ERM - Tape 109 - Secrets Of Ancient Egypt


TAPE 109.....By Ella Rose Mast




Since most of our people feel a fascination for the Great Pyramid of Giza, altho they may not quite know why, we find this old book very interesting as well as finding a slightly different theory as to why this Great Pyramid was built.

The Author follows and amplifies the theory advanced by the late Mr. Marsham Adams that the Great Pyramid of Giza was built in such a manner to be a symbolic monument of...THE SECRETS...contained in the book, 'The Egyptian Book of the Dead.' This book and the Great Pyramid are thus held to be mutually explanatory, and to enshrine the 'Secret' truths taught by those teachers of Ancient Egypt. (Secrets we believe because they were great 'Truths' not to be given to the World Order which not understanding would only corrupt. They were messages to be passed on generation after generation to a certain race of people some of whom would always understand and pass them on keeping them alive.) This book was published by the David McKay Co. Pa., in these United States, and published first in Britain. It was written just after the final work done by Lord Carnarvon and Howard Carter as they did their last excavations in Ancient Egypt.

In our day as well as over the years, those who did not understand have termed these so called 'Mysteries' as being on the Occult side of religion, but the symbolism which has veiled the deep meanings of this Ancient Wisdom Religion from which true Masonry came is still not unraveled for the World Order to see, and is still a 'Mystery' to most of our people here following the path of the World Order.

Today the word 'Mysteries' conveys something vague and indefinite or uncertain. In the olden days this was known as the instructions into the Meaning of LIFE; its origin, and its immortal nature for a people. In the lower degrees it stood for the culture of those days; for knowledge in Chemistry, History, Mathematics, Physics, and so forth. In the Greater Mysteries (truths) those practices led the aspirant gradually beyond the confines of physical experience into the realization of Immortal Life, and a knowledge of the conditions which are obtained in the Next World.

The Great Scholars of the Greeks came to Egypt to be instructed in these 'Mysteries' (teachings). Moses was also initiated, it is said, into these same Teachings. There was no difference made as to the instructions to men or women, both could be approved for learning these secret teachings. It is said that the most important or advanced teachings were reveled not to all, even some of the Priests were not included, only those who were said to be 'approved'. You will remember that these teachings were to be passed on generation after generation to people who could in their life time in the physical carry these teachings to others who would carry them on and not corrupt them in the process. They would thus need a great understanding of the Program of God to be able to do this work.

The Grand Assemblies of these Ancient people were held in the large hall of the Principal Temples, and always the King presided at person. (He was the Patriarchal leader of his people.) The purpose of these 'Mysteries' (teachings) was to give instruction into the 'secret' meaning of the religion to such as were found worthy to receive it; and second to serve as a secure foundation for the government of the country. The Ritual of the Mysteries served two purposes; like the Christian ritual, and the 15th., chapter of Corinthians, it was used for the Instruction and Edification of living, and for the service of the dead when they were consigned to their last home. This ritual of initiation was a dramatic representation of what these people believed would happen to the soul after Earth Life. The ritual was one of dramatic symbolism, and was performed in a very solemn way in the symbolic Home of Osiris, each candidate when introduced ritually represented Osiris, and all participating believed that they were actually representing what would happen to them after Death.

In the government of Egypt the nation was divided into Nomes or Counties, and each country was autonomous, or a system somewhat resembling that which later was known to us as the Feudal System. The ruler occupied the place of the Pharaoh reigning over the whole country. When the Great Assembly was held all the rulers of the Nomes or Counties represented the Gods (Aryans) under one Head. They were telling the race following them... in symbolism, that this is what they believed would be the rule in the next world. (In otherwords, in the Kingdom the rule is by the children of God in earth, under their Fathers leadership. In symbolism they were acting out their belief in who they were, and where they came from, and what they expected to go back to. This we believe was the so called 'Secret' of Ancient Egypt.)

The Egyptian Book 'of the Dead' describes these beliefs and rituals. In the interpretation of the Myth of Osiris..then Osiris (good) and Typhoon (bad) live together, but Typhoon was jealous of Osiris and killed him, cut his body up and buried it in 42 different part in each Nome or County in the nation. Isis (Israel) collected the fragments of the body of Osiris and restored it to life. Symbolically it was understood that all the Monarchs were as parts of the body of Osiris..and would die, and be raised like him. Later in Christianity we remember:...'We are all members of the body of The Christ.'

Such a mighty Civilization built on such a belief, and existing for so many Millenniums was bound to write its message deeply on the consciousness of humanity, yet today we are still studying this great message left so long ago. (No wonder Typhoon (the devil) has tried so hard to hide the message left by these people so long ago, and is still trying to rule not only the World Order but hopefully God's Kingdom people as well.)

'The Book of the Dead' is translated by Mr. Marsham Adams as...'Entrance of Light' or 'Entering into, or upon Light.' It is thus a book of Mysteries (secret teachings). As late as 700 B.C., this book was still in use. About the second or third Century A.D., it passed out of human knowledge. The carelessness or ignorance of Priests and Scribes is blamed for this loss of knowledge of those facts contained in this Book, however some individuals seemed to be well instructed in its contents much, much later and the Ancient knowledge thus remained only now it was considered a Secret Knowledge.

The Ancient Egyptians ascribed 'The Book of the Dead' to Thoth (truth) or 'The God of Letters'. 'The Book' states that it came with the first Dynasty which commenced to reign in Egypt about the time of 5004 B.C. This book was probably in oral form before being recorded. Our author tells us that it appears to have been introduced by immigrants who settled in Egypt, and gradually established their rule, and system of Ceremonies, and religious observances and beliefs.

In the words of Professor Sir Ernest Wallis Budge, if the known facts be examined then you must come to the conclusion that the beliefs of this 'Book of the Dead' were introduced into Egypt by some conquering immigrants who made their way into that country from Asia either by way of the Red Sea, or across the Arabian Peninsula. There was a Civilization in Egypt as these Immigrants came, and it is suggested that this Culture came from Ancient Atlantas originally. It is also certain that for 5000 years, the text of this 'Book of the Dead' were the inspiration of their religion, and embedded the ideas of the more instructed with regard to their own nature, and the future life. Each Dynasty as it rose to power seems to have made a revision of the texts, but the differences in the texts were very minor.

In the great Assemblies at the Celebrations only a few would know all the secrets, these were reserved for only a few, the rest of the people were to be led by their Pharaohs and High Priests, therefore the (secret) Truth could be protected and not so easily contaminated.

There is no doubt that the Great Pyramid played a great part in these meetings. Marsham Adams claims that a study of the 'Book of the Dead' which he calls...'The Book of the Masters' you compare it with the passages, and chambers of the Great Pyramid prove a definite connection between them, too great to be accidental.

This religion of Ancient Egypt was full of allusions to astronomical conceptions, and astronomical and astrological ideas were so closely blended, until much might be written on the astrological significance of many of the Monuments and Temples of Egypt. There is much more that remains to be discovered by many before all parts fit together to show that the Egyptian idea of THE ABOVE...reflected in THE BELOW.

One allusion receiving particular attention in the Papyri was;..'The Horizon of Heaven', this gave the first definite indication of the connection between the Pyramid and The Book. Mr. Marsham Adams then visited the Great Pyramid to test his theory and states that he found confirmation that filled him with Amazement. It was supposed that there was no hieroglyph on the exterior of the Pyramid, but as he arrived at the 15th., step and on the 17th., tier when the entrance shaft is hidden from an observer below, he found there a single immense hieroglyph deeply structured above the entrance, and that hieroglypyeshed was of the 'Horizon of Heaven.'


This is the Hieroglyph:

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A further correspondence is found where the 17th., chapter of the Book coincides with the entrance to the Pyramid on the 17 course...according to our author, Marsham Adams translated in the 'Book of the Dead' this way:...'I go from the gate of Taser (the ascent)'..this gate of Taser is the Gate where the God of Light lifts the Disc of Heaven, and the Gate of the North is the Gate of the Great God. Dr. Budge translates this a bit differently, as does others, yet all note that this Gate on the North face of the Pyramid opens the passage of the Pyramid of Giza.

It is then to be concluded that 'The Book of The Dead' will surely illustrate other sacred portals or passages, and chambers in the Pyramid when all is understood. The belief then arises that in this Book may be found the key to the mystery of this peculiar construction, and arrangements of the interior of the Pyramid. It is also then concluded that the secrets of the Pyramid was the peculiar possession also of the master of this Secret House. The Scrolls or Papyruses served a common purpose no doubt, perhaps the initiation into these Mysteries. The Scroll commences:..'Entrance of Light' and you will remember that the Egyptian name of the Great Pyramid was...'LIGHT'. The Papyrus was full of references to secret passages and chambers, and it is these which have been up to now such a source of bewilderment to investigators, but it would seem that Archaeological speculation and Egyptological research may now be reconciled in one explanation...Illuminating both.

This theory of Dr. Adams that the Great Pyramid was a Temple devoted to the initiation of the Mysteries of Egyptian wisdom is disallowed by those who think all the pyramids, this one included, were just places to bury their dead. However this author believes, and I concur, that the Chambers in the Pyramid served in the initiatory purposes. 'The Book of the Dead' refers to some building, no doubt some of the rituals were referring to Universal conditions, with the Pyramid to Earth..and opening to Celestial ways. To learn the message of (we would say:..The Gospel of the Kingdom) would open the entrances to the mansions of that 'House not made by Hands.' As these people, so called Initiates, advanced in learning in this Ancient knowledge, they became Master of the Secret. (We would say they realized who they were and why they were in earth.)

If you were to draw a line from the North Pole to the center of the earth, and from both to the base of the Pyramid, you have then drawn an equilateral triangle. This is very important to remember in symbolism. Our author believes that the downward Passage in the Pyramid will some day lead to the secret of other passages. The Ancient Egyptians often hid by different methods those things which were not to be discovered for a long time.

One of the most curious objects to our author that he found in the Great Pyramid was that great block of stone six feet long and nearly three feet high. It has been called..'a step'..'a dias'..'an altar' or 'a throne'. This great step makes the transition from the Northern to the Southern half of the Pyramid. It is very much in the way, almost blocking the passage, and does not seem to have any purpose that one could see, it is however just here that the 'Lost' Southern passage should begin. Our author wondered if this stone was a gigantic plug which if removed would reveal the passage. Another curious fact is that this Southern passage was apparently used not too long before he had visited, for Sir. Flinders Petrie found a large round flint pebble under the coffer in the Kings Chamber. How did the man who tilted up the sarcophagus with the desert pebble grain access to this chamber?

All agree that the Ancient builders worked to an architectural plan, it is stated that if one could find the right square of the Hypotenuse, the lines would indicate this lost passage. It is one thing to get an idea where the passages are and quite another to find them. Perhaps the future may produce this further wonder in the secrets of Ancient Egypt.

In the 'Book of the Dead' the Egyptians expressed heavenly realities by earthly symbols. The Nile thus represented the CELESTIAL STREAM. We in Identity would say the Adamic race. The Hawk was the symbol of the human personality, and the Pyramid stood for the House of Osiris...Eternal in the Heavens, that is to be established Eternally on earth. In Chapter Seventeen read:...the road to reach the horizon...'I pass through the gate of Tschert (meaning Ascent). The field (the world) is the one which produces the food for the Gods. The gate Set or Tschert is the one where God lifts up the sky. The North gate is the Gate of Trat, or through which passes the Father to reach the eastern horizon of the sky.'

There are thus two to the South where nothing grows (desert) and one if the North gate which we have already described. Our author believes that in the 'Book of the Dead' that we will find that the true entrance to the Pyramid was actually on the South face, not the opening which was broken into on the North side. From that opening on the South you could then reach the subterranean chambers which are connected to the Great Pyramid.

Our author tells us that it is common knowledge that the Mysteries (secret teachings) were taught in the east, in Chaldea, Assyria, Egypt, Greece, Italy, among the Hebrews always and even among the Mohammedans, and even among the early Christians. All the great Teachers of humanity such as Socrates, Plato, Pythagoras, Moses, Aristotle, Virgil, and St. Paul and innumerable other great names, all were said to be initiates of these sacred Mysteries. Since these teachings were 'ultimate truth'..the aim of the Mysteries was thus always one and the same, and only one and the same doctrine could be taught. Behind the official religion, behind all the great moral movements and developments in the history of humanity has stood what St. Paul called the 'Keepers of Stewards of the Mysteries'.

Always we hear about King Solomon's Seal and are told that this design today is this seal of King David's Seal. Here in this old book we are told that King Solomon's Seal has been lost in time, the origin of this symbol has been lost in the midst of the past. Like the Swastika its connection has been assigned to Ancient India and Ancient Egypt. The Jews try to pretend to derive their Cabala from Esdras, Abraham, and even Adam, but it is evident that it was in Egypt where the Jews learned to mix Oriental and Ptalonic dogmas with their own and called it Hebrew. Our author contends that the Hex Alpha or King Solomon's Seal was based on one of the principal arrangements of the Name of God. There was a Cabalistic character in each of the ten triangles of this Seal. This was the Seal of David, and Solomon's Seal as well, and it looked like this.



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Interlaced Triangles.

Equilateral triangles intersecting each other.

Exterior X's, crosses formed by intersection of extremes of angles; third cross formed by extension of lines from points of intersection of angles within. Geometrically considered, the points existing, the third cross exists before extension of lines. Similarly, if the points A and B are extended, the third cross becomes a star.


If this Hex Alpha is thus examined closely, as we are told above, it is seen that here are two crosses formed by the intersection of the extreme of the angles, and a third is indicated but not formed. If the points of the intersection of the two crosses be extended, a third cross is formed. Thus in symbolism is the Cross of The Christ with the two on either side. If the extension then through the center of the two medial points of intersection (A. B.) are changed, the cross becomes a star..and we would say the Star of Bethlehem, whereas here it is called the Star of Initiation. This true Shield of David, or Solomon's Seal, was one of the most important in all Ancient Masonry. It would thus be used by Typhoon (the devil) in the program to change the Mysteries. In Ancient Masonry the Circle represents Eternity and Infinity; the interlacing triangles formed of the compass represented Heavenly or Spiritual things, and the Square represented Matter, or Material Universe expressing the union of spirit and matter. In Free Masonry of today they still carry this legend of Hiram Abiff, but this was the story to take the place of the Master crucified between two thieves which was the symbolism of the Ancients as what was to come. The three crosses upon the Apron of the Master Mason of Ancient Masonry was thus portraying the three crosses of Calvary.

The Ancient Arabs had a strange story which no one wants to believe; they said that the Ancient Egyptians had a system of control in the Great Pyramid in which certain Priests could by moving certain levers open doors and swing great rocks on pivots, thus giving admission to different passages of the Great Pyramid. When we think of the great Stones being lifted to build the Pyramid, perhaps the Arabs were also correct.

In his book 'Life and Work at the Pyramid', Smith states that there is a granite leaf or 'boss', which indicates the entrance or undiscovered chamber. This Granite leaf, altho small compared with the principal stones around it, is not formed of one piece, but two, one is placed above the other, and the upper looks curiously like a handle to pull the upper half of the granite leaf upward in its grooves, and perhaps it would disclose a small hollow space containing a key to the Pyramid. Piazzi Smith believed there was another chamber still undisclosed, one which will prove to be the very key room of the whole Monument.

In Symbolism the meaning of the Egyptian Mysteries was that you entered these teachings as an unilluminated human personality, then as you progress you realize that you are as the Phoenix Bird, or as one who never dies. In fact the Mysteries raise the consciousness until you are aware of your Divine or higher self. You then come out of this teaching with the knowledge which is termed secret...but which we believe is that you know who you are and why you are in earth.

It was from the Phoenix Bird story that those not understanding came up with the teaching of re-incarnation, but the Phoenix Bird is the symbol of Resurrection, and the return of the human spirit, transformed into a God who giveth Light. In the symbolism in 'The Book of the Dead' you find this use of birds as symbols of many things. A swallow perched upon a tomb means the return from the other world in a New Body. These things are thus the secrets taught in rituals, and proclaimed on Monuments..The Knowledge of Immortal Life...not as a mere opinion, not as a matter of Faith, but as an individual experience it is here expressed in this way:...'Thou has not gone Dying, but hast gone LIVING unto Osiris.'

The Secrets of Ancient Egypt are not wholly revealed in the Ancient books, and we also possess only a small part of those Ancient writings. The 'History of Egypt' by Manetho, an Egyptian Priest, was destroyed when the Great Library was burned at Alexandria, Egypt. However the fragments we have are confirmed by the Ancient Monuments. In Ancient Egypt the Priests were the Schoolmasters, and the Doctors, and we should thus look to the writings of the Priests which have unraveled the Mysteries.

There was also another Monument of Antiquity in Egypt which was the Sphinx. It is directed accurately toward the East so as to face the rising sun at the time of the Equinox. There was a Temple between the paws of the Sphinx which we have told you about before, and it extends under the Sphinx and some think this connects with the Great Pyramid underground. Most of the writers do not seem to know much about the Sphinx, although they say it was a Protector, but of what is not known. In this old book we read:....(quote) 'It will probably be left for America to find the solution to the problem of the Sphinx.' In our tape series we have told you from the Swift Ministry about the finding of this Temple between the Paws of the Sphinx, and that George Washington knew so many things about those Ancient Monuments. Also the message of Dr. Swift in his Identity work then parallels this so called...'Secret' or Ancient Mysteries of Egypt. Again we ask you...was not Dr. Swift a 'Light Carrier' for the race? Was this Ancient knowledge of who the people of this Adamic Race really were, and why they were in remain a secret to the World Order? Why? Because there was so much time still to be fulfilled, and if such a suggestion is brought out then immediately the persecution mounts. You are to remember that the Kingdom develops 'quietly' in this complicated World Order, it is set in place in spite of all obstacles thrown in its way.

(Matthew 13:51-52)..'Therefore every scribe which is instructed unto the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a man that is a householder which bringeth forth out of his treasures things OLD AND NEW.' Our modern Religious leaders want to start with the Resurrected Christ and preach only personal salvation. The true teachers of the Gospel of the Kingdom must start with the origin of the Kingdom race and teach the Israel Prophecies. They must complete the story of the OLD before they can teach the true meaning of the NEW. Why? 'Because it is given unto you to know the Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, unto them (the world order) it is not given.'

There is another discovery which has been unearthed partly in Ancient Egypt that has yet to be fully excavated or even described completely. This was found at Abydos and it was under 40 feet or more of rubbish, but here they found a doorway, and as Sir. Flinders Petrie and Mis M.A. Murry were digging they opened this doorway and it led to a passage 40 feet long leading downward. Here they found underground a most wonderful building, what appears to be one of the Ancient chambers of the Great Mysteries. It is thought to correspond to the one which exists beneath the Great Pyramid. This building seems to date from the time of the building of the Great Pyramid if not earlier. It is constructed of immense stones, larger than those found in any other Temple or Tomb. The two sides are not paved, but consist of a continuous tank filled with water, which runs around all four sides of the building entirely isolating the wide central nave which is nearly the width of the water channel. The Central nave is reached only by steps from the water, and a boat is necessary to gain those steps. The Crypt is said to have been connected to the Nile by an underground canal. It seems that the old engineers where aware of the existence of this under ground sheet of water known as the Subterranean Nile which still surrounds a crypt...deeply buried for thousands of years. This was said to be the sacred Barque of Osiris. (The Barque was a three-masted sailing vessel like the sacred Barque of the heavens in the Star Bible which takes the children home to Their Father.)

Perhaps even more lost records of Ancient Egypt will be found when Abyssinia is explored from an Archaeological point of view, for you remember that this country was at one time a part of old Ethiopia.

We remind you that since this book was written there have been some discoveries in Egypt but there has been no change in this message left by these Ancient Egyptians of this Adamic Race. It is the same message they left from Ancient India to America, only in Egypt they early established this total message in symbolism by building the Great Monuments to their Faith. They established a civilization which remained for thousands of years and the building went on and on for years and years. In total control of the nation they were unhampered by the enemy as they built their great monuments and reminders of their Faith. Perhaps America, after the Kingdom is established in rule over the earth, will be the one to completely uncover these Ancient messages which will be more revealing than even in Ancient Jerusalem.

(End of this message)