06-01-66 Bible Study Q&A

Wednesday Night Bible Study - Questions and Answers

By Dr. Wesley A. Swift


QUESTION:--In the time of Enoch's prophecy he had prophesied that there would be a star--a sign which would pass to the head of Virgo and then during the pregnancy of Mary, then Saturn and Jupiter would come into conjunction three times. Did this star have a name that came to the head of Virgo?

06-24-66 Bible Study Q&A

Wednesday Night Bible Study - Questions and Answers

By Dr. Wesley A. Swift


QUESTION:--I have read that all Semites are not Israelites. That Gad, Asher, Dan, and Naphtali, were from servant girls and were not true Israelites. They were of mixed blood. How would that be reckoned?

07-06-66 Bible Study Q&A

Wednesday Night Bible Study - Questions and Answers

By Dr. Wesley A. Swift


Here are some questions that have come in from our tape audience that I think that we should answer.

1. What evidence do we have that we pre-existed before we were born

2. What did we do before we were born into the world?

10-05-66 Bible Study Q&A

Wednesday Night Bible Study - Questions and Answers

By Dr. Wesley A. Swift


Question:----Genesis claims God created Adam and not Eve for a while until Adam had a chance to look around and couldn't find a mate---why did he do this?

Answer:----So as to get it into the record.

11-16-66 Bible Study Q&A

Wednesday Night Bible Study - Questions and Answers

By Dr. Wesley A. Swift


QUESTION:--What is the meaning of the serpent flying around the staff?

ANSWER:--You mean the caduceus?

QUESTION:--Well, the snake is supposed to be the symbol of the Jews, so why did the doctors choose it?