquet tables of the great Viking Kings. They knew their ancestry even to the extent that Odin (Adam) was their father.

When Moses led them from Egypt, they had one nation and one King, the God of Israel. They became stiff-necked and stubborn as they had in past years and wanted men-Kings over them. God gave them men Kings but told them that it would result in trouble for them and it did. They were so stiff-necked and stubborn that He took the title Is-ra-el away from them. He told them that they would be known by a new name (isaiah 62:2). That new name is that of the one who came to redeem them. We Christians are not known by the name Israel or Israelite today, therefore we fulfill the Scripture as prophesied. We are known by the name of the One who came to redeem us (Christ’s sons) or Christians. Therefore we are the Israelites!

We search the Scripture and learn that these stiff-necked, stubborn people (God’s children) are to be put in punishment for a period of 7-Times before they are to become nations (families with Kings). A Bible Time is a cycle or circle with the numerical value of 360. We see that 360 years is a Bible Time. As their punishment is 7-Times from the date each tribe is taken into captivity, we see that 7-Times is 2,520 years. We obtain the Usher date for the captivity of the tribe of Dan and add 2,520 years to that date. Surprisingly, history proves that on that exact day, Denmark had its first Royal Monarch (King Line of Judah). It is more mysterious when we realize that Denmark gets its name from the tribe of Dan - Dan’s mark. By the same time schedule we trace the tribe of Ishacaar and find that 2,520 years from its captivity, Finland became a nation with its first King. Surprisingly enough, Finland has its war song which calls on “Ye men of Ishacaar”. Again, 2,520 years from the date of Simeon’s captivity, Spain became a nation with its first Royal family established as King. The same time schedule fits France from the date of Zebulun’s captivity, Norway for Napthali, Sweden for Asher, Iceland for Benjamin, Italy for Gad and Holland for Reuben. Hasn’t it occurred to anyone that the Dutch have the song, Reuben-Reuben, I’ve Been Thinkin’? One of the most important time schedules is that for the tribe of Judah. Daniel told of a difference in the time schedule for Judah to have its first King. This is the 35 years to be added to the 2,520 for Judah. When this computation is made, we find that on the exact day, GERMANY had its first Royal King line. The Scots are Germanic and their original name was Judah before it became Jutes before it became Scots. Jutland is just north of Germany and Scots blood is the Royal family of Britain (The true House of David). Also the royal family of Germany! Now we come to the House of Joseph which was divided into two. Ephraim and Manasseh. The time schedule for Ephraim, 2,520 years from the date of Ephraim’s captivity, the Union Jack was adopted and Britain became an Empire. The Bible says that Ephraim shall become a nation and a company of nations, a house of many houses - and that is exactly what the British Commonwealth has been. With the exact time schedule for Manasseh, 2,520 years from its captivity is to the day, July 4th 1776. We look back at the Great Pyramid built in the days of Enoch and Job and we see the numerals 1776 inscribed upon its base. Placed there several thousand years before Abraham. We also see thirteen levels on the pyramid. As we look at our dollar bill we see the Great Seal of the United States. On one side it has the Great Pyramid. The words Annuit Coeptis, which mean “God shall favor thy beginnings” are above the all seeing eye of Jesus Christ. The words Novus Ordo Seclorum (A new order of the ages) is below the Pyramid. On the obverse side of the Great Seal we find the spread wings of the great Eagle that John tells us about in his Book of Revelation.

Above the Eagle is a cloud cluster containing thirteen stars, On the Eagle’s breast is a shield with thirteen stripes. There are thirteen olive leafs in one claw of the Eagle and thirteen arrows in the other. On the banner are the words E Pluribus Unum (One out of many). Hasn’t it puzzled many people to learn that the Great Seal of the United States is the Seal of Manasseh - this made clear in the records of the U.S. Congress upon its adoption of the Great Seal? Have we forgotten that there were thirteen tribes of Israel, thirteen colonies and thirteen States?

As we search the Scripture, we learn that the books of deuteronomy and leviticus give a picture that has apparently has been missed by the Clergy. In these passages, God tells his people Israel that He will make of that Old Jerusalem a land of abomination and desolation. He will give them a NEW JERUSALEM! He describes it in detail. It will have a great sea on the East and a great sea on the West. It will be divided by great rivers and great mountains and will contain brass in the land. It will be a land of milk and honey. It will lend to all and borrow from none. It will be the only nation (family with a King) with the Most High Yah-veh (Jesus) as its King. It will never be defeated in war and it will be a gathering of My people from My nations! At this point we should remember that the “nations” are the families with Kings which are none other than the tribes of Israel!

Historical records make it clear that George Washington, a Master mason, was well aware of Bible prophecy for this nation. He would accept no Royal Title as the leader and Mr. Washington insisted that he be called President, because this nation already had a King. Mr. Washington made it clear that the King of this nation is JESUS CHRIST. Every official document of the government is dated in the Year of Our Lord. . . . and the date is the birth of JESUS CHRIST, the only Lord and God recognized by the founders of this nation. As we recall the definition of a nation it becomes clear to us that we are a family of people and we do have a King. We came to this new land from all of the White Christian nations which stemmed from the tribes who had left the Old Jerusalem and who had gone through the Caucasus and had become known as Caucasian. We are that gathering of His nations as foretold in the Scripture.

In the study of Law and Government, one finds that the United States of America is a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. It is a Union of separate, sovereign States formed into the UNION under a compact (contract) between themselves. The original contract was the Articles of Confederation. It is important to understand that the Articles came from the BIBLE and were adopted by the original States to be in effect forever. The actual word used was PERPETUAL, which means “forever”.

The smooth functioning of a so-called federal government was ineffective under the Articles of Confederation because the States would not give sufficient powers to the agent created by the Articles. As a result, the Constitution of the United States was an effort to improve the situation. The preamble to the Constitution reads: “We, the people, in order to form a MORE PERFECT Union. . . .” Our question here is, “More perfect from what?” Obviously more perfect from the Union that was formed to be in effect forever under the Articles of Confederation. The Constitution was lifted from the Articles of Confederation and the source of the Articles is the Holy Bible. In fact, all Anglo-Saxon and Christian Law stems from the Bible. We have heard the expression “A Republic is a government of LAW, not of MEN nor of men’s opinions”. We know that GOD has given us His LAWS for His people as nations and as governments. In fact, when one mentions the Bible, most people immediately think “Church” and “Religion”. In reality, the Bible says nothing about Church and Religion. Id DOES contain God’s LAWS for nations and government. MEN may NOT give us LAW. ONLY our GOD can give us the LAW! If one believes that he can be in violation of God’s laws and receive no punishment for such violation, then let the Supreme Court and the President and the entire Congress of the United States jump off the dome of the capitol building in Washington, DC. They will receive their punishment when they hit the concrete below.

Because the Articles of Confederation had been adopted to be in effect “forever”, it was necessary to adopt all of those provisions not picked up by the Constitution, as Statutes known as the United States Code. Along with the Constitution, these Statutes became known as the Organic Law of the United States. It is important to understand that the original States would not accept the constitution until some matters of power were cleared up.

The constitution is a CONTRACT between the STATES and by this contract, they were creating an agency known as the ‘federal government’. The States were not willing to give certain powers to this agent, therefore they did not put the contract into effect until the first ten Amendments known as the Bill of Rights were made a part of the original contract. A reading of the first ten Amendments makes it clear that the agency of the States (the federal government) has only those powers which are enumerated for it in the contract. All others remain with the STATES and the PEOPLE. In fact, the federal government has no “rights” whatsoever. Only “powers” and then, only those powers which have been enumerated for it in the contract known as the Constitution.

We realize and understand that the Constitution is a divinely inspired document. This means that our GOD had something to do with it. If god had something to do with it, then the Biblical source is more awe inspiring than we can imagine. We recall the previous story of the Identity of the tribes of Israel to your mind at this moment. Look at it and SEE THE LIGHT! JESUS CHRIST is the GOD of this Nation! We conclude this booklet with the recollection of Jesus’ words before Pilate when He said “Do this now Pilate but remember, in that day, MINE WILL FIGHT FOR ME and the Kingdom WILL NOT BE DELIVERED TO THE JEWS”.