Thou Art A Holy People, 5-25-65
By Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 5-25-65
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By Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 5-25-65
By Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 5-23-65
In our subject we are reading from Revelation 6:------And John saw----and behold a White Horse:---- and he that sat on him had a bow:---and a crown was given unto him:---and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 5-20-65
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 5-16-65
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 5-10-65
We turn tonight into the subject of God declaring --'They shall acknowledge my sons.' And I think it most important that we understand these facets as they relate to you and me. As they relate especially to the people who constitute his household, who make up tonight, a company of nations and a great nation in the earth.
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 5-9-65
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 5-2-65
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 4-20-65
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 4-11-65
In this great nation under God we have watched the fulfillment in the last 175 years of some of the greatest of God's truition and promises upon a people. To those who are the children of this Book, it is impossible for a people and a nation like ours of this western civilization and culture of which we are a part, to develop in the earth without having the attention of prophecy, or the proclamations which relate to its destiny, by the Most High God.
by Dr. Wesley A. Swift - 3-29-65
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