ERM - Visions And Various Vol 3


Report by Ella Rose Mast







On Friday, Sept. 14, 1803, Joanna was informed that a Clergyman had said:--"we know enough already, and we want no other prophecies to teach us more. We shall never have any more knowledge, and we do not want it."

Joanna was ordered by the 'spirit of truth' to take her Prayer Book in hand and to place the words as she would be directed:--"Repent ye, for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand.”---Then:--"Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven"----Then next:---"All the earth doeth worship thee, the Father everlasting. The Heaven and earth are full of thy majesty and Glory. Prophets praise thee. The Holy Church thru out the world doeth acknowledge thee. O LORD, let thy Mercy lighteth upon us. Blessed be the LORD GOD of Israel, for he hath visited and redeemed HIS People. Send the HOLY GHOST, and pour into our hearts that most excellent gift of charity. Have Mercy upon the Jews, the Turks, the infidels and the heretics. Fetch them home blessed LORD to thy flock, that they may be saved among the remnant of Israelites, and be under one fold, one shepherd. (This remember was the prayer book of the Church of England at that time.)

After Joanna had placed all these writings from the prayer book the SPIRIT THEN ASKED THE MINISTERS. Now what do you know? You say that I have visited earth and redeemed my people, and all the ends of the earth have seen my salvation. So what darkness do ye want to have enlightened, or what chain of your sins do ye want broken? If you already have the light then what do you want put on you? I have told you that I will deal with the church according to their prayers for that standard is the standard all must come to.


The first is last, the last is first,

And I shall now begin

So perfect as the prayers do stand

The church I say shall end.

And all the glory of the LORD

Shall in the church appear.

And all the listening nations round

Shall their redemption hear.

Marvelous things I have begun

and marvelous all shall be

Until the ends of all the earth

MY goodness they shall see.


The SPIRIT ANSWERED THE CLERGY MAN saying; all the prayers are not consistent one with the other as things stand now. So here they formed their prayers like their understanding of the scriptures with one thing contradicting another.

As to the conduct of the Clergy Joanna wrote a letter---One Clergyman had been in favor of the writings of Emanuel Sweedenburg, who had written 30 years before Joanna. But they were forgetting that nothing was to be made known until a certain time, for the powers of darkness would be trying to find knowledge of the divine plan of human redemption. And in that case the arts of hell would endeavor to defeat. It is then noted that out of about 20,000 Clergy of the Established Church only three came at first to inquire of these truths that the Spirit of Truth was proclaiming thru Joanna Southcott.

Now as to the Woman (REV:12) she shall not be ashamed, she is not to be ashamed, not to be put to confusion. For I will shame all that confound her. To all of her children shall be the Peace (Understanding). For every hand that is against her I will destroy for her sake.

On the Calvinistic Methodists, she wrote:---This is the meaning of the seven spirits, or the seven stars in Revelation. This was a sermon lately delivered by a popular preacher of the opinion of John Calvin which she is talking about. For he had said only a part of the human race is elected to salvation. It seemed that the Methodist were preaching this doctrine and they were taking the bible to be only for them. They were called the Calvinist Methodists. They were saying that the seven stars are their preachers.


Then she says: As to the sealed number, Satan will now pursue my Sealed people, by temptations within and persecution without. (Thus she is telling us that as soon as this knowledge of the understanding of this mystery of the Scriptures (REV:12---19-22) was known then Satan would go after that knowledge to try to side track it. Then it is asked, ‘Would men then stand to fight for Christ's kingdom to be established and for Satan to at last be destroyed????’





BOOK 20--Volume 3---Joanna Southcott ---(review by E.M.


Joanna explains that she never understood what she wrote before the meaning was explained unto her, so all things had been fulfilled different from her judgment. And she has been assured that this will always be the case. Therefore, she was not to be afraid to publish to the world.

One thing that she was to publish was that the LORD said that his anger was now kindled against the Shepherds for they were not feeding the sheep. He said they were like skeletons, they were like dry bones.

Joanna was puzzled at this and was ordered to leave off her writings and go to her job and ponder on this for a while. Then she realized that only judgments would awaken the nation to believe in the visitation of the Savior, for them to be looking for the coming of Christ. Therefore, she could not pray for the promised judgments not to come. Then she is told that the judgments mentioned are to come on Satan's kingdom. So again she was corrected in her understanding. Of course she wanted Satan's kingdom to fall. Then the SPIRIT told Joanna, ‘I pity ignorant men, but how could I screen them, and pour out my fury on the devil, unless they (MY Children) are also wishing for the destruction of Satan's kingdom, and MY kingdom to be established. Now you are to understand, that in no other way --in honor--can I protect (Adam) man for as you condemn each other in hypocrisy so doth Satan condemn ME. Therefore do you not see that (ADAM) man must condemn Satan, then I will be able to bring down his kingdom. As I let him (Satan) try Job so have I let him try all (Adamic) men, to bring on his (Satan's ) own destruction. OH, ye blind leaders of the blind, and all fall in the ditch. And now the Bible is to be brought to your remembrance, from creation to Redemption, but how few regard whether they are redeemed or not! Now judge for yourselves ye fallen sons of Adam (and she wrote this fallen sons of Adam). What a hazard this Woman (Rev:12) hath run to follow on and to know the LORD, or by what spirit was leading Her. Did she not run the hazard, in the first place, to lose all she had in the world, and leave all to follow on to know if I had spoken to her? Did she not run the hazard of kindling the wrath of hell against her, by her dispute with Satan in the beginning in 1792? Did she not run the hazard of being discovered if a wrong spirit had led her, by putting the letters in the hands of ministers? I TELL YOU THAT THE SHEEP PERISH FOR WANT OF A SHEPHERD.

Then the message to Joanna goes on:---MY visitation unto you Joanna, is to bring (Adam) man to the knowledge of the good, as Satan brought them to the knowledge of evil. I do this so man will search their hearth and prove them, and they that approve of MY way and wisdom, and my distress will fit companions be to reign with ME. The Saints that are living now and ashamed of ME and my Gospel and the wisdom of my death and the manner of my coming in the spirit to reveal all mysteries --unto them I will be ashamed of them before my father who is in heaven.

NOW:--I shall be ashamed but in my Father’s house there are many mansions and as one star differs from another in Glory, so will also the difference be in the Saints. (For is it not written that All Israel shall be saved? Then if necessary he will enlighten them.)

Now as to the MARRIAGE OF THE LAMB:--The spirit of truth says that it is compared to marriage, for this means that he comes to unite the nations (of true Israel), and to enlist all men under my banner. But they must choose ME for the Bridegroom. No matter however his affections may be without marriage, this is not perfect. I now tell you, however strong your heart may be given unto ME. I am not bound in honor to protect you as a bridegroom, to enjoy my kingdom of Peace without out your hands being given with your hearts, that you may reign with ME the 1000 years.

Therefore, this is compared to marriage. Know then that the sealing is said to be to the day of Redemption.---Then I shall visit MY people and shall enter into a Marriage bond with them. The Handwriting is the hand given, and the seal is the Marriage ring, and the name that is sealed in the forehead is the name that is also sealed in the head by Baptism. Thus this must come to the standard of the (true) church.



THE VISION OF THE GREAT SHIP----by Joseph Prescott

Joseph Prescott had a dream. He was sitting at work an he beheld a great ship apparently at anchor, the deck was covered with people. On the stern was printed ---FAITH--- the land nearest to the ship looked like a rock on which a number of people were standing and also an Angel with a glass in his hand, seeming as tho letting people look thru it. Over these people was an Angel blowing a trumpet, and some of them were looking up at him. Toward the top of the picture was a being like our Savior, encircled by a splendid light. At a distance from the people were dark clouds rolling like smoke. On the other side of the water there was a great brightness as if the sun shown with splendor.

There he saw many people but they appeared small as tho a long way off. Near the water on the same side was another Angel arrayed in various colors, on a cloud, apparently conveying those who were marked as 'Chosen'. And with a sign saying that they shall be tried as gold in the fire. (II Esdras 15:21) The Spirit says: like as they do yet in this day, unto my Chosen, so will I do also and recompense in their bosom, so saith the LORD God.

(Now this great ship, is it not Argo, which I explained to you as Hale-Bopp traveled thru it?) The rock is the Rock of Ages that stands firm as the dark cloud came to the (Adam) man in the fall. That Rock was fixed for man in the type of Moses when he was warned to call the children of Israel from the land of the Pharaoh. They were restored and Pharaoh was destroyed.

Now it is not the scriptures of the Bride that is withdrawn from earth, but is to appear in the SPIRIT in the latter days, to show the promise that was made to Eve. She was to appear in the last days to all true believers. For who so ever is delivered from evil of sin and power of the devil will see all the wonders that I promised to the Bride in the Creation.

Now the picture of the ship of an Angel leading the people out of the dark cloud they were in is like God leading his people out of Egypt with his power standing over them, so as to destroy the enemy. You say, but there was the open sea before them? But wait there was the ship before them, thus now see that the gospel must now join the law for "I work miracles.” Notice how Peter gained the faith to launch into the great deep when he saw Christ walking on the water. Deep is the Ocean, but deep also is MY words, and shallow is man's understanding. But men are brought in by Faith. And I tell you now, it is to try the hearts of men and to prove the wisdom of men whether they can see the justice of MY ways, and decrees in Creation and Preservation. For this cause I have ordered ALL to be now put in print. for men are now to search the scriptures and see the truth of MY Bible and the depth of MY wisdom in all things that I know the (Adam) men have questioned. And do some still blame their maker to the same extent that Adam did? Therefore I come now in the spirit to throw open the bible to all who will hear and judge for themselves.

Joanna then says, ---I have faithfully given now to the world the words of the LORD given unto me, and I am ready to answer to the world for every truth I have inserted. But the names of the Clergy I would not have put in print, if I had not been strictly ordered to do it. So I conclude with the words of St. Peter: ‘Whom ought we to obey?---God or man? Judge ye."







Book 21---volume 3, by Joanna Southcott.



Joanna is ordered to warn the Bishops and Clergy in MAY and now comes the Fast day and out of their mouths many things. And YAHWEH condemns them all, if they are neither hot nor cold, but only lukewarm.

If they are only lukewarm they are condemned from the very scriptures they have placed for worship. If they say they have need of nothing then HE says they are blind and naked. That HE hath counseled them to buy of HIM true gold that they may be clothed that the shame of their nakedness not appear. (Nakedness means they have no knowledge).

Then from the Spirit comes these words:---The ministers are turning back their letters of Joanna's warning to them, now when there is coming this New Covenant with (Adam) man. The LORD is to do away with the first and to establish the last by the woman's perfect obedience, and to keep her from seeing the forbidden fruit. They are bound to come into her presence, that they may not fall another time.

When Joanna saw this one of her first pages of writing, she is then fearful that (Adam) man has fallen again. Then Joanna is assured that now she can give a more clear picture of the judgment than man because she had discerned what is fulfilled of the scriptures and what is not. She was thus chosen to warn the Shepherds. For YAHWEH does not strike before he warns. But if the warning is not taken then the chastisement comes. Thus the letters to the Clergy were for a warning, and if denied the consequences will be felt.

The time has now come for all things to be fulfilled, and Man's redemption draws nigh. For the Kingdom of god is also at hand. But men do not read this. They stop where they ought to begin. The sign given to Hezekiah of the sun going backward is a sign. Now all shall go backward when those who wait upon the LORD shall inherit the earth. For those signs were given for the end.

Joanna had said that if the Shepherds did not take the prophecies to heart that the LORD would cut their land. Well then the king was stricken first and the Shepherds began to wonder if she could be right. The people at large were beginning to hear and to turn. Then Joanna receives a communication from the Spirit that again explains something she had wondered about. Remember --the mother and sisters of the LORD:-- so is it with the lender. Let the brethren weigh this deeply. As the woman was in the creation, as taken from man, she was his sister and as the bearer of his children she was the wife, and mother. As the woman was at first so this is her state as God comes to free her from the fall of the woman. Here I have placed the mother, wife and sister, all there for the helpmate of (Adam) man. and by the work of you three, then HE will complete this picture for the woman is the true helpmate. And now I complete (Adam) man's happiness by these three and no other way will it be accomplished. They are my mother, sister and wife. And let the man accept them as a true helpmate if they wish to be alive in me. For they died in Adam. These three are a shadow of My Gospel. And your work (Joanna) shall go on until your light shall break forth in the morning and the truth be made clear as the Noonday sun. For the woman is the true helpmate for the man, for without the woman I shall not bring any other happiness for (Adam) man.

Joanna then receives letters from the ministers, and she then answers all those letters sent to her. Some ministers are very skeptical as to her writings but she notices the women are writing many letters and are coming to agreement.





BOOK 24---Letters and communications of Joanna Southcott. (Review by E.M.)

Joanna is still publishing letters and communications between her friends and some are critical and some are not. But she still holds fast to her faith. And then she is told that This is the New Covenant that she is now to consider. And God is a covenant keeping God. These who keep the new covenant will have a part in the first resurrection and the second death has no part no power over them. For these are the first redeemed upon the earth and their leaves are for the healing of the nations. If any man adds to or takes away from this covenant he will add to his own destruction and his name will be blotted out of the "Tree of life,” and have no part in it.

(Now, I ask you. Who did he make the New Covenant with? Was it not the House of Israel and the House of Judah? If the Biblical story was to come with the understanding of the story of Revelation 12, then move to the 19th chapter of Revelation, then on thru chapter 22, and who is identified here, but those two houses of Israel. This has to be the people with Abraham as their ancestor and who believe in YAHWEH, who is YAHSHUA in the flesh. If you do not find them in Israeli, do not be surprised. For they do not believe in the Christ. And in America the American Jews have an attitude, no one, not even God, can tell them what to do. Contributing revelation becomes nothing more than popular practice wagging the Divine will. (From the Jerusalem post 6/28/97.) (Thus we ask just who then is this new covenant for?)

Now as to the two ram's sacrificed by Moses, which we mentioned before this. The Spirit now tells Joanna:---all of these animal sacrifices were only types and shadows of the last days. But did these types and shadows last forever? Look to the Jews, they did not believe in ME nor in My Gospel, yet these types and shadows of the last days do not last forever. For as the changes of the season come bringing summer and winter seed time and harvest, new seed was sown. The time of the cutting off of the old has come and then instead of sacrifices and offerings then God commands the bread and wine to be kept in remembrance of HIM, till HE comes with the word and the bread that cometh down from heaven. Then know it is MY flesh that must be your food. And My blood that was shed must be for your drink. (In the communion.)

Now to explain.---Ye have kept the sacraments in remembrance of ME--not as my flesh must change your vile bodies and make them like MY glorious body that death might be swallowed up in Victory. MY word is to be the bread of life, that as in Adam all died, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. This is the bread of heaven. And these are my words left on record which if man believes he will find my flesh to be flesh indeed. Spiritual food, spiritual meat, and my blood shall cleanse you from all sins. He that denieth this, denieth My bible and doth not keep my sacraments according to my Words, the Bread of life coming down out of heaven, but thinks it according to the customs of men, the bread of men, and not according to the word of God--then remember that it is the New Covenant that the LORD made with (Adam) man. And thus the iniquities of the Father shall no longer be laid on the children, but now it is the soul which died. This New Covenant cuts off the fall from them that believe in the Resurrection, and in and thru the merits of Christ.

Today the Clergy are working hard to bring the day of vengeance upon (Adam) man. But the time has come for Satan's curse to fulfill the promise made so long ago. Those who would make God a liar in the promises he made when embodied are no more clear today, they were so long ago. Yet the wicked are to be trodden down, and become ashes under HIS feet. This was prophesied by the prophet Malachi and from the Gospel of John. Record that God hath given unto us Eternal life and this life is like unto His son (embodiment).

Joanna has come to the conclusion that the Clergy do not know any more about the bible than they do of her writings. Altho some of the ministers are beginning to come.






BOOK 22--volume 3 ---Joanna Southcott


More letters and communications.

The parable of the little flock of sheep---

A man was tried in Exeter for stealing a band of sheep. He said he was going to the fair and some sheep jumped over the wall and followed him. He rode as fast as his horse could run but the sheep ran before him. He turned and went home and the sheep in an instance turned and came home with him. Well they tried him in court and the judge thought that he was innocent but the Jury convicted him. So the Judge tried another jury, and this went on for some time. Finally the man confessed that he had murdered the master of the house and then gained the favor of the widow and married her. Then he was going to the same fair the Master was going to when he killed him, and the sheep jumped over the wall and followed him.

Joanna is then told that all of the mysteries of the Bible will finally all be brought to light and concealed murders made known. "Blessed be the LORD, for now the murders will be brought to justice."

Joanna writes of many dreams and visions and then some of her private life. Then she had a dream about Jezebel. And the spirit told her that Jezebel was the woman that was now healing the wounds of mankind by the arts of the devil. (The woman of Rev.) Her lovers and her adulterers are the Clergy thru out the land who love to heal the nations in their sins, and their blood without searching their wounds to the bottom. They adulterate the bible with Adulteries that man would commit, such as fornication with an adulterous woman. They heal the wound that is in the man without drawing out the corruption that is from the devil. Thus the Clergy are doing the same thing binding up the wounds without removing the corruption, and if they do this, they soon have a worse situation. They are healing the souls of men without drawing out the root of evil and destroying it.

Joanna's brother came to help her after their father died. He at first tried to deny her writings but was finally convinced that she was right. This book thus is about people who were connected in some way to Joanna as friends or family and all testify as to the ordeal that she went thru trying to bring this knowledge of the Spirit to the world. But they are now to look to the new covenant which had as of now not been implemented. But just think as to what Joanna is telling the people. Now they were to find the true identity of the people of the Bible, this Israel of the Book. This would sure be a new thing for the church to think about. For the New Covenant says that YAHWEH makes a new covenant with the House of Judah and the House of Israel different than the first covenant. And now they are to stand together as one race, identified before the world.


Every time that Joanna or someone close has a vision or a dream, an explanation comes from the spirit. Those letters published no doubt were of much interest to her friends, that being the reason she published them. Thus, to us they are not of that much interest only as to explanations of events.