VOL 7 NO 5 - 10/74 - Highlights: Faith Of Our Fathers - Conclusion by WP Gale





Volume 7, No. 5

October 1974

Published Quarterly by the Ministry of Christ Church

5481 Clouds Rest Rd.

Mariposa, CA 95338



By Rev. William P. Gale 

Chapter VIII


There was yet some daylight in the long evening when our forefathers came to their new land. They were free from the children of Cain at least for a time. During this period of freedom from Cain’s children, they originated and developed the foundation for their great Republic of God’s Kingdom. The nation was born which was to have no man-king but would have the Creator of the Universe, Ya-veh, as it'’ King. It brought His people back to the conditions of government which He had given them upon their exodus from Egypt but which they had not maintained. They were again to use His laws for their nation and for their government. But alas, the evening was to turn into night. The darkness was coming upon them.

The first great leader of their nation was given a vision of the darkness. George Washington was given a vision of the dark clouds of Satan’s children coming over the land. There was fighting and bloodshed in all of the towns and cities. The land was to be invaded by Cain’s children as in days before, but the children of Adam were to awaken from their sleep. The dark clouds broke apart and a red light was shining. Then a great white light shined through from above the darkness. There was a great cleansing of the land with all of Cain’s children being driven from the land. Then came the dawn, clear and crisp, with only Adam’s children dwelling in peace in their own land.

Ya-veh planned that sufficient daylight would remain in the evening hours for the establishment of His laws in the new land of His people. But Satan and his children were not to be denied. They were to follow and invade the land as they had always done before. Ya-veh had set the time in days and years for the suffering of Adam’s family because of their violations of His laws. Many years were yet to be counted and Adam’s children had more trials and tribulations to undergo before their final awakening and complete obedience to His laws for their nation and their government. These trials and tribulations were to come over their new nation during the hours of darkness.

Leaders of the nation in its infancy had warned the people about permitting the Yehudi in their land. One named Benjamin Franklin owned a printing plant which distributed leaflets telling the people who the Yehudi were. His printed tracts advised against ever permitting the Yehudi to become citizens in the new nation. Yet the Yehudi came to the land in greater numbers. As usual, they remained to themselves and continually plotted against Adam’s children and their Ya-veh. They became storekeepers, lenders of money, pawn-brokers and termites in Government just as they had always done in the other nations of Adam’s children. They became destroyers of the Creator’s righteous form of government. Their leaders remained in Holland and Switzerland but planned and directed their activities on an international basis. They were never loyal to a nation which took them in. They sent their hirelings to the new nation and with their international money power they seduced many of Adam’s children who were blind as to their origin. These blind children of Adam worshipped Satan’s money and were subject to his evil power “sin.” As such, they were easily handled by the Yehudi. They could be used to divide Adam’s children amongst themselves and they deceived the righteous by “fronting” for the Yehudi who remained behind the scenes. Even the “elect” would be deceived by them in the latter days. There were some blind preachers of Adams children who believed Satan’s lies and who believed that Ya-veh was of the Yehudi. There was nothing in their book to prove this, yet they believed the Yehudi of whom they had been warned by Ya-veh Himself. They had forgotten the Word. They knew not who they were. They could not hear Saul who told them clearly “If ye be Ya-veh’s then ye be Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.” Heirs to the Kingdom, yet some would give up their birthright. They were easy prey for the Yehudi. At one time the leader of the Yehudi went so far as to divide the new nation into two large land areas. He issued written deeds to these two parts of the land, giving one of his sons a deed to the Northern half and the second son a deed to the Southern half. He wrote these deeds in Holland and arranged to send them to the new land by way of the Island nation where he had spies and agents. In order to better divide the people of the two large land areas, he paid one of his hirelings named Hyman Solomon to develop to slave trade. Solomon brought the Enosh from Africa to the Southern part of the nation. In the meantime a leader of Adam’s family in an older nation, Czar Nicholas, learned from the Isles of the attempt by the Yehudi chief to divide the new nation. He immediately contacted the Yehudi chief in Holland and ordered him to cease and desist in the effort. He sent one of his fleets to the coast of the new nation and another fleet to the coast off Vera Cruz, threatening to attack if the Yehudi chief continued his activity of dividing the new nation. The activity was stopped immediately because the Yehudi always feared those of Adam’s children who were aware of their methods. They feared the anger of Adam’s righteous leaders and they were always afraid of violence. They Constantly cried “brotherly love” to cover up their deceit and evil. They cried “brotherly love,” while well knowing that they were not the brothers of Adam’s children because they knew who their father was as it was revealed by Ya-veh. They knew that their father was Satan and that Adam’s children were from a different Father. Brothers must be from the same father. (See John 8:39-47)

The leaders of Cain’s children had often said, “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes it’s laws.” So, in the early hours of darkness, Satan’s children used their old tricks to gain control of the money in the new nation. The open-minded, honest but blind children of Adam were completely at their mercy, incapable of stopping it. Adam’s children did not know who they were so how could they be expected to know their enemy?

In due time a great leader of Adam’s family became head of the nation. He knew how to regain control of the Nation’s money from the Yehudi. He also knew that the Enosh must be returned to Africa or the new nation would be in deep trouble. The leaders of the Yehudi were forced into action. They could always upset Adam’s family with their control of money and their spies and paid agents who they had placed in high places within the governments of most nations. It was simple for them to develop conditions that would get Adam’s children fighting amongst themselves. This would always relieve the mounting pressure against Satan and his children at a time when Adam’s children began to awaken and recognize the evils and deceit of the Yehudi. Jesus knew these tricks because He was Ya-veh, who knew all, from the beginning to the end. He warned Adam’s children who were His brothers of the flesh. He knew that Satan would cause them to fight amongst themselves by deceitful means, causing brother to fight brother. Therefore He said to them “Love thy brother.” Jesus also knew that brothers are from the same father and that all of Adam’s children, being of a Celestial family, were Sons of the Father from the beginning. They were not of the “creations” which had created the Enosh nor were they of the unholy mixture of Enosh seed from which the Yehudi had descended. Jesus said to His brethren, “Ye were mine before the creation of the Earth and ye are mine in the Earth.” The Adamic race descends from Adam, they are children of the spirit, born into the flesh and being “born again” when they are born into the flesh body on Earth. In the same manner Jesus identified the Yehudi as the children of Satan. He said to them “Ye are not the children of Abraham (Is-ra-el), for if ye were Abraham’s children ye would do the works of Abraham. I am from My Father and ye are from your father and your father is the devil (Satan). He was a liar and a murderer from the beginning and your father’s works will ye do.” But Adam’s children in their blindness did not understand the warnings of their Heavenly Father who had come to Earth as He had promised Adam, to save His children and to set them free from Satan’s power on Earth. They did not even understand what He meant when He said, “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”

The Yehudi leaders arranged for the murder of the great leader of Adam’s family. They created a war between Adam’s children, the Northern brethren against the Southern brethren. It was essential that they destroy the work which they knew would be accomplished by the great leader of the new nation. If this great leader were permitted to continue in his wisdom, he would destroy the plans of Satan’s children and they knew it. He was already in the process of returning the nation to their Father’s laws of economics and money. He had already made it clear that the medium of exchange called money should be put into circulation interest-free and without creating a debt. Satan’s system was to give the credit to the Yehudi and then let them lend it into circulation, creating a debt and the collection of interest. The physical wealth of the nation was the collateral for the issuance of government bonds or simply government IOU’s, a promise to pay in the future with interest, nothing more. The great leader knew that if these IOU’s were good enough collateral for the borrowing of private Yehudi banker’s credit and then lending their bank money to the people, the same collateral was good enough to issue or pay the money into circulation interest free in the first place. In fact, this was the intention of the founding fathers and provision was made for it in the great Constitution they had written. The amount of money in circulation could be controlled by taxation, which is simply a means of obtaining services from the people by the government. With such a system, the balance between physical production and purchasing power could be maintained in the balance and the value of the money would be stable. The Yehudi could not permit this even though the Constitution did provide for it. As the great leader actually began to put his policies into practice, the Yehudi became desperate. They not only wished to lend money within the nation, they wanted to maintain the control of money on an international basis and lend to nations. In Order to do this, it was essential that they control the money of this great new nation and its great wealth. They knew the capabilities of Adam’s children in bringing wealth out of the Earth and obtaining the blessings of the Earth as promised to them by their heavenly Father. Satan was not stupid by any means. After Lincoln had implemented his fiscal policy of issuing money interest-free instead of printing IOU’s and borrowing the Yehudi’s private money, the hired stooges of the Yehudi attempted to use the courts to stop him but in this they failed. The Courts upheld the lawful method but this did not stop the Yehudi. They knew that a fight between brethren could be instigated and they began their work toward that end immediately. This would help them lend money to finance the war. They could then murder the leader and get Adam’s children back into line because of the debts incurred to fight the war. It was a time consuming process but completely planned to the last detail.

The great leader of the nation posed another problem for the Yehudi. He had made arrangements for the money necessary to transport all of the Enosh back to Africa. He had made it clear that the Enosh who were in the land as slaves and who had been brought to the new nation in violation of its laws by the Yehudi and their paid agents, were to be returned to their native land in Africa. This would upset the age-old plan of Satan to destroy Adam’s family by mixing them with the Enosh and polluting the Holy Seed. This was the work of Satan and his children would make very effort to do his work along this line.

It was to the best interests of the Yehudi leaders in Holland that the Northern part of the new nation be victorious in the war between the brethren of Adam’s family. They did all in their power to see that their well laid plans ended successfully along this line. They had dependable agents in high places of the nation’s national government. Most of these “front men” were of the North where Yehudi had been most active. The brethren of the South were better prepared to resist Satan’s children because of their way of life and their knowledge of the Word left to them by their Heavenly Father. It was apparent to the Yehudi that the men of the South were not as easily fooled as their brethren of the North. For this, the South has never been forgiven by Satan’s children and they vowed to destroy Adam’s children in the South no matter how long it takes or by what means they must use. They will destroy the Union if necessary, as it means nothing to them anyway. It wasn’t their Union in the first place. It would be easy for them to send some of their kind to the South to act as spies and agents for them there. This they did.

The war was successfully started and brethren were fighting brethren. While brothers of Adam’s family destroyed each other, the Yehudi sat back pulling the strings and lending the money to both sides. With their control of the press and mass means of communications, it was easy to convince the people that slavery was the main issue, when in reality the plan was to destroy the great leader of the nation, whose plans would continue unless a war were brought about. The plans of this leader and their future possibilities were feared by the Yehudi. The brethren of the North were deceived and used against their brethren of the South. This hit any birds with one stone for the Yehudi. The North was to be victorious with the help of the Yehudi and their paid agents who feared the sons of Adam in the South. The men of the South knew their Father’s word and were not as easily deceived. The Yehudi leaders knew that these Southern men would be a constant source of trouble to their plans unless they were put in an economic position from which they could not recover quickly, if ever. If these men were to become strong in the new nation’s government, the Yehudi would lose everything they had worked for since Satan began his program of destruction for Adam’s family. They would be banished from the land of Adam’s children for good. The sons of Satan recognized the sons of God and feared them, but the sons of God did not recognize the sons of Satan who were doing all in their power to destroy their good works. The sons of Satan knew that they must bring about a mongrelization with the Enosh to effectively destroy the sons of God. Their land must be taken from them and their women folk subjected to the heathen. The war was more for this purpose than anything else, although many other useful purposes of the Yehudi were served at the same time.

After the war the Yehudi sent their paid agents and spies into the South. These scalawags and carpetbaggers received their instructions from the agents of the Yehudi who were in high places within the national government. A Yehudi stooge was used to employ the national armed forces in the plan for the destruction of the South. These were the conditions throughout the South when Ya-veh, the Heavenly Father of Adam’s children, brought His divine power into play. He raised men to bring His children out of their troubles. In a little town of Pulaski, Tennessee, some of the leaders of Adam’s children organized themselves for their recovery and the protection of their people. They met secretly and studied the Word of their Heavenly Father. Eventually they adopted a garment with the Cross of Christ on their breast. One also for their horses where the Cross of Christ was emblazoned on the left flank. Their membership grew quickly as their mission was to bring righteous government to the people.

Each one took an oath to uphold, defend and protect the Constitution of the United States of America and to uphold the Constitutional Republic which was established by their forefathers. They knew the law and declared that any legislation adopted by any legislative branch of the Federal government must be in accord with and in pursuance of the Constitution. They declared our Republican form of government a government of Law, not one of men and men’s opinions. Any legislative act of the Federal government that was not in accord with the Constitution would not be recognized by them as “law”. It would merely be legislation and unenforceable because it must be in accord with the Constitution to become “law.” The legislators enacting such legislation outside the confines of the Constitution would be subject to arrest and removal from office for usurping powers not granted to them by the States or the people and for violation of their oath of office which required them to uphold, defend and protect the Constitution. Any act otherwise would be malfeasance and misfeasance in office and a criminal offense according to the statutes of the United States, which were enacted from the Articles of Confederation and the ordinances of the Territories. These had been adopted to be in effect “Forever” and this organic law had been enacted into statutes known as the “United States Code”.

After a time, the Enosh became afraid of the robed sons of Adam’s family. The Enosh were a very superstitious people and they were extremely ignorant. They believed that the robed Knights were ghosts of confederate soldiers. It was this fear in many instances that kept the Enosh from committing crime and wrong-doing. These people were so simple and ignorant that they knew not right from wrong. But they understood the punishment for wrong.

The Yehudi soon discovered that their old trick of inflation and destruction from within, was not effective with the organization formed by Adam’s children in the South. There were no traitors amongst the Knights and they carefully selected their members. But the Yehudi are children of Satan and possess all of his cunning and deceit. They decided to divide and conquer. They hired a group of paid agents who acquired some robes similar to those that had been worn by the Knights of the Invisible Empire. The group of Yehudi agents were not recognizable because they wore masks. They wore the robes and went on raids, doing all manner of evil. They murdered the Enosh and attacked meetings of Adam’s children who were of the Catholic Faith. These evil activities were planned for the purpose of destroying the effectiveness and reputation of the Knights of the Invisible Empire. If the Yehudi could destroy the reputation amongst the people, they could make it very difficult for the organization to function efficiently. This was an old trick of Satan’s and the Yehudi are experts in using Satan’s tricks. If they cannot destroy Adam’s family one way, they will use another. In many instances they will destroy their own possessions and make a hue and cry, blaming Adams children. In this manner, they keep their lesser brethren in constant fear and make them contribute more money for the evil works of the Yehudi leaders. They maintain large amounts of money in this manner which supports their long range effort to bring Satan’s government to the land. They must keep Adam’s children on the defensive, and their brethren who are the children of Satan are kept in the dark. Yet, they do the works of their father the devil. Those of Adam’s family who assist them in their blindness are also doing Satan’s work, but they are unaware of the fact. It is too bad that so many of Adam’s children remain blind. When they receive the “light” of Ya-veh, they become wise and no longer do they assist Satan’s children in their destruction of Adam’s family.


Chapter IX


The nation of God’s Kingdom grew wealthier and wealthier as the years of darkness continued. These were the blessings that had been promised by their Heavenly Father. It was the promised protection from Satan’s works. During the darkness the Yehudi had grown more powerful as each year passed. More and more of them had emigrated to the new nation from Eastern Europe, yet they remained to themselves and did not become a part of the way of life in the new nation. They contributed very little, but took much. The nation was wealthy in spite of all that the Yehudi and their international leaders could do. It was during the year 1913 that the Yehudi leaders decided to make their big move toward final destruction of the new nation. The Yehudi leader in Holland had sent his personal representative to the new nation in 1902. This representative received a very large salary and used unlimited funds to accomplish his objectives. He could buy and sell men. With his unlimited finances he became a big name in the new nation and amongst it political and financial leaders. He bought and sold “politicians” of Adam’s family. His mission was to establish a more tight control on the money of the new nation and upon its government. He actually wrote a new banking law for the nation and with his finances, prepared the way for its adoption of the Congress in 1913. Most of the good Congressmen were home for Christmas vacation when he sneaked the legislation into effect by his paid agents who had remained in the capitol to do his work. He took his agents in Congress to an island off the coast of Georgia and made the arrangements for adoption of the new banking laws which would permit the Yehudi to have perpetual control of the new nation’s money and credit. It would keep the nation in debt to the Yehudi as long as the Yehudi controlled the system. Passage of the legislation was in violation of the Constitution, but this did not matter to the Yehudi. The Constitution to them was simply a piece of paper. Just another contract that could be broken at will.

During this same year of 1913, the Yehudi organized a national organization to fit into their international scheme and to assist with internal destruction of the new nation. Its purpose was to maintain pressure on Adam’s children and to keep the lesser brethren of the Yehudi in line with the over-all objectives of Satan’s children. The excuse for its organization was deceitfully expressed as “brotherhood.” This had always been the cry of Satan’s children but it was used to deceive the family of Adam. It appealed to their righteousness but they were blind and didn’t know the difference between themselves and Satan’s children. The new Yehudi organization was instructed to use publicity, pressure, deceit, lies and all means of propaganda so that Adam’s children would not know the truth. They spoke and wrote of “brotherhood”, but of course their organization persecuted Adam’s children and never intended for so-called “brotherhood” to exist in the way that they spoke of it. Jesus had made this clear to Adam’s children but they refused to believe Him. Jesus had told his children that the Yehudi were hypocrites, speaking righteousness but not doing it. He had said that they were liars and told His children not to believe them.

Another objective of the Yehudi which was accomplished in that fateful year of 1913 was the successful enactment of a “graduated” income tax on the children of Adam and their nation. The Yehudi and their agents had obtained passage of Federal Legislation on this graduated income tax many years before, but the Courts had declared it to be in violation of the Constitution. So, in 1913, with their control of the Federal legislature, the Yehudi arranged an Amendment to the Constitution which was given sufficient financial and political backing for its passage. This was their way of implementing their long range plans to bring Satan’s form of government to the new nation. The Yehudi knew that if they could obtain passage of this amendment, Adam’s children could eventually be brought to their knees. The central government could be gradually made all powerful and could apply economic pressures on each individual citizen. It would bring all governmental power into one place where the Yehudi would have an easier time establishing their control. In spite of all these activities, the Yehudi were not satisfied. Their objective was a One World Government with all of Adam’s children and the nations of Adam’s household as their slaves. When this condition could be brought about by economic and political controls, the children of Satan could completely destroy the Creator’s family on Earth and keep the Kingdom for their father Satan. In order to accomplish their long range objectives, it was necessary to keep Adam’s children fighting amongst themselves. This could attain several objectives at one time for the children of Satan. It would provide for Adam’s children to destroy each other while the Yehudi sat back and manipulated the financial requirements. This would create greater financial burdens upon Adam’s children and maintain the debt, while at the same time keeping the pressure off Satan and his children’s evil works. It could aid the Yehudi in their financial control and lead to accomplishment of further destruction of Adam’s family in due time.

The time was just before the midnight hour when the Yehudi decided to establish full control over a strategic land area of Europe which had evaded them for many years. They planned a step-by-step destruction for Adam’s people in all of their nations. The wealthy Yehudi and their agents in the new nation of God’s Kingdom were used to finance the defeat of the strategic nation in Europe which was essential to completion of the overall victory for Satan’s children. The nations of Adam’s children had been played one against the other in a great war during the 1900’s. This was accomplished by the Yehudi in order to place many nations of Adam’s people under their financial control and in debt to finance the conflict. It also put brother to fighting brother amongst Adam’s family. Near the end of the conflict, the Yehudi in the new nation were in complete control of the government. They financed their agents and spies, sending a revolutionary leader to the European nation from the new nation of God’s Kingdom. They also sent great amounts of financial support with him. His objective was to start a revolution and murder the Christian leader of the nation and all of his family, taking the government for the Yehudi. The military intelligence officers of the nation of God’s Kingdom who were the children of Adam’s family were active in the European nation which the Yehudi were taking by revolution. One named Captain Montgomery Schuyler reported to the Chief of Staff of his Expeditionary forces in Siberia in a secret military intelligence report. Amongst many details in his report he advised that all of the military officers of Adam’s family had been murdered by the Bolsheviks. In the Black Sea Massacre it is stated that not less than eight thousand officers were murdered at Kronstadt, in the gulf of Finland, between six and seven thousand were drowned at one time. He also reported that up to the end of 1918 things had been growing steadily worse in Russia ever since the first few months of the First Provisional Government, when for a short time it looked as if the new regime would be able to bring some sort of modern government into the country. These hopes were frustrated by the gradual gains in power of the more irresponsible and socialistic elements of the population guided by the Jews and other anti-Russian races. A table made in April 1918 by Robert Wilton, the correspondent of the London Times in Russia, shows that at that time there were 384 “commissars” including 2 negroes, 13 Russians, 15 chinamen, 22 Armenians, and more than 300 Jews. Of the latter number 264 had come to Russia from the United States since the downfall of the Imperial government. In another report to Colonel Barrows, Captain Schuyler reported amongst other details as follows: “It is probably unwise to say this loudly in the United States but the Bolshevik movement is and has been since its beginning guided and controlled by Russian Jews of the greasiest type, who have been in the United States and there absorbed every one of the worst phases of our civilization without having the least understanding of what we really mean by liberty (I do not mean the use of the word liberty which has been so widespread in the United States since the war began, but the real word spelt the same way), and the real Russian realizes this and suspects that Americans think as do the loathsome specimens with whom he now comes in contact. I have heard all sorts of estimates as to the real proportion of Bolsheviks to that of the population of Siberia and I think the most accurate is that of General Ivanon-Rinov who estimates it as two percent. There is hardly a peasant this side of the Urals who has the slightest interest in the Bolshevik or his doings except in so far as it concerns the loss of his own property and in fact, his point of view is very much like that of our own respectable farmers, when confronted with the 1st WW ideal.

The conquest of the great land mass of Russia was essential to the long range goals of the Yehudi if they were to establish a World Government under their control. From this base they could move East through Asia, West through Europe to the Atlantic. It would provide a great encirclement of the one nation of Adam’s family that must be finally taken to complete the project. There has always been an area of difficulty for the Yehudi in Western Europe. This was due to a very strong nation of Adam’s children which had been a target of the Yehudi for many years. They had patiently and deceitfully arranged for the defeat of this nation at the hands of other nations of Adam’s children who could be deceived by the internal agents of the Yehudi in their lands. The international financial and political controls which the Yehudi had built up over many years were employed for this objective. The children of Satan successfully turned brother against brother to defeat this great Western European nation of God’s people whom they feared. After its defeat they arranged for an economic boycott and destruction of its money. They also made arrangements for dividing the nation in pieces to maintain future division of its people and their Adamic brethren round about. After this feared nation was defeated, the Yehudi made their move upon the land mass of Russia. Their revolutionary agents were employed successfully. The government they formed was the same type as that which they had established in the old Jerusalem when they had invaded the land of Is-ra-el before the days of Jesus. It was the same form of government that Satan and his children had always used. It was always a government that would not recognize Ya-veh, the Creator of the Universe who had come to Earth to save His Celestial family that descended from Adam. It would recognize no God but Satan. It was always under the control of those whom Jesus had identified as the children of Satan. Its objective has always been to destroy the Creator’s family on Earth and the nations which were promised to their father, thus thinking that they might keep the Kingdom for their father Satan. It is a government of deceit and dishonesty from its inception. How could it be otherwise when it is a government of Satan’s children?

As the years passed on after the great war between the brothers nations, the people of that feared Western European nation became strong again. The Heavenly Father was not to be denied, nor are His children. They had the spiritual vision and the knowledge given to His family since its arrival on Earth. This, Satan’s children could not control or with-hold. As the defeated nations became stronger, the Yehudi who had established their government in Russia used every effort to keep the people divided and weak. This nation of people must be destroyed completely or the Yehudi could never conquer all of Western Europe for their final attack against the great nation of God’s Kingdom across the seas. Satan’s children planned to launch their attack from many directions at once. From the East across the Atlantic, from the Asiatic side coming across the Bering Straits and down the West Coast of the new nation, from an island bastion just south of the nation at its strategic “under-belly”, from Mexico and from within the nation itself. The Yehudi chiefs laid plans to stir up the Enosh in the nation, promising them the lands, property and women of the men of the South who they feared and hated from the days of an earlier war. Although the children of Satan had made great headway, much work and more time was required to fulfill their long range plans. They must break down the resistance of Adam’s children as they had done in Russia. They must be wary and not make their final move until Adam’s nations were weak and divided amongst themselves. The Yehudi spies and agents must be in positions of power within all governments of the nations of Adam’s children and a super-government must be established under Yehudi control. Adam’s children must be deceitfully subjected to this super-government where they could be out-voted and controlled by the Enosh people who would participate in the super-government. And a great new war must be brought into play where the nations of Adam’s children can be brought into conflict amongst themselves to weaken and destroy them for the final takeover. The new war will give the Yehudi greater financial control because of the debt and economic chaos such conflict would bring to the nations of Adam's family. The major purpose of this interim conflict should be to completely destroy that nation of God’s people in Western Europe who had always remained strong militarily and who had remained as a thorn in the side of Satan’s children. Its strength would prevent the strategic control of the land area adjacent to the ocean gateway of the Atlantic. No attack could be made on the great new nation of Adam’s family across the seas as long as this brother nation remained free and strong. This nation and its people must be destroyed and the Yehudi would destroy it by their age-old method of deceit with no danger of Adam’s children becoming aware of who is behind the scenes. These intermediate objectives took long and effective planning with the placing of “stooges”, spies and paid agents in proper places within the governments. These were to bring about events which would lead to the war. It was the “Midnight Hour” of which the Prophets had spoken and written. Satan knew that his time was limited and that he must do his work before the dawn of daylight when the Creator’s children would awaken and destroy him and his children as they had been told to do by their heavenly Father. Satan had to work fast in terms of “time”, which is the measurement of motion. The nation which he must destroy in Western Europe was awakening to the deceitful work of his children within its borders. They were doing the same works as those which had caused them to be banished from other nations of Adam’s family in the past. Yet, this time, the were being directed more closely and were laying the foundations for the destruction of that nation. They worked closely with the children of Satan who controlled the Satanic government to the East and once again Satan’s children, the Yehudi were the advance guard for the invasion of Western Europe as they had been in the days of the Mongol hordes of Ghengis Khan. This time they were trickier. They had timed their plans well. Why should they fight these good fighters of Adam’s family who were God’s battle-axe? Why not arrange for the stupid Goyim’s brothers to do the job? With their financial and political control well established in the nations of Adam’s family, it would be an easy matter to turn brother against brother once more. Satan’s children had always succeeded in this objective in the past, so why not again? So they did. They used every means available, TV, the press, the radio, and motion pictures to distribute propaganda against the nation in Western Europe which they feared. They sent spies and agents to the great nation across the seas, which they planned to control for the success of their future World Government. They planned once more to use the great nation of God’s Kingdom and its tremendous wealth to destroy an intermediate barrier to their future final objective. Before the final blow could be arranged it was necessary that the Yehudi establish a strong position within the government of the new nation across the seas. Satan’s form of government in the land mass of Russia was being opposed by the children of Adam who were virtual slaves in that land. The Yehudi leaders ordered the mass murder of over seventy million of Adam’s children in the Ukraine. While performing these atrocities, they always murdered a few of their own lesser brethren in order to confuse the issue and hide their deceit. They were in a position to make big news about the few lesser Yehudi they had disposed of and this made it difficult to fix responsibility for the crimes. The Yehudi criminals have a slang expression for this procedure. They call it a “clean-up” or a “whitewash.” They arrange for one of their criminal element to be attacked, but seldom seriously injured. Of course it would then be silly to think that the Yehudi themselves were involved. In serious projects of great importance, they think nothing of eliminating some lesser Yehudi to provide the confusion as to the guilty party. It is a typical trick of Satan’s children. It was employed effectively in the destruction of Adam’s children in the land of Russia. It is always used to deceive law enforcement officials and relieve pressure from Yehudi leaders.

The atrocities were not completely hidden in Russia and the slave state did not produce what had been expected. The reputation of the government was falling and losing the standing amongst other nations that the Yehudi had planned. Because of these failures, it became necessary for Satan’s children to use the reputation and support of the great new nation across the seas.

Their agents had infiltrated into the new nation’s government and were immediately put to work. The moneyed Yehudi in the new nation were told what to do and what to support financially. It was an easy task for them because they had become advisors to the highest government officials in the land. They employed every means at their disposal to lay the groundwork for their top agent to reach the new nation’s leader. This leader was easily duped because he had received the financial and political support of the Yehudi leaders in his nation for many years. He was beholden to them both financially and politically. The meeting with the Yehudi ambassador was held secretly. The next day, the leader of the new nation announced that the government of Satan’s children was to be officially recognized by the government of Adam’s children. He made certain agreements, receiving promises that Satan’s form of government would not be brought to the young nation’s land, but he was just as sound asleep as all of Adam’s family were to the deceitful ways of Satan and his children. They promised anything and everything, with no intention of keeping any of their promises. The end justified the means. So, in this manner, Yehudi spies and agents were able to effectively infiltrate the new land. They used the prestige and power of God’s children and His nation to further deceive other nations of God’s children. These good nations wondered if their brethren of the young nation knew what they were doing. The Yehudi knew that if the government of Satan’s children could obtain recognition, then the people of Adam’s family who were in slave camps might give up hope for freedom or assistance from their brothers in the flesh, and be less troublesome to the Yehudi. It was necessary to break the resistance to Satan in the nations of Adam’s family who lived closer to the land where Satan’s government held sway. This was convenient to the long range plan of the Yehudi leaders and it was a necessary part of their plan. Satan’s children always kept a bag of tricks at hand and one of the tricks is to pose as very devout persons, while secretly planning to destroy the children of God’s Kingdom and their works on Earth.

The long range plans of the Yehudi were always laid with phases and objectives. If delays occurred, it was only the timing which was affected. If minor defeats or obstacles came unexpectedly, the Yehudi were always in a position to withdraw for a time and then arrange their recovery to advance from the position they had reached up to that point in time. It was with this method that they laid plans for the destruction and capture of the nation of Ya-veh’s Kingdom and the children of Adam. The economic plans provided for complete control of the nation’s money as well as the money of other nations of Adam’s children. One nation could be played against another. In this way, the power of money and gold which had been in their hands for many centuries could be used to arrange situations and conditions where Adam’s children could destroy one another in planned conflicts. Even though a few lesser Yehudi were to be lost in these conflicts, it made no difference to the Yehudi leaders so long as their over-all objectives were reached. For this reason it was essential that the money of the wealthy new nation be controlled. The leader of the new nation was used to accomplish this result. He was advised by chief agents of the Yehudi and in this manner they could deceive him as well as the nations of the entire world. They had no fear of the majority of Adam’s children because the majority could always be led by agents-provocateur and scalawags in the employ of the Yehudi. The majority had always been wrong because of their blindness that the heavenly Father had placed upon them many hundreds of years prior to the time He came to Earth to save them. He had set the time in the latter days when He would take the blindness off His people and that time has not arrived as yet. Satan and his children have been very much aware of the blindness upon the part of Adam's children and take advantage of it constantly.

During the hours of darkness the leader of the new nation had been induced by the Yehudi to stop the production of gold in his nation. He induced Congress to pass unlawful legislation which would prohibit his people from owning the precious metals that had been used as a basis for their medium of exchange under Satan’s money system for many years. This, along with the banking system that the Yehudi controlled, permitted completion of arrangements for a large war between the nations of Adam’s children and the destruction of the one nation in the old land that would otherwise stop Satan’s children from their objectives. It was a nation of Adam’s children in close proximity to the strong people, dedicated to their Heavenly Father and the teachings of Ya-veh. According to the Yehudi plans, these people must be destroyed. They were the only children of Adam capable of upsetting plans of the Yehudi to place Satan’s government in control of the entire world. The new nation across the seas could not be taken unless the spies and agents of the Yehudi could penetrate and invade the land. This they did during the days of the great conflict.

Many children of Adam’s family in that older nation which had engendered the hate of Satan’s children were killed by the air bombardments from their brethren across the seas. The bodies of these dead were disposed of by burning in large ovens and by mass burial. Here again was an opportunity for the Yehudi to use Satan’s trick of the “big lie”. The Yehudi claimed publicly that the burned bodies were those of the Yehudi. This was a “big lie” as the Yehudi criminals had stolen into the new nation across the seas on troop ships that had brought its soldiers to the old land. The invading Yehudi called themselves refugees and came to the new nation unlawfully. They called themselves by other nationalities which were of Adam’s family when in reality they were the children of Satan. The came in great numbers and were assisted by the Yehudi who were already living in the new nation. They were the advance guard of Satan’s government who came to prepare the way and to take over the new nation just as they had been the advance guard and the agents who prepared the way for the invasion of another land by the hordes of Ghengis Khan, the Mongol who was their brother of the flesh. Their agents in high places within the government of the new nation had laid plans for the financial condition of the invading Yehudi. They were to be provided with unlimited funds. One of their agents had wormed his way into the Treasury Department. This agent, along with one of Adam’s children who had been in the employ of the Yehudi, sent the plates of the nation’s money to their comrades in the old land during the conflict. The money was printed by Satan’s government and was placed into he hands of the Yehudi who were to invade the new nation as refugees. In this manner they were wealthy upon their arrival and could buy all that they might need, including land, apartment houses, motels, businesses of all kinds and even social position.

After the great conflict had accomplished results desired for the long range plans of the Yehudi, the next step was to destroy the internal government of the invaded land. The Constitution was to be scrapped. Education was to be changed. The Enosh in the new nation were to be employed against Adam’s children and the Yehudi’s revenge against the men of the South would be completed.

With approximately six million agents who had invaded the land during the great conflict, pressure was applied to remove certain information from the next census that would be taken. The data was removed because if it were included in the census it would reveal that the six million Yehudi who were claimed to have been murdered in the old land were now in the new nation. Their presence was not in accord with the immigration laws of the nation and they would be subject to deportation if discovered. Their “big lie” would then be exposed because many children of Adam’s family were awakening. They were becoming aware of the deceit and evil of the Yehudi in their land. They were becoming more and more suspicious as the Yehudi revealed himself as a supporter of Satan’s form of government. The Yehudi leaders feared prosecution and banishment from the land as had occurred in the past in other nations of Adam’s family. They used every means to prevent their exposure. The press and newspapers, the radio, the television and all means of mass communication which they controlled. In spite of this, Adam’s children were to remember the Word of Ya-veh who said, “By their works ye shall know them.”

The Yehudi leaders had promised the Enosh all of that land known as the Southern States of the new nation. They promised to give them control of the government and the rule over Adam’s children in that land. Every effort was made to advance the Enosh to high positions in the land. They were to be helped by the Yehudi in the entertainment business and be pushed ahead in every phase of the business world that was under Yehudi control. They were to be organized by the Yehudi and be agitated against Adam’s children to cause trouble and disorder throughout the land. The Enosh were to be employed as the front-line troops against Adam’s children while the Yehudi sat back in the tall grass out of danger. The disorders were planned to assist in the emergency-type government which would be necessary to the complete take-over of the land mass of Russia in the past. It was to be coordinated with their take-over of the high places in the government. Their control was so extensive that they could play both ends against the middle and have their man in any high political office they desired. It has always been the plan of Satan and his children to concentrate governmental power at one source. With this accomplished, it has been easier to steal the central source of government power.

Government spread out amongst many sovereign States would be impossible for a take-over by Satan’s children, thus they had to destroy the State governments and pull all power into one location. Their long range plans had been laid well. Many years had been employed to bring about a gradual centralization of governmental power. There was one weakness in the plans which worried Satan’s children. This was the resistance of strong men of Adam’s family in the South. The Southern States must be destroyed. The plan was to destroy the South along with the destruction of the State’s governments and the Constitution, hitting several birds with one stone and providing a means for confusion as to vital issues. The already concentrated power of the Yehudi and their agents could be used for these purposes. It would be started by stirring up the Enosh and demanding that they be put in the same schools with Adam’s young children in the Southern States. In this manner the Enosh could be used to eventually destroy the Holy seed. The Yehudi chiefs knew that Adam’s family in the Southern States would resist. Their degree of resistance would offer an opportunity to evaluate the advancement of Satan’s plans. It would also provide an opportunity to smear and harm the reputation of an old enemy, the sons of those men in the South who had nearly upset Satan’s plans during the early years of the Republic. This early antagonism had never been forgiven by Satan’s children and Satan was determined to make these Sons of God pay for their earlier stubbornness and resistance. His plans provided for using Adam’s blind children against their brethren as Satan had always done before. His paid agents were on the job and the degree of centralized power that had already been established up to this point needed testing. Here in the South was the place to put it to a test. The children of Satan had always been cautious. They wanted to know when to run.

They knew that they could go only so far with the children of Adam at each step. If they were to proceed too far in any one step the flesh of Adam’s children would become red with anger. The wrath of their countenance would appear and they would become God’s “battle-axe” as He had foretold. This was the time, the midnight hour had passed. The darkness of the night would slowly disappear and the daylight hours were near. At what exact hour the daylight would strike no one knew except the Creator. Each hour of suffering in the darkness would bring Adam’s children closer to the time when they would all see the light. When the daylight hour struck, Satan’s children would all be revealed. The children of Light would then do the works of their Heavenly Father. He would return to the Earth and bring His Kingdom with Him. Every knee would bend, every head would bow and every tongue would proclaim Him King. Ya-veh, the King of the Universe would bring His government to Earth because Adam’s children of the flesh would have seen the “light” and would have done their work which He had sent them to Earth to do. The blindness would be off them and they would know that they were the Sons and Daughters of the living God.

Their nation had performed its divine mission. It would have provided the sons and daughters of the Most High who remain and occupy the Earth, being his “battle-axe” to resist Satan until His second coming. They would have cleansed their land of Satan’s children and all “sin” which is the evil power of their God’s evil enemy. Only Adam’s children would then occupy their land, as they had been told to do from the beginning. Many of Satan’s children would be crying “peace, peace”, but there would be no peace. Many of Adam’s blind children would repeat the cry for “peace, peace”, not knowing that it is the cry of Satan to deceive Adam’s children and their nation. Satan and his children only desire the kind of “peace” that would lead to the destruction of Ya-veh and His family on Earth. It is only for Adam’s children to revive the word of their Father and realize that they will not have peace until they have destroyed Satan’s children - as they have been ordained and instructed to do. They would suddenly realize that they have been waiting for the Heavenly Father to do the things that He had sent them into the Earth to do in His Name. They have a legal “power-of-attorney” - a written authority to act in His Name. They were told to be His “battle-axe” and to fight Satan on Earth. They are to occupy the Earth and rule in righteousness with Him at the head of their government. Until this is done, no peace with Satan can be obtained.

It has been fore-ordained that victory is to be theirs but they must be brave enough to “fight” and shed their blood in sacrifice if necessary. When they do that, Victory is theirs!!!! 




(Reprint By Popular Demand)




In the formation of this Constitutional Republic, the COUNTY has always been - and remains to this day - the TRUE seat of government for the citizens who are inhabitants thereof. The County Sheriff is the only law enforcement officer in these United States of America.

The Sheriff can mobilize all men between the ages of 18 and 45 who are in good health and not in the federal military service. OTHERS CAN VOLUNTEER! This body of citizens is the SHERIFF’S POSSE. All of them serve when called by the Sheriff. The Title of this Body is POSSE COMITATUS.

This Posse is the entire body of those inhabitants who may be summoned by the Sheriff, or who may volunteer, to preserve the public peace or execute any lawful precept that is opposed. Since the Sheriff is the servant of the citizens who are inhabitants of the County, it is not his choice as to whether or not the Posse is organized and brought into being. It is only his choice as to whether or not he wishes to use it.

The Sheriff is under Oath of Office to uphold, preserve and defend the Constitution of these United States and the State in which his County exists. NOTHING MORE! It is his duty to protect citizens from unlawful acts of any person, including agencies of government. it should be emphasized that this protection extends to citizens who are being subjected to unlawful acts by officials of government, whether these be Judges of Courts or Federal or State Agents of any kind whatsoever.


The Constitution of these United States is the SUPREME LAW for the States of the Union as well as FOR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, which has been CREATED BY THE STATES. Since the Constitution is a compact (contract) by and between the People, existing as States - which are separate, sovereign Republics within the United States, - it should be made clear that the Federal Government is an “agency of the States.” The federal government is a “servant” of the States and the People, NOT THEIR MASTER! “Verily, I say unto you, the servant is not greater than his lord.” John 13:16 (THE WORDS OF THE GOD OF THIS NATION - JESUS CHRIST.)

(Continued in Next Issue)



IDENTITY is published quarterly by the Ministry of Christ Church, P.O. Box 423, Glendale, California 91209. Your contribution will be very much appreciated because IDENTITY is mailed without subscription fee.

Are you surprised to learn that the Christians of the race of Adam are the true Israel people of the Bible? (Called Caucasians because they migrated to Europe by way of the Caucasus. Do not take our mere word for it at this point but try it on for size. Jesus said “Search the Scripture” and at that time there was NO NEW TESTAMENT! So, we turn to the OLD TESTAMENT and read the following:

“Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be called AbRAham; for a father of MANY nations have I made thee; and I will make thee exceeding fruitful and I will make NATIONS of thee and kings shall come out of thee; and I will establish My covenant between Me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee and to thy seed after thee.” (Gen. 17:5-7).

The tribes of Israel are not lost, the CLERGY are lost! The Nations promised to Abraham’s descendants are as follows: Levi not to be a nation but to be preachers in all of the nations. Zebulun is FRANCE, Gad is ITALY; Issachar is FINLAND, Reuben is HOLLAND, Simeon is SPAIN, Asher is SWEDEN, Judah is GERMANY, Benjamin is ICELAND, Dan is DENMARK, Napthali is NORWAY, Ephraim is GREAT BRITAIN and the U.S.A. is MANASSEH.